Employment Type
Contract Length
2-4 Weeks 1-3 Months
Non-Monetary Benefits
Non Profit
Business Communications Economics Education Engineering


Job Qualifications

  • Minimum 2.5 G.P.A. (3.0 for STEM placements)
  • Cover Letter
  • Two Letters of Reference
  • Official Transcript(s)
  • Résumé/C.V.
  • Open to first year through fourth year college students

Job Benefits

  • Select from job postings in a variety of industries to ensure you secure an internship that meets your major requirements and/or career aspirations.
  • Receive support from API through every step of the process, offering career coaching, mock interviews, resume review, and access to our Career Hub.
  • Housing, insurance and on-site support is included.
  • Add credits if desired.

Job Description

Get the jump on your professional future during a major or career-specific internship in Barcelona, Spain. You'll also receive career coaching, mock interview practice, resume review and class credit, if desired! Our career programming is designed to provide you with training and resources to prepare you for a meaningful and successful career upon graduation.

Barcelona is Spain’s most visited city for a reason! There’s something for everyone, including it's rich Catalán culture and cuisine, incredible art and museums, fabulous outdoor markets and shopping opportunities and access to the magnificent Mediterranean Sea. Barcelona is also a great jumping off point to explore the rest of Spain and Europe!