  • Tanzania
    • Zanzibar
    • Kilimanjaro
    • Dar es Salaam
2 to 3 weeks
Merit-based funding, General grants/scholarships, Payment plans
Health & Safety

Program Details

Age Min.
Short Term Summer Winter
Guesthouse Lodge
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30) Large Group (31+)
Travel Type
Budget Family Solo Women


Starting Price
Price Details
What's included:
-All accommodations
-Group and ground transportation, including airport pick up and drop off
-All meals and drinking water
-Epic adventures and cultural immersion activities
-Funding toward volunteer projects
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Jan 30, 2024
Jun 06, 2024
22 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

GIVE’s Tanzania Program takes you from the tropical paradise of Zanzibar Island to the wild plains of mainland Tanzania. Work with the community to build addition classrooms for the first school ever in the community of Kairo, teach English lessons to students of all ages, and support the Tengeru Women’s Co-op. Experience the ultimate adventure swimming with wild dolphins in the Indian Ocean, sail over turquoise waters, snorkel above coral reefs and experience an overnight safari through the African savannah.

If you want the ultimate adventure, extend your trip and climb Mount Kilimanjaro with our fellow group members! We also offer an optional academic course with our optional Eco-tourism course.

Video and Photos



GIVE's mission is to inspire growth, empower global citizens, and ignite sustainable change worldwide. To truly inspire growth and achieve sustainable travel internationally, GIVE has adopted the Asset-based community development (ABCD) model, a set of proven best practices in sustainable development that mobilizes a community’s assets and resources as the basis for development. Furthermore, through providing hands-on and eye-opening learning experiences that foster authentic connections between participants and host community members, we can empower global citizens who will continue to spread GIVE’s values and ignite sustainable change worldwide.

Ethical Impact

Exploring the world with GIVE is all about responsible travel, but what does that really mean?
Mindful Tourism + Community Partnership = Economic Growth & Community Empowerment.

Part of what makes GIVE trips so special is being fully immersed in the cultures and communities we visit. However, we take extra steps to ensure we minimize our influence and always respect local cultures. We prepare all participants before travel and ensure they understand the culture and how to dress appropriately.

Program Highlights

  • Build a primary and secondary school for community of Kairo
  • See wild lions, elephants, and giraffes on safari
  • English education
  • Swim with wild dolphins in the Indian Ocean
  • Empower local women and learn about their co-op

Program Reviews

4.99 Rating
based on 82 reviews
  • 5 rating 98.78%
  • 4 rating 1.22%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.95
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Value 4.85
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 8 of 82 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Tanzania Summer 2024

It's truly hard to put into words how incredible my experience with GIVE was. From day 1 we were all welcomed into the vibrant culture of Tanzania with open arms. I fell in love with teaching each and every student. Seeing their level of hard work and dedication was truly inspiring. Days working on construction were so rewarding and the guides did a fabulous job of keeping group energy up with so much dancing and fun! Of course aside from the volunteer projects there was so much adventure involved, swimming with dolphins and the safari felt so surreal. It can definitely be intimidating to take the leap but it is 100% worth it. This was my second trip with GIVE and I would do it all again in a heartbeat!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Embrace every moment and get outside your comfort zone!
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Trip of a Lifetime

My trip to Zanzibar, Tanzania with GIVE was nothing short of life-changing. From the moment my guides, Sophi and MC, picked me up at the airport to the day I left, I felt safe, loved, and had the time of my life. Although I grew up traveling the world with my family, I had never been as immersed in a different culture as I was in Kairo village. The locals welcomed us with open arms and were eager to share their stories and lifestyles with us.

Days at the construction site were filled with laughter, dancing, and hard work. Seeing the progress we made at the school by the end of the trip was incredibly rewarding and exciting. Teaching the vibrant, kind, and dedicated local women exceeded all my expectations. Their fun energy and strong work ethic truly changed me for the better.

