Major Craic

Housing: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This was my first time in Ireland and staying in a small town like bundoran has been a absolute amazing experience. Bundoran being such a small town makes it so easy to navigate as its easy to learn the roads and business in town. This makes its all the easer to adapt to moving for the 10 weeks. Being in adventure the group is busy most days and being able to go out on the town after a busy week is very satisfying after learning the town. I enjoyed being in adventure as most of my time was filled with different adventure activities we were given each week. This made the freedom we were given during our free time all the better. This has been such an amazing trip and im so glad i did this before going to college. I feel more confident in my traveling skills and my people skills then i did before i left for IGY. The people ive met while on this trip i will truly remember forever as even the leaders and the local people ive met as left such a impact on me. I enjoyed our daily adventures so much as somehow everyday we'd take on a new unique challenge.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed