Terrible. Will never ever do again.

Growth: 1
Support: 1
Fun: 1
Housing: 3
Safety: 3

I did a program in Italy. In fact, I am still in Italy now finishing out the program. I was working for a summer camp to teach kids English. Now, I don't speak any Italian, so I assumed going into the program that I would be given either a translator or the Italian camp counselors would speak at least some English. I came from America, where as all the other interns came from places like China, Turkey, and Mexico. English was not their first language and none of them were completely fluent. That was the first bad sign of the program. The second was how my "accomodation" was a very small apartment with a 28 year old woman. After three and a half weeks with her, I moved into a small apartment with 5 other girls. While my host was nice, she was supposed to provide me with dinner, but she didn't. There wasn't anything in the kitchen that I could cook for myself. The only thing that could be found in her fridge was moldy cheese and disgusting cat food. She had two cats, a dog, and a porcupine. She was never around enough to clean up after any of them so they would often defecate on the floor. I slept on a leather couch. The entire apartment was rather disgusting and my commute to work was two buses and a ten minute walk, totaling about 45 minutes minimum. My first day of work was a disaster. I was scheduled to work only 5 hours a day, which I thought was fantastic. I arrived at work to realize that not a single counselor spoke english, and that I was to somehow teach 25 kids English with NO materials and no way to speak to them at all in italian. I also didnt know how to find my way back to the apartment, and while I said this, the lady in charge just kept telling me to stay calm. Maybe its a cultural difference, but when I am thrown into a country I am unfamiliar with, which speaks a language I do not speak, and I dont know how to get home, I will not keep calm. I expressed my concerns to the program coordinator and she said to keep a positive attitude and start cooperating more. After everything, the program was horrendous and not worth my time or the cost.

Would you recommend this program?
No, I would not
Year Completed