Additionally, my fellow volunteers are now people I can call best friends. There were 26 volunteers in my group, and I can confidently say I got to know each and every one of them on an individual level. I have never laughed and cried as hard as I did with this group. The love, kindness, and acceptance I felt were unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

I am beyond grateful to GIVE for this experience, and I highly recommend this trip to everyone. Take the leap; I promise you won’t regret it.

What was your funniest moment?
There were too many funny moments to count, but one of our local guides, Smile, performed for us around the bonfire on our last night in the village. He was singing, making, jokes, and dancing of course. I laughed so hard I cried, but that was just one of the times Smile made us cry laugh.
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Life Changing Experience

The experiences I had on my GIVE trip gave me a new perspective of travel and everyday life. I felt confident traveling with like minded individuals and leaving a net-positive impact on the communities surrounding us. We connected with community members and locals who welcomed our group in with open arms. Along with volunteering at school and construction projects, we swam with wild dolphins, visited a spice farm, learned about the extensive and rich history of the island, and went on a two day safari.

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The magic of Zanzibar

My trip to Tanzania changed my outlook on life. For the longest time, I was yearning for an experience that would truly show me what I am meant to do in life and where my passions lie. The community of Cairo was so loving, hospitable, and kind. I felt more at home on this island than I do in my own house! I learned so much that still continues to build my character, and I am so thankful I went despite the stereotypes and misinformation I heard about the continent of Africa prior to my trip. If you are looking for an experience to change the way you look at the world, open your mind to a higher cultural understanding, and actually put money into something that benefits more than just yourself- go on a GIVE trip! Not only were the locals so amazing, but the other volunteers and GIVE staff will never fail to uplift you, support you, and validate your life goals even after your trip ends. Additional shout out to Green Paw Adventures- the phenomenal partner group that leads you on the most amazing safari and guides the Kili climbers to success!

If the cost is what worries you, keep in mind everything your money is going towards. Whether towards local businesses, the sustainable projects, or the fun excursions on your off days, all of the money you pay aside from your flights directly benefit the local communities. What a way to vote with your dollar!

Also, if you have the opportunity to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro...DO IT. I have learned so much about myself from this experience, and I came home with the most confidence- knowing I can do anything I put my mind to! I will forever be grateful for my first GIVE trip to Tanzania, I can't wait to join GIVE for more!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
During my trip (as it was my first international trip for an extended period of time AND during Covid), I did experience a lot of anxiety during my arrival and initial culture shocks. If I could do this trip all over again, I would encourage myself to relax more and take it all in. Culture shock is normal, and even returning home after this experience will give you a new kind of culture shock upon realizing how we live in our own culture. However, I let my anxiety inhibit some of the activities. For example, one activity is bracelet braiding with some of the local women in the community. The woman I was paired with was much older, and she did not speak any English. I was doing a poor job on my bracelet, and I stressed that she would become frustrated with me for not understanding what she was teaching me. I never finished my bracelet, and days later I was told the woman was very sad I did not continue with her. I realized in that moment the mistake I had made, and how I should have stayed and overcame the language barrier. There are other times I had become overwhelmed with all of the people around, and all of the new things to experience. I do have introverted tendencies sometimes, and I took many opportunities to take time to myself. While I think this is important to do, I also wish I pushed myself more to be out of my comfort zone and experience as much as I could. If you are a person who struggles with the same, I encourage you to take personal time during less busy hours- like in the morning to watch the sunrise alone on the beach, or before bed journaling your feelings and experience. I also encourage you to utilize your guides! They are trained and have seen it all, they will give you the best advice and support you every step of the way! GIVE is an organization that has a plan, a backup plan, another back up plan, and another and another. The safety and wellbeing of their volunteers is one of their first priorities, so don't get in your head!
20 people found this review helpful.
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My love letter to Zanzibar

