I had the best time in Bali

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had the best time in Bali, thank to IVHQ and the local team, and , now that I’m back home, I can’t stop thinking about the next volunteering trip with IVHQ. I was really well surrounded, from the preparation before leaving with my online correspondent, going through the local team and until the coming back home advices with an other online correspondent.
IVHQ told me everything I needed to know about the country, the culture, the food and the behavior I should have before leaving. They told me what I had to expect from the accommodation and the program there and it helped me making a precise idea of the trip and really reassured me before leaving.
Once I was there, I met the sweetest people, which was the local team, who were always happy to help, answer our questions or spending great time with us.
I had a lot of fun doing my program, I loved doing what we did, I loved thinking that we were useful and helping the local community and my coordinator were kind and funny.
The country itself was also really nice to visit, we were lucky to be surrounded by local people who were giving us advices on where to go and what to see and even helping us planning our weekends trips. I loved discovering Bali and its culture.
Finally, I’d like to say that I met so many amazing people, I got along with a lot of the volunteers who mostly were the same old as me, had the same “life situation” and the same points of interests. I made some really good friends there and will definitely meet them again soon!
Thank to IVHQ for the quality assistance that made me feel so safe before, during and after the trip.
My head is now full of amazing memories and experiences from that trip, I can’t wait for the next one!

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