IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad)

Program Reviews

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Exploring Blackness in London

As a Black Africana Studies major, I was ecstatic to see IFSA at SOAS and immerse myself at a school where non-Western perspectives are the default. In my classes, Language in Africa and Contemporary African literature, we explored African voices and stories that have been severely lacking in my studies even as an Africana Studies major due to a US-centric approach. Connecting with such knowledgeable professors was invaluable and their lessons stick with me still as I casually bring up Africa’s incredible linguistic diversity and find lessons from African literature continue to follow me. I explored my Blackness further outside of the classroom as I traveled around South London after a 20 minute bus ride. It felt amazing to be surrounded by Black communities both long-established and newly formed as they create boisterous communities full of life and joy. I felt so seen walking around and felt so full after eating the amazing food there was to offer. An added bonus was that South London was much cheaper than King’s Cross where I lived. There were also a number of museums that featured work from artists of the African diaspora that left strong impressions both as a member of the Black community and as an artist that focuses greatly on identity. I have brought much of what I learned back to the classroom here and continue to de-center the US in discussions of Blackness because of my time in London.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Particularly for those who are low-income, I would suggest avoiding restaurants and, instead, choosing to cook with groceries that are often much healthier than those in the US, much cheaper, and locally grown. For special nights, traveling to South London to eat will allow you to stretch your money and have far tastier food. While the tube is convenient and quicker, it is also more expensive than the bus. Taking the bus allows you to see more the city and note places you might see from the bus to travel to later! For souvenirs, avoid touristy areas and go to markets, such as the Camden Market, to get great gifts!
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Amazing Study Abroad Experience

Studying abroad in Barcelona, specifically through IFSA was an amazing experience, to say the least. If it weren't for IFSA, my study abroad journey would not have been possible. Since my original plans of studying abroad in Asia were affected due to COVID-19, IFSA worked with me around the clock to help me find a city that fit my needs and make a study abroad trip possible. The teachers and program staff at the IFSA center were incredibly helpful and accommodating, and they implemented many field trips and excursions that gave us the opportunity to learn more about Barcelona. The city itself was incredible and has many attractions for study abroad students. Overall the experience was amazing and was one of the highlights of my college years.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The first day I arrived in the city I was incredibly nervous, but the staff at IFSA made me feel incredibly welcomed and gave me all the information I needed so I would know what to expect.
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IFSA - University of Auckland, New Zealand

I was initially drawn to New Zealand for their outdoor adventures and picturesque landscapes. In addition, the University of Auckland stood out to me as it is a prestigious research-driven university. I had the opportunity to spend a lot of my time studying in the field - an opportunity you cannot find in many places. As a criminology major, I got to work with a professor who analyzed justice systems across several surrounding countries and volunteer at an organization that worked to assist and mentor young children whose parents were incarcerated. The professors I had recognized that the students are genuinely interested in the subject, not solely for completion of a degree. New Zealand is the most beautiful place I have seen and in it I found a place that I could collaborate in and one that I loved to research.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
The most unfamiliar thing I ate was marmite toast. Marmite is a standard item in most Kiwi's homes and we were warned to only try a little at first, as it is an acquired taste. Other must-have/unique foods to try in New Zealand include steamed pudding, duck pizza, and Rewena bread - a traditional Maori recipe!
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A Tight-knit Oxford Community with IFSA Support

The people I met were a clear highlight of my time in the program. Though I was only at Oxford for a semester, current undergraduates made an effort to get to know the Visiting Students and I found them to be incredible individuals – driven and bright, compassionate, and curious. I still keep in touch with a few of them and hope we cross paths again in the future! The best advice I received was to join clubs and throw myself into different activities. The ones that I did join – ultimate frisbee and table tennis – were very welcoming and an important support network while I was there.

While I felt a strong sense of community within my Oxford college, it was also helpful to have outside IFSA support. Through IFSA, we had an orientation period in London, which prepped us for the experience and was a helpful transition time. Then, weekly, one of the IFSA residential advisors came down to Oxford in case we wanted to chat. I really enjoyed this opportunity to reflect on the week and to ask questions while adjusting to life in the UK. Overall, I would highly recommend this program! Oxford is a beautiful, historic place to study, filled with dedicated and caring students – and enrolling via IFSA makes the whole process rather seamless, and definitely provides helpful supports!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
One of the IFSA trips I participated in took us to the Lake District, which is a beautiful pastoral area in Northwest England. One of the days we were there, I signed up to participated in ghyll scrambling, which involved climbing up rocks in the middle of a freezing river – it was quite the shock to the system and very exhilarating! If you do get a chance to go on this trip, definitely take it!
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Glasgow: Bagpipes and the Highlands

This program really exceeded my expectations. I was most surprised by the amount of support I received from IFSA during my semester in Glasgow.

IFSA provided us a week-long orientation to familiarize us with the new country and also provided small reunion events, such as a Friendsgiving and afternoon tea time throughout the semester to make sure we were ok. My favorite part about my experience was the excursion to Highlands, provided by IFSA. We got to see the most beautiful parts of Scotland during this trip. IFSA also provided us a homestay, where I stayed on a farm in the countryside of Scotland. My host family provided us tons of tourist activities and taught us a lot about the culture.

In terms of academics, I was able to take economics courses that my home university did not provide, such as behavioral economics and contracts and governance. UofG also had bagpiping classes, and a variety of other cultural courses for the exchange students.

Overall, I think the IFSA program in Scotland is a great program for those who are more worried about going abroad for a semester. That was me initially; I was afraid I would be lonely and would not be able to adapt to a new country, but that was not the case. Both IFSA and the city of Glasgow were incredibly welcoming. I encourage to try this program if you are feeling the same way I did!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
prepare for windy and rainy weather in the fall by brining a raincoat, NOT an umbrella
Read my full story
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Discovering Myself in a New Country

From the beginning of the study abroad process, IFSA was very helpful by offering clear, specific information on their programs. This support was extended along every step of the program, especially when we arrived in London, which I really appreciated. There were so many opportunities to connect with the staff and students alike on the program, and one of my favorite events was the trip to The Shard at the end of the semester.

Just as much as I enjoyed my experience with the IFSA staff and the support I received, I also really appreciated my time at UCL. Though very different from my home university, I came to really enjoy UCL and its large campus. It was really beneficial for me to get to know the different students of various backgrounds, hear different perspectives, and broaden my world view, and this really helped transform me into a global citizen.

Overall, my time spent studying abroad in London at UCL through IFSA's program is something I will cherish forever and look back on fondly. I was able to immerse myself in a foreign culture, explore new places I once only dreamed about visiting, and learn so many new things, both about the world and myself. I strongly believe that studying abroad has allowed me to grow into a more independent, well-versed, flexible, and open-minded student and person. I find that I am now more comfortable in new situations and places, I am able to adapt more easily to new settings, and I have an expanded world-view based on being in a foreign, highly diverse setting.

I highly recommend taking the opportunity to study abroad in London, and especially through one of IFSA's programs. They will provide you with the support you need, help foster a sense of community, and help you really explore what the city, and country, have to offer through various planned trips and activities! All of these things will allow you to make the most out of your time abroad and really immerse yourself in that setting.

What was your funniest moment?
My flatmate and I planned an impromptu weekend trip to southern France, which we were excited about. The airport was far away, and we underestimated the time we would need to get there. While on a bus heading towards the airport, we were stopped in traffic for quite some time - it ended up being three hours of us stuck on the motorway, causing us to miss our flight. We later found out that horses had gotten onto the motorway, which is why we hadn't moved. It definitely wasn't funny at the time, but it makes for a funny story now! We ended up going back to our flat, and the next night we went out for French food in London instead!
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Fáilte: the welcoming spirit of Scotland

Fáilte. The Gaelic word for welcome. I titled my review this for two reasons: the Gaelic language is beautiful and Scotland is welcoming. The first day I arrived in Scotland, I noticed how welcoming everyone was. My taxi driver from the airport to the hotel I would be staying at for IFSA orientation was a wonderful historian who introduced me to Scotland by telling me historical information about the places that we passed. We had a good laugh and I thought for the next four months I am going to love this place. When I arrived to the IFSA orientation, I was surprised that the staff knew my name. They introduced themselves and we had a bit of conversation. Again, I felt welcomed. I know this concept of feeling welcome is supposed to be the norm, however, it was my first time outside of the United States as a black woman. I was nervous about the experience and told IFSA-Butler. They assured me that I would be alright and that Scotland was a great choice and that they would help me to feel as welcome as possible. As I opened up and felt welcome by the Edinburgh community I had lots of fun.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
A part of my IFSA-Butler program was a homestay. My homestay was in Shap on the English side of the border between Scotland and England. My house mom took me and another student in the program to a local festival with "pagan" roots. It was interesting and unique to watch. There were costumes, drum-beating performances, and lots of stalls to shop from. The village was relatively small so it seemed about everyone was outside. It was a very beautiful experience that I was honored to have gotten the chance to be apart of.
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The Australian Dream

I could not be more grateful and lucky for the time IFSA gave me abroad. IFSA did an incredible job of helping me prepare during my application process and before I left the United States. The staff and website were helpful in making sure all of my application pieces were in on time and that I did and had everything I needed before entering a different country. Once I was in Australia my advisor Tamera became my go to. She was attentive, helpful and caring. She was always there to talk if there was an issue or just for a casual conversation.
IFSA did a great job of getting our program to bond. Right off the bat we were thrown into orientation, while exhausted of jet lag, it ended up being an amazing few days. Immediately, we got the Aussie experience, touring Sydney, seeing native animals and walking on gorgeous beaches. In this time I did everything with my IFSA Brisbane group and got to know them quickly. Throughout the semester IFSA and Tamera did an amazing job of organizing events, we did day trips, a weekend getaway and dinners. It was a great way to consistently see everyone and keep that special bond.
Another aspect of abroad that made my experience incredible experience living in the International House (IH). We had the option of IH or in an apartment. A few people I talked to during my application process spoke so highly of IH, so I went for it. IH was one of the best parts of my time abroad. It gave me a community with friendships, cultural growth, a support system and a new place to call home. Now when I look back on abroad, my greatest memories aren’t seeing world wonders, they are sitting in the IH dining hall, dancing at the IH ball or doing homework court yard.
Lastly, Australia, it is an amazing country. The people are welcoming and fun and I felt safe at all times. The landscape in incredible and the animals fascinating-- there is no lack of things to do or places to explore. I would love to go back some day and would encourage anyone who has the chance to spend some time down under they must.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would change my hesitation in the beginning to explore on my own. Over time I learned to embrace time and not other influence my experience.
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Phyo Thuta
Yes, I recommend this program

Being a Dancer in Sydney

When I was on a study abroad program with IFSA at the University of Sydney, I got a chance to join Orbit, a K-Pop focused dance crew, and SoulXPress, a Hip-Hop society.
Orbit Dance Crew produces dance videos where we cover-dance choreographies of famous K-Pop songs as well as participates in dance competitions. I joined Orbit in August, and we started practicing together soon after. Our practice location was around the ground area at the International Convention Center (ICC Sydney), and we used the glass wall of a building there as our mirror for rehearsing the choreographies. It was in public, and we were not the only group practicing in such a way. In fact, a lot of different groups such as skaters and football skill-freestylers would also come there to either practice or showcase their works. That was a very unique experience as a dancer for me because I had to build courage to practice dancing in public, which was new to me. Nevertheless, with the help of my fellow lovely Orbit members, I was able to bring my confidence up and danced along well. We entered a dance competition in Sydney in November and won the second place. I really enjoyed my time with Orbit.
SoulXPress always holds dance classes in various sub-genres of Hip-Hop in a dance studio at the University of Sydney every week. It was also very affordable for SoulXPress members to take these classes, and the dance teachers were amazing. I was able to shape up and improve my dance skills a lot better from those dance classes. SoulXPress also occasionally holds dance battles together with other dance societies from nearby universities, and those give a chance to show our skills to a wider audience while being able to learn from other dancers at the same time.
In conclusion, there are a lot of opportunities for dancers studying in Sydney. With all the helpful peer-dancers around, I am sure that every dancer will enjoy their times in Sydney.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I went camping with the Myanmar Cultural Society from the University of Sydney at the Basin campground in Ku-Ring-Gai National Park. It was my first time camping and sleeping in nature while listening to the ocean waves with wallabies (who also snatched our food) outside my tent! It was a very unique, exciting and relaxing experience during my journey in Sydney.
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Dancing, Interning, and Having an Incredible Experience in New Zealand!

My experience studying abroad in New Zealand at the University of Auckland through IFSA was truly incredible. As a dancer and dance major, this program was filled with invaluable opportunities. Working with IFSA staff and UoA's internship coordinator, I was able to secure an internship with Dance and Arts Therapy New Zealand. This was one of the highlights of my time abroad and offered hands-on professional experience in a field of great interest to me. In addition, I was able to choreograph and perform on stage with the university's dance studies students. This experience led to tremendous growth as an artist, dancer, and choreographer. But beyond my academic experiences, the on-site IFSA staff were so supportive and strived to have everyone's experience be the best it could be. The IFSA sponsored trips allowed for opportunities to travel, explore, and learn while being immersed in the host culture and surrounded by New Zealand's breathtaking beauty.