Staff Spotlight: Jimena Alexandra Quimbita Collaguazo

Operations Leader Ecuador
Jimena is a young Ecuadorian woman who is willing to always learn and become an improved version of herself. Jimena has been speaking English for the last 12 years and has been always dedicated to learn more languages. She has also studied International Business. She is always willing to learn about culture, music and anything related to work with people. She has an ability to have a big smile on her face and always treat people with respect. She likes a lot the outdoors and enjoys a new challenge.

woman in children in ecuador

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory is back to April 2015 and I had the opportunity to visit my Camps colleagues in Borneo. This was amazing from the beginning as it was a complete different culture that I am used to, but I felt welcomed since the beginning. It was like seeing family in the other side of the world. We shared good times when talking, visiting places, doing project work, and what was more wonderful is when in Camp Bongkud I decided to cook some traditional Ecuadorian food and the crew also made very Malay traditional food, everyone was doing something while we were singing along and then suddenly we started dancing in the kitchen. It was indeed one truly magical moment when the gaps between culture got forgotten and we just all shared the fact of being together and being happy.

Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?

I like my country a lot and tourism has developed more in the last decade although it is not as good as it should be yet, it has come to a moment when every person who visits Ecuador gets truly amazed by the fact that in a such small country you can find variety only in few hours distance. As underrated I'd say the highlands of Ecuador in provinces like Cotopaxi should be explored more as it gives gorgeous scenery due to its landscape, mountains, hills surrounded by hardworking people who have learnt to leave with Cotopaxi volcano in the background. By the other hand, The Galapagos Island is "overrated", hundreds or even thousands of people visit it every year, but different shouldn't be expected as this place is magical everywhere you see around.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Nowadays people have become less humans, most companies around the world focus on generating income, but this just brings happiness to the pocket but not to the hearts, and being part of Camps have shown me the other side of companies, because the social awareness is what is worthier in a world where the vision has changed. Helping others in need brings retribution to the own company standards and this can lead to a more successful company.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

When I joined Camps, I wasn't quite sure what adventure would arise in my life, before, I was more of a city woman living the city life with not so much outdoors activities, but then my life suddenly changed one day and I saw myself leading a group of your adult volunteers doing project work in a rural community in an amazing place that I never knew its existence and it was in my own country. I've discovered skills I didn't know I had like independence, decision making, risk avoiding, being friendly and welcoming but with respect, appreciate the innocence of children and even do my own laundry in the river.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Working for Camps has being a good place to develop myself as a professional and one the biggest quality I'd name is the trust and confidence we are given in our roles in the company because in this way (with consultancy with the bosses), we are always free to give ideas and make decisions.

Camps is a place that shapes leaders in the most complete way because the situations never are the same and the challenges create a stronger character.

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of your current team.

I feel proud of be part of Camps because I believe our product (the projects) are extremely worthy and can generate a very positive change in the life of the people of the communities where work, and especially the children live as they can get inspired by the intercultural exchange achieved with the presence of our volunteer and in a future these children can be motivated to study more, dream more and aspire more in life rather than only becoming a very young mother or father.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

In the years I have worked for Camps, I have heard many different stories, for some even when they are still in Ecuador, many value more what they have at home and create a more social awareness. I think it would be unfair to just name one as there are many stories from our young volunteers whose studies after volunteering in Ecuador, have decided to study Medicine or Nutrition in order to come back to less developed countries and help people is poor communities.