Internships in Vienna, Austria

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Internship Programs in Vienna

Internships in Vienna, Austria


To be ranked in the number one position on the Mercer Quality of Living Survey in 2011, you would think Vienna would have a lot going for the city. The truth is, you would be right.

Vienna carries a rich cultural legacy. Musicians such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig Van Beethoven traveled to Vienna to work there, making it the City of Music. It is also known as the City of Dreams because of its status as home to Sigmund Freud. There are also various breathtaking architectural masterpieces throughout the city, varying from Baroque castles and gardens to the 19th-century buildings of the Ringstraße to the unique stylings of the Hundertwasserhaus. Vienna, also a chosen destination for international congresses and conventions, is home to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), and many more.

Top Industries

  • Marketing: Since Vienna is such a cultural hub, marketing has become a popular career field. As a marketing intern abroad, you will gain unique insight into the globalization of advertising, marketing, and public relations. Vienna is home to some big companies and marketing firms which will be perfect stepping stones into the world of international advertising. Be prepared to be kept on your toes with a variety of tasks such as research, competitive analysis, design, and much more!
  • The Arts: With Vienna’s rich history in art of all varieties, it’s clear why art internships are popular. You could gain experience working in museums, theaters, businesses, and service organizations engaged in the fields of arts, culture, and entertainment in Vienna. Furthermore, music is so important in Vienna’s history that you can also find internships for music or musical research. Vienna truly is a city for the artists to appreciate, work in, and get ahead.
  • Public Service: If you are interested in public service in Vienna, there are many internships available in environmental, social, medical, and charitable organizations throughout the city. Learning about public service in a foreign city is a great way to learn about the diverse field and how you can get a career started. Your experience abroad will help you stand out when you come home and will expand your opportunities for service-learning.

Need to Know

When and Where to Look for an Internship:

Most internships in Vienna are located in the city center, major districts, or business districts such as Donaustadt. You should be able to find an internship throughout the year no matter what field you are interested in. There are plenty of placement programs that can help you find an internship, or you may look on your own to find unique and exciting opportunities that fit your needs.

Cost of Living in Vienna:

If you choose to live in a major district of Vienna, you will likely be paying a slightly higher price for rent per month than those living in the suburbs or smaller parts of Vienna. Overall, your rent for a one bedroom apartment will lie between 400€ and 700€. Some placement programs will provide housing in their fees. More information and details can be found at

Work Culture in Vienna:
  • Etiquette: Overall, the work environment in Vienna is fairly conservative with high value placed on first impressions, presentation, and dressing. Due to the conservative settings of business, the general greeting is a handshake. Be sure to use the person’s title and surname until you are invited to use their first name. Business is fairly formal in Austria and a personal relationship is not needed. Your co-workers in Vienna may also be a little blunt and to the point.
  • Language: The majority language in Austria is German. Depending on what kind of internship you are working in and whether or not you are using a placement provider, you may or may not need to be fluent in German. You should at least have a small understanding of the German language no matter what to help you get around Vienna.
  • Networking: Although personal relationships are not needed in Viennese business, it will not hurt to reach out through networking organizations. The major networking organization in Vienna is the Vienna Business Association.
Work and Labor Laws in Vienna

There are currently no laws protecting trainees or interns in Vienna. As a temporary employee, you may or may not be protected under full labor laws in Austria. It is best to check with your employer or provider about what rights you have while working in Vienna.

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