Semester in NZ with IFSA

Academics: 3
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I spent last semester at the University of Auckland through IFSA-Butler. Reflecting back on my study abroad experience it was four and a half months I would not trade. I was able to go because my school already had a partnership with IFSA-Butler. It meant that I would receive a transcript from Butler University and not the University of Auckland. This partnership insured all of my classes were accepted by my home university. When first arriving in New Zealand, I received an on-site orientation at a Regional Park, which allowed me to have three days to become accustomed to the time zone, climate, nature, some of my future friends, hiking, food, and so much more. We spent time broken up into our specific schools where we learned about the cities we were going to, the universities, hiking, food, etc. Then at the end of the time we were all escorted to our specific living arrangements in each city by our Student Services Coordinator. They then helped us find the local grocery store and buy groceries for the week. The Student Services Coordinator led us through the University of Auckland's orientation a few days later. As well as, having onsite meet-ups with the group, where they would bring snacks and create a space of familiarity. There were also IFSA-Butler sponsored events throughout the program, which were covered in the program fees. My favorite was the weekend trip to Lake Taupo where we went whitewater rafting and sailing.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed