Neuroscience in New Zealand

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Living in New Zealand was hands down one of the best times of my life, and I have the IFSA program to thank for that. Through the IFSA program, I was able to find an internship as a research assistant for Brain Research New Zealand in their Alzheimer's and Dementia Research Clinic. Not only did this experience give me much needed lab experience to build my resume, but it also gave me the opportunity to work in an international setting with professionals in my field of study. I was able to make lifelong connections with the people I worked with, and I still keep in contact with my internship mentor!
Another aspect of the IFSA program that I loved was the balance between academics and adventure. We went on several IFSA sponsored trips throughout the semester, where we were able to bond as a group and experience all of New Zealand's natural beauty while learning at the same time! For one of our trips, we went to an island off the coast of Auckland to plant trees with a conservation group. They explained to us how the island used to be a cattle farm, and now it is being completely replanted to bring back some of the indigenous plants and animals. It was such a cool experience to learn about New Zealand conservation efforts and also contribute to what makes New Zealand such a beautiful place. This semester abroad really changed my view on living outside of the US, and IFSA has helped me to make amazing memories that I will cherish forever.

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