My experience while in Zanzibar was one I will forever remember and be grateful for. I was met by my new best friends with such fierce love and acceptance the moment I stepped into Zanzibar’s beautiful paradise. Throughout this trip I experienced so much…. pure joy, doubts, fulfillment, and felt my life/perspectives transform in ways I didn’t know possible. I am so grateful that I stepped out of my comfort zone and in turn got one of the most rewarding, educating, & incredible trips. Asante Sana Zanzibar!!!!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
Going into the slave chambers on our tour of the slave museum is a moment that will stick with me forever. The stifling heaviness of the room felt like a ton of bricks were placed on my chest as we sat there listening to our guide. He explained to us all about how what happened to the slaves here in Zanzibar such as how they were treated, how this island played a big role in the slave trade, & what conditions were like for those who were forced into this dreadful, not so distant pro-slavery past. It was such a difficult and daunting task, just descending down the stairs into the slave chamber. One my legs would have happily run the other direction if I let them, but I knew that this is bigger than me and my uncomfortable feelings. I know that it is an honor and a privilege to feel a fraction of what those humans had to endure. I think the most surprising part was learning how white washed our education system is, and just how recently slavery “ended”. Leaping out of my comfort zone was a requirement of this trip, especially this tour, and I came out with a new perspective, a new found gratefulness for everything, & a peaceful feeling of acceptance. Acknowledging the horrors that occurred, accepting them as the past, & actively moving towards solutions and ways to make our corners of the world better places.
  • Experienced a whole new culture of incredible people, music, & landscape
  • Made a bunch of new travel besties !!!
  • Traveled in a intentional & sustainable way which made it that much better :)
  • The flight prices on top of the trip cost were veryyy expensive which can make this trip inaccessible for some.
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Amazing trip!

I loved this so much! I had so much fun, the people were amazing. I made friends for the rest of my life here. Before the trip, I was a little concerned that this was not real, but its very much real and one of the best decisions that I made was to trust my gut and book the trip. This trip is exactly as advertised. The people at give are so amazing, they answered all of my many questions quickly and honestly. The guides made my trip so amazing, they are so fun and help you navigate the culture and this amazing experience.

Before going on the trip I was most concerned about safety. I can honestly say when I was there, there was not a moment where I felt unsafe. You are always with the guides and the hostel you are staying at is safe with a person to keep watch as well as the places you go to in general are safe.

What was your funniest moment?
There were so many funny moments. The guides and the people in my group were so fun. Good vibes, was one of the best part of very day, where you acknowledge all the good parts of the day were everyone was usually laughing everyday.
18 people found this review helpful.
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My trip to Tanzania was an incredible, life-changing experience. I had the pleasure of teaching English and working on construction projects to help build the local community a school. The locals were some of the most inspiring, hardworking, and intelligent people I have ever met and I absolutely fell in love with the culture and community. This trip opened my eyes, pushed me out of my comfort zone, and taught me a lot about myself and my capabilities. The staff was absolutely amazing too and always prioritized our safety and well-being.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Let go of all expectations and just ride the wave that is a GIVE trip. Let yourself be completely immersed in the culture and embrace being outside of your comfort zone. Trust yourself and your guides.
  • Safe
  • Full itineraries including meals and transportation
  • Engaged with local communities
  • Flights are not included with the price of the trip
  • No air conditioning
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amazing and unforgettable

I just got back from my trip and it was the most memorable, inspiring, and beautiful trip I have ever been on. Being able to learn the beautiful culture, teach english to students who are so eager to learn, and help the community by helping to build a school is something I will take with me forever. Everybody is beyond welcoming and it was the most heartwarming experience. I can’t wait to come back and do this trip again as well as other trips GIVE hosts! This is truly a trip of a lifetime!!!!!!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
the most nerve racking moment was getting off the plane since this was my first solo trip out of my home country. my nerves quickly went away when i saw the local guides waiting for me outside of the airport. they were so welcoming!!
23 people found this review helpful.

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