Staff Spotlight: Jenny Torres

Program Director in Peru


Jenny Torres was born in Huancayo, a beautiful city nestled in the Peruvian highlands. Since 1999 Jenny has developed a remarkable career in Social and Human Development work. Currently she is committed to bring positive change in Peruvian society through volunteerism and grass-roots initiatives. As a dedicated activist in women and children's rights she provides free legal advice and counseling in her community. Since 2008, Jenny is the Country Director of Volunteering Solutions in Peru. Jenny graduated with honors from UIGV with a Bachelor of Laws. She has specialization in Social Projects Management and Social Entrepreneurship. Jenny is married and has three adorable children.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is when my husband and I trekked to Qoyllority mountain with a group of volunteers to immerse in an ancient Peruvian pilgrimage. The adventure itself was a life changing experience for many of us.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

As a local partner from Volunteering Solutions I can say that we have a fair, democratic and flexible interaction with our headquarters. The policies and processes of services are well defined by the company, in this way we can meet or exceed the expectations of volunteers and interns.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have enriched my cultural horizons interacting with volunteers and interns from different continents and backgrounds. Besides that, I have developed more self confidence to embrace big challenges in my life.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Trust, delegation, commitment and responsibility in their local partners.

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of your current team.

I felt really proud to be part of Volunteering Solutions team when PRONOEIs (Peruvian rural kindergartens) achieved their annual goals with the support of our volunteers. Volunteerism plays a very important role in my community for social and human development.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

A returning student that had come in a group year ago told me that a girl, who was member of that past group, has become a social entrepreneur. She has a company that delivers high quality glasses to under developed countries at very affordable prices to improve their life.