
Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My experience at Let’s Korea ( Global E&S), as an intern, was one of the best opportunities! I’m really thankful for such a welcoming staff that made the experience fun and educational. I got hands-on experience in the field of my major, and got the opportunity to work in a team as well as individually on projects. The staff was very kind and welcomed us, and made the whole experience a lot of fun! I enjoyed going to company lunches and the occasional company dinner. Having a set schedule and knowing the job tasks asked of me made it really easy for me to be comfortable in the setting. I have a lot of anxiety, so taking this internship was really hard for me at first. I was worried about whether or not I would make friends, if I would get to see interesting things and see popular places. But I was able to plan around my work schedule and find something fun to do every weekend. The memories I made here in Korea are ones that I treasure a lot! Having the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds taught me a lot on how to work together with a lot of differences between me and others. Seoul was such an amazing city to explore and learn about. I think that I grew a lot as a person, and got to grow my professional skills as well! I also got to improve my Korean speaking skills, and listening!

I would do it all over again!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed