An experience...

Housing: 2
Support: 1
Fun: 5
Value: 2
Safety: 4

living in a boarding school in rural NSW is difficult when it is only you. My female "companion" had dropped out leaving me to pick up all of her work, without so much a thank you for a very long time. When mentioned to the Staff at the school/ with the company I felt that I was pushed aside and ignored, I rate the experience and having to meet people but not the school. Having to wake up early and go to bed very late eventually takes its toll on you, I was hoping that there would be more of a chance to get involved during school hours and when I made the effort to do this I was often ignored or used as free labour- without being given a real chance to help.

I have had a good time, though I believe that LetzLive should reevaluate where young adults are being sent, living miles away from the coast and major cities on your own can get very depressing.

My school also did not have a decent wifi set up either. I waited 2 weeks to get a password to let my mother know I was safe- I the meantime having to go down to coffee club and pay nearly $5 for a long black just to talk to my family. Eventually I got a password which worked for my iPad but not for my phone. I was also told that I would be able to use the desktop computers around the boarding house- this ended up being untrue. To this day I only have access to iMessage and snapchat on my iPad and now iPhone, there is no way of accessing: Google, Facebook, Skype, FaceTime, iTunes etc. This has made it incredibly difficult to plan trips and talk to other friends that have been travelling.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would