Barcelona Travels

Academics: 2
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I would definitely reccomend traveling abroad in Barcelona. The locals are overall extremely nice, and there is plenty of opportunity to practice the language. However, it is not necessary to know Spanish very well. The social scene in Barcelona is unlike anything that I have experienced, and there is always something to do any night of the week. The academics here are not challenging compared to in the United States, which is nice because it gives plenty of opporunity to see the city and travel a lot. I found that the biggest challenge I faced in day to day life is getting used to doing simple things such as going to the pharmacy or doctor. These tasks may be easy in the US, but here they seem like a whole other challenge. My biggest advice is to not be scared to put yourself out there. Be proud of who you are, people will be nice to you and help you if you are nice to them. A smile is universal.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed