IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA: Argentina Universities Program

My experience was unique as I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the local community through playing pick up soccer and joining the USAL women's soccer team. This enabled me to learn about the culture and the people through playing. It was also a great opportunity to improve my Spanish. The ability to take classes at multiple universities offered me a very diverse academic experience as well which I am very grateful for. I also had the opportunity to live with a host family where I had homemade Argentine meals every night and learned about their culture through speaking Spanish. I had the opportunity to travel throughout Argentina as well and explore the vineyards in Mendoza and the mountains in Patagonia.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment was injuring myself while playing soccer and having to go to the hospital. I overcame this as I had massive support from both my teammates and my host family. The people in Buenos Aires are extremely supportive and made me feel extremely loved despite being so far away from my family.
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA at Trinity College Dublin!

IFSA provided the support I needed in transitioning abroad. It was my first time out of the US, and IFSA was able to help me establish routine, comfort, and independence. I had so much fun abroad, and this was largely due to IFSA's excursions, recommendations, and safety measurements that helped me feel brave enough to adventure in small groups or even on my own. if I could go back abroad with IFSA I would in a heartbeat.
If you're looking for an incredible opportunity to make abroad your own unique experience, IFSA is the program for you. They will offer any level of support and their staff are kind, encouraging, and a whole lot of fun!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I took time to explore 5 countries in addition to Ireland. This was a perfect number for me. If you study abroad with this program, do not forget to explore Ireland too! Visiting new countries was amazing, and if you have the means and desire, do that! But keep in mind, my bests experiences were within this beautiful country--see the countryside, the seashore, visit castles and the Aran Islands! There is so much to see in Ireland, that I was even able to see it all. Try to see as much of Ireland as you can, it is unbelievable.
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Yes, I recommend this program

So Much Connecting, Adventuring and Learning

As a Spanish language learner and someone who had only been to Puerto Rico and Costa Rica for beach vacations with family, my five months in Chile was astounding. I loved upping my Spanish and I felt like I could have spent another semester on this study abroad program. I enjoyed the classes I took at Universidad Catolica in Santiago, but I loved the people, the hiking and the city-exploring even more. My host family was welcoming and always helping me find my way through the new environment and experiences. The gorgeous views were really the images that stuck with me. On sunny clear days, walking to the metro, I could see the Andes in the distance. I went on hikes almost weekly with other international students. It was always worth it to make time to hike and there were a variety of trails right outside the city. We would go to cafes and bars find green spaces to study or just hang out in the city. The public transportation was really useful.

IFSA helped me to connect with an after-school program, and volunteering there was one of the most impactful experiences I have ever had. Working with Chilean students of all ages was fun and rewarding, and I knew I was making a difference in the kids' lives.

The trips I got to take outside Santiago were also amazing. I recommend Valparaiso, the Atacama Desert, and La Campana.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I learned the traditional Chilean dance, La Cueca and I had a blast. I felt super goofy at first learning it, but it was actually really fun. I felt like I experienced some of the rich Chilean culture that can sometimes become lost with all the commercialization and modernization they have. La Cueca has deep historical roots and it tells a story. I got to be part of that story and I have kept the handkerchief I danced with to this day.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Exciting and Challenging Abroad Experience

I had an amazing time at the University of Oxford and would highly recommend the program to anyone looking for an academically rigorous and exciting abroad experience. I grew a lot as a writer because of the close attention my tutors gave to my papers, and the one-on-one tutorials pushed me to come in each week with ideas and research that I was proud of and ready to discuss. With the many amazing libraries at Oxford, I had access to a wide variety of resources for researching topics. I studied at Mansfield College, and I almost instantly felt fully immersed in the college community because everyone was so friendly, accepting, and welcoming. Oxford was definitely challenging in a number of ways, but the academic system and the independence of living on my own in a new city helped me to grow as a student and learn a lot about myself as a person. Before going abroad, I had never left the United States, so I really appreciated that my IFSA advisor abroad, Andrew, picked me up from Heathrow and took me to my hotel. Throughout the year, Andrew would take the train from London to visit the IFSA students studying in Oxford. I took six English tutorials while at Oxford and went back to my home university, Kenyon College, with more credits than I would have had if I hadn’t studied abroad! For the English major at Kenyon, we are required to take classes in various time periods, and I was able to complete all of these requirements with my tutorials. I also had the opportunity to take fun and niche subjects that had not been offered at my college back in the states, such as Fairytale, Fantasy, & Myth and Classical Reception in the Modern American Novel. The experience was amazing beyond academics, too, and I am so grateful for the friendships I formed with other students at Mansfield College. I would give anything to go back and relive IFSA’s Oxford program over and over again!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I would recommend visiting as many other colleges throughout the university as you can! I made a point to visit all 38 colleges in Oxford over the course of the year, and I found it to be a great way to see the city. If you are able to climb the 127 narrow stone steps, I would going to the top of the tower of the University Church of St. Mary the Virgin to get a different view of Oxford. It is especially beautiful at dusk, just before the tower closes!

The coursework is very intense, so I really appreciated taking study breaks with friends, often in the form of walking around and exploring. I also found it helpful to switch up my study locations whenever I started to feel drained, so I might start the day in a coffee shop before moving to a library in the center of town and then back to my room.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience of my undergrad

It was a dream to take classes at Oxford for a year. The city is beautiful, the classes were challenging, the people were inspiring. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in studying abroad in England. IFSA gave me so much support, both before I left and while I was abroad. They really care about their students' success. I found their support to be most helpful during the visa application phase; the paperwork can get pretty overwhelming, but the IFSA team was there to answer all of my questions and guide me through the process. I also really appreciated all of the activities the in-country team hosted for all of their students. Those were a lot of fun, and I met some of my closest friends abroad through IFSA.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would make more of an effort to make friends with the matriculated students at my college. I made some, but the majority of my friends were other American visiting students. What’s the point of studying abroad if you don’t meet new people and immerse yourself as much as possible in your host culture?
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No, I don't recommend this program

India is great. IFSA Pune? Absolutely not.

