IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

An Amazing Semester!

My semester in Australia with IFSA's program at the University of Melbourne was one of the best of my life. IFSA's staff is incredibly helpful in ensuring that we have all the support we need, whenever we might need it. I tend to be a pretty independent person and didn't rely too much on their help, but it was always extremely comforting to know that our advisors in the city would be there if anything did come up. IFSA also facilitates a lot of fun excursions and trips for those who want to get to know the cohort a bit better.

While Sydney is the most famous Australian city to global audiences, there are numerous reasons to pick Melbourne. Sydney is beautiful (it has its harbor, the opera house, the bridge), but Melbourne is (in my opinion) the better city to live in. Melbourne has been ranked the most livable city in the world by The Economist for seven years in a row--and for good reason. The transit options are fantastic, the nightlife is vibrant (with none of the lock-out laws that inhibit Sydney's nightlife), and the arts and culture are endless. Sydney is Australia's financial hub, but Melbourne is known for its artistic side. It is phenomenally easy to get around, including by foot, and also has more to offer in terms of good food and music.

The University of Melbourne is a great place to study as an exchange student. The university has several support systems in place for students from abroad, including a course registration help center that is extremely easy to use. There is also an exchange student club on campus called MUSEx, which organizes a lot of pub crawls, parties, and trips that are all really fun. I enjoyed getting to know students from all over the world through such programming.

In terms of academics, I found the coursework at UniMelb to be engaging, but far less stressful than my classes back home. You are only allowed to take up to four classes, and I chose two in urban design/architecture and two in Indigenous Studies. I got to know 3 of my 4 professors very well and still keep in touch with them regularly! I also interned at a small urban design consultancy in Melbourne, through which I got to know a lot about Australian governance, culture, and design. I loved working with local colleagues and partaking in office activities a few times per week!

Beyond that, my semester in Melbourne afforded my many opportunities to travel, and I ended up having many of the most amazing travel experiences of my life, including skydiving over the Whitsundays, scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, biking around Uluru and Rottnest Island, driving the Great Ocean Road, and many more! I could not more highly recommend a semester in Melbourne!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Australia is generally a very easy place to travel domestically (they don't even ask for you ID on domestic flights), but there are a few tips to remember. Like the United States, Australia lacks considerable railroad infrastructure, which means most trips involve flying and driving--sometimes for long distances. One important piece of advice I would give for driving is to ALWAYS purchase full insurance on the vehicles you rent, especially if you plan to go to New Zealand, Tasmania, or parts of Victoria and NSW. You will see many, many animals in the roads (especially at night) and sometimes there is no way to avoid them, no matter how good a driver you are. It's better to have split the cost of insurance than to find yourself dishing out hundreds or thousands of dollars on a damaged fender!

When driving in rural parts of the country, never take risks with petrol. Even if you have significant amounts of gas remaining, fill up when you can, because you never know how far the next fill-up station will be. I had too many experiences gently rolling a car down a hill or turning around to go back to a gas station to take those sorts of risks again.

As a more specific piece of advice, I'd recommend using Apex Car Rentals when you can, mainly because they have no additional charges for young drivers, give you pretty nice cars, frequently offer free upgrades, and are one of the only companies that allow drivers under 25 to purchase full insurance.

Other than that, enjoy all of your travel opportunities! Go to cooler places (Victoria, Tasmania, NSW, NZ) during the part of your semester that is closer to summer and go to warmer places (Uluru, Queensland) during the part of your semester that is closer to winter. Australia is a beautiful country and you will undoubtedly find yourself in many magical places!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best semester of my life

My experience abroad at the University of Auckland through IFSA-Butler was absolutely incredible. It was unique because I didn't feel pressured to travel to many other countries (as many students express in Europe abroad programs), but instead really got to know and understand New Zealand. I loved my New Zealand specific classes, like my Maori culture class and my New Zealand music class. The various classes available to me made it easy to complete the requirements I had for my home university, while also exploring some fun classes that were unique to New Zealand. I loved the Kiwi lifestyle, which is very laid back and I learned to adapt to that. This gave me more confidence in myself and allowed me to grow in many different ways, but especially becoming more easy-going and less worried. I got out of my comfort zone with certain activities I was able to experience and I saw some of the most amazing sights. I met people who understood me on a deep level and I formed true friendships with many people through this program. Auckland as a city was amazing because it really is a city, so there is plenty to do on a weekend in the city, but it's also so easy to get out of the city and into nature that a day trip or weekend trip away was totally doable as well.

What was your funniest moment?
I went horseback riding in Punakaiki (South Island) during spring break and my horse got scared of the waves in the ocean and threw me off! I fell right into the ocean, which was freezing at that point, and my shoe went flying off. I was covered in water and sand, and we were miles from the starting point, so I had to carry out the rest of the ride in soaking wet clothes. At the moment, it wasn't so funny, but looking back on it, it is one of the funniest things that's ever happened to me.
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA Shanghai

My time in Shanghai went by much faster then I thought it would! I got travel quite a bit throughout China as well as Southeast Asia. My classes were interesting and not too demanding. My Chinese language classes were extremely helpful and fun. The IFSA office members did an excellent job of supporting me and helping me get the most out of my experience. The IFSA directors helped me and my friends plan a trip to Hong Kong, which was an absolutely amazing trip! I made several friends within the program most of whom I am still in contact with to this day. The program offers students several opportunities to get immersed into the city of Shanghai which helps students adjust to Chinese culture. Overall, I enjoyed my time in Shanghai and I definitely think that the program is worth it!

Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible Program

I had an amazing time in Mérida through this program and really improved my Spanish!

The opportunity to take classes at the local university (or universities) was integral to the significant improvement I saw in my Spanish and really allowed for a deeper understanding and integration into the culture. At the same time, the program classes give you a minute to step back and reflect in a more familiar environment. The program staff are also incredible and super supportive, so you always have a space where you can be comfortable sharing any concerns or issues you may run into.

As for living in Mérida, the host families are all incredible and really welcome you into their homes. Mérida is a beautiful and very safe city and I loved getting to know it throughout the semester. The surrounding area is also full of interesting and gorgeous places to visit, and the program does a great job of organizing excursions to expose you to different parts of Mexico and the Yucatan while also leaving time for individual travel.

Living in Mexico also gave me a totally different perspective on the relationship between our two countries that I think is really valuable and unique.

Overall, it was an unforgettable experience--the main drawback is how much you'll miss it when it's over (and yes, it is very hot).

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Since we picked classes right in the beginning, when I was still getting used to everything, I stuck with one or two IFSA kids in each of my UADY classes. While this was nice to some extent, I wish I would have taken the leap to take a class by myself, since I think that would have really forced me to get to know other Mexican students at the university better.
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Yes, I recommend this program

How IFSA helped me create a home away from home

The IFSA program at the University of Melbourne was an incredible experience. We had a pre-orientation in Sydney where we were able to meet other students studying through IFSA and our IFSA staff member who would be with us in Melbourne. This was an amazing way to start my study abroad experience. I was able to feel more comfortable meeting new people and exploring a new place. Though I only lived with a few of the IFSA students I became friendly with a handful of them and would often meet up with them to get dinner. The IFSA staff member, Lindsay, was also an amazing resource to have. It was nice to know that I had someone who I could go to with questions or if I needed support. I remember taking a really hard Linear Algebra final and immediately meeting Lindsay and a few other IFSA students after at a cafe and having coffee. It was a nice way to de stress. Overall, the program was incredibly supportive and it enhanced my Melbourne experience!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers would be to enter every new situation with an open mind. Always say yes to new opportunities no matter how different or strange they may seem, you never know who you may meet along the way.
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA: Great program that allows you to do your own thing, but is also there to support you as much as you need.

My experience in Buenos Aires was so many things, and overall a great experience. Starting with the IFSA program, I believe I made the right choice. Already having done some solo traveling, I wanted a program that granted me the independence and flexibility of living alone in a city. That said, it was also great to have the staff to support me through the hectic class enrollment period, to provide travel tips, and teach a wonderful Advanced Spanish Language class. Mario and Dario were especially great supports for me.

The homestay worked out really well for me. IFSA has contacts with a number of host families (many of them single older women) whom they trust. There is an element of luck in whether you will click with your host family, and I was lucky. My host family was a single older woman who lived in a very central location in Recoleta. I had to walk only 30 seconds from the door to reach a great number of bus stops. My host mom herself was a beautiful person, so generous and kind and straight-forward in her communication. I miss her!! It took a while for us to get totally comfortable living together, which I think is normal, but by the end we were really close and both so sad to say goodbye. IFSA has certain standards they ask the host families to agree to, which I think are really well thought-out and provide really good boundaries and standards for the relationship. An example is that IFSA asks the host families to provide the student with breakfast and dinner every day (you're on your own for lunch). This arrangement worked really well. I loved my host mom's food. I was worried about my host family restricting my freedom and setting curfews or strict rules on me, but nothing like that happened. We treated each other with respect and she let me come and go as I wanted. While I had no issues with my host mom, it is important to know that things don't always work out so smoothly. I had a friend who decided to switch host families. The great thing is IFSA has a standard procedure for switching families, and they take the pressure off you. That being said, it can be a stressful experience if it comes to that. It's important to advocate for your needs- having an uncomfortable living situation could really color your experience negatively. My friend who switched was so much happier in the second family she lived with, and it made the second half of her semester much better.

The class selection process is stressful. I was grateful for the support IFSA gave, but ultimately you are somewhat on your own in figuring out your schedule. I ended up with good classes, and none of them were too much work, though I did learn a lot. I took classes at USAL and two IFSA classes.

One of the best parts about my experience was all the traveling I did! Some solo traveling, and some traveling with one other person (my aunt, my mom, and then my friend). I'd recommend traveling in smaller groups or alone if you feel comfortable, because you learn much more and don't come across as a loud group of English-speaking tourists. I travelled to Iguazú waterfalls; Colonia, Uruguay; Salta and Jujuy, Argentina; Chile; Patagonia. TRAVEL IF YOU CAN! It is so worth it, and very affordable especially if you stay in hostels.

What would you improve about this program?
The main orientation was done in basically one day, which felt really rushed, and it was difficult to take everything in. Spreading that out to a couple days would be better. Also, having more social events for the IFSA group to get together in non-academic settings would be nice. I felt it was difficult to get to know IFSA students after the orientation period.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Studying in Melbourne with IFSA-Butler

Although what I am about to say is the most cliché saying associated with study abroad, I cannot stress enough how much important study abroad was to me - it truly did change me. In Australia, I was able to foster a way of life that is most appealing and satisfying to me, a way of life that is very different from the American lifestyle. It was validating for me to leave America and see people living their lives in ways I more closely identify with because not identifying with the American lifestyle can be extremely disheartening, especially when we are made to believe that a certain way of life is the only option. Living overseas taught me about my priorities, my flexibility, my work ethic, and so much more. IFSA-Butler's program in Melbourne was supportive yet offered space for student discretion. My goal for study abroad was to become as immersed in Melbourne's community and culture as possible, so I appreciated and utilized the freedom IFSA provided. However, this means that students who attend this program must be proactive, adventurous, and flexible because the experience is truly what you make of it. Students who do not plan to explore beyond the resources provided by IFSA will have a less plentiful experience because the most organic, enjoyable adventures I had in Melbourne took some digging to uncover. One thing I did abroad that helped me with my immersion was work in a local cafe. Working helped me make Aussie friends and really get to know Melbourne's community. I know it sounds silly to say that getting a job was one of the best things I did during my study away, but it really was because I was able to feel like a true Melbournian.

What would you improve about this program?
To improve this program, I would offer a mandatory course on the history of indigenous people and colonization of Australia. I think learning the erased histories of a place helps foreigners understand the culture on a deeper level. All travelers should be critical of themselves and their travels and their ability to travel. Traveling should be a highly reflective experience, and unfortunately it often is not because people treat it as a longterm vacation. To comprehensively dive into the cultural learning of a place, we have to consider the things that are unsettling and difficult to address. Australian culture has been massively influenced by British colonization and Aboriginal erasure, therefore understanding Australia requires an understanding of the violence that has historically occurred there, and still does.
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Yes, I recommend this program

IFSA Dunedin, New Zealand

I had a wonderful experience studying in New Zealand with IFSA. From the time I opened an application, IFSA staff was so welcoming and answered all my questions. I felt comfortable every step of the way as there was always someone there to help me. The orientation was a great way to meet other students and get used to a new country before moving into flats. It was also a great way to adjust to the new time zone. My favorite part of the program was all the different trips we got to go on. Whether it was a volunteering trip to a nature reserve or an overnight cruise through doubtful sound, each trip allowed me to see so many beautiful parts of the country with a group of really supportive and excited students! IFSA really did everything to make my abroad experience as special as it could be and also worked to make my transition back to the US much easier. I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I had the experience to do this again, I would definitely travel more. I got to see a lot of the country but there are so many places to go in New Zealand that I feel like I didn't even make a dent! I really hope I get the chance to go back one day and see all the places that I couldn't make it to!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Semester Abroad

I really enjoyed my study abroad experience at Univeristy of Sydney! I am a Biology major so I was able to take a really interesting Marine biology course that is not offered at my home university. I also enrolled in an internship course that placed me in an ecology research lab where I assisted with field work with wallabies, ringtail possums, and bush rats. I lived in the Urbanest apartments close to campus with many other American students from different universities as well as international students. The apartments were very nice and very close to the train station. Sydney was an amazing city with beautiful beaches and coastal walks! IFSA did a great job of planning events throughout the semester that taught us a little bit about Australian culture. We went to an Australian Rules Football game, Country Life Weekend where we stayed with Australian farming families, and a Harry Potter show at the Sydney Opera House!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I went Skydiving outside of Sydney with a few of my friends!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Engaging with a New Community

During my time in Edinburgh, I thought I would just get to socialize with Scottish locals, but I was surrounded by so much more. The University of Edinburgh is a much more global school than I realized, and I found friends in people from New Zealand, Singapore, Germany, Spain, and many more countries. My favorite part was getting to speak to these people and learn more about their countries and culture, and even their views on various social topics. It was even more exciting since Scotland was new for many of them as well, so we were all in the same boat of visiting and living in an entirely new country. I was even able to travel with some of them, and we were all equally thrilled to explore the country together. Traveling both in and out of Edinburgh was such a riveting experience - learning about other people and other societies is ten times as much fun when you're immersed in it, and 20x more fun with new friends. You'll be surrounded by history, fun photo spots, and something new to try everywhere you go.