I would recommend studying abroad in India for anyone who thinks their future academic work relates to it. It's a very different society, and definitely challenging in a lot of ways. While the program should have been supportive and understanding, they were actually the source of all my problems. I would describe the staff as unforgiving, unsupportive, and unaccommodating. You don't get any sick days. If you're sick, you have to suck it up and go to class, which starts at 8 and goes until 6 pm. You are treated like a child. The academics are a joke. No one cares. You have packed days where they try to prevent you from seeing India. You are trapped in a horrible classroom, squirreled away from all the other students and people your age. A few of the teachers are incredibly kind. The Hindi teacher they have is abusive and cruel. The resident staff is the opposite of understanding, especially if you're brown. If you can pass as India, expect a double standard at every turn. God. What a waste of time, energy, and money. I wish I had just lived in India off of grant money!!

What would you improve about this program?
I would cancel this program. Literally just don't go. It's not worth it!
Response from IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad)

Dear Ananya,
We are deeply disappointed to hear about your experience. We are committed to receiving and acting upon student feedback to ensure the highest quality programming for our students. It is our understanding that you have already shared your feedback with our team, including our CEO, who were recently in Pune; they are already working on modifications based on what you shared. If you have additional thoughts you would like to share, please reach out to us using the contact information on our website to continue the conversation. We take all student feedback very seriously and use it to improve aspects of our programs for future students.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Interning Abroad

While I was abroad I participated in an internship course at University of Sydney. My internship was in an ecology research lab on campus that worked with wallabies,
ringtail possums, and bush rats. It was a very relaxed setting and I really enjoyed helping different PhD or Honors students with their projects and field work excursions. I worked around 10 hours a week and I am really glad I was able to participate in this unique global work experience. The internship opportunity was what drew me to IFSA and I am really glad I chose to study abroad with them. There are many different internship placements for students and some of friends studying business were able to intern at various companies in Sydney. No matter what you are studying, there is an internship or research position available for you.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I went skydiving with some friends! I never thought it would be something I would actually do but we had so much fun. Australia has so many fun activities and it made my trip even more memorable!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best 5 months of my life

I absolutely loved my semester abroad at Stranmillis University College in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Even though it was a year ago I still talk about it every day and talk to the people from my program every day. I loved the city of Belfast, it had lots to do including shopping, food, markets, pubs, a museum all only about a 30 minute walk from the campus. I always felt very safe and the city has great, simple transportation including taxis and buses. I am an Elementary Education major so loved the opportunity to be a student at a primarily education major college and learn about education from a different perspective. IFSA and Stranmillis staff were so kind, welcoming and helpful. IFSA staff was always available for any type of query and they organized cultural immersion excursions for us. I am so happy to have had the opportunity to go abroad with IFSA to Belfast. I learned and grew so much as a person as a result of this experience.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't just spend the semester with other Americans or people from your home university. It is so amazing to have the opportunity to get to know international students from all over the world or local students from the university you go to. There is so much to learn from them and you can build life long international connections.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommend studying in Edinburgh to anyone and everyone! Amazing program with IFSA!

Studying in Edinburgh with IFSA was the best decision I've ever made. I absolutely loved living in this beautiful city - every single street looks like it came straight out of a storybook. I woke up every morning simply happy that I chose to study in such a unique and amazing place.

Not only was Edinburgh incredible, but I also loved living in Scotland as a whole. Some of my favorite memories was listening to live Celtic music in pubs and learning how to Ceilidh dance with amazing friends that I had met!

One of the best parts of studying abroad with IFSA was how well organized it was and the trips included in the program. IFSA gave us the perfect amount of assistance. There was never a moment when I was unsure what was going on, and even if there was, I knew the IFSA staff was there to answer any questions I had. As for the trips, we went on three weekend adventures - to the Argyll Forest where we kayaked and rock scrambled, on a homestay weekend where we stayed with a Scottish host family, and lastly, to the Isle of Skye where we hiked to the Old Man of Storr.

I really hope to go back to Edinburgh one day - truly became my home away from home! I would choose this program all over again in a heartbeat!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Do something new every chance that you get - seriously a once in a lifetime experience!
Me at the Alqueva Dam in Portugal
Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Year Abroad

I had an incredible year abroad in Leeds. I study Mechanical Engineering, and the program and classes available at the university were really great and filled all of the requirements that I needed. The social scene is really exciting there too! The city center is super close to the uni and the city is full of university students, so you always feel like you are around people your age and that there's always somewhere to go to every night. I'm also really glad I chose to go abroad with IFSA. They were super helpful with sorting out visa forms and housing and classes before I left, and were super useful while I was over. They even called me when I was sick to make sure I knew how to see a doctor! Overall, the university was beautiful and very prestigious, and IFSA as support and staff were incredible as well. If I were to go abroad again, I would definitely use IFSA again.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I were to do the same program all over again, I would try and live in housing with other international students. I found it kind of difficult to settle in and figure everything out on my own, even though it was helpful in improving my sense of independence. I know that if I were to have lived with other people that were in the same situation that I was, it would have been an easier transition.