Costa Rica TEFL

Costa Rica TEFL

Why choose Costa Rica TEFL?

Do you want to see the world, experience new cultures and languages, and live abroad? What better way than by teaching English?

Gone are the days when just any Native English speaker can get hired to teach English; most quality schools now require teaching experience and a TEFL / ESL Certificate.

The CostaRicaTEFL faculty is combining its 22+ years of experience in teaching foreign languages to offer you a unique opportunity to earn a TEFL certificate that will qualify you to teach TEFL / ESL in Costa Rica or anywhere in the world.

Get in touch to find out more, or confirm your place. We offer a balanced program which focuses on key areas for being a successful TEFL / ESL teacher: teaching methodologies, teaching techniques, learning styles, classroom management, classroom adaptation, culture in the classroom, effective lesson planning, creativity in the classroom and more.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Opportunity !

Barb and the whole team provide an incredible experience in the beautiful beach town of Samara, Costa Rica. From teacher training to practical teaching practice with friendly local Tico students I can't recommend this course enough!
From the first day all of us TEFL trainees were made to feel at home with the brilliant TEFL staff offering guidance and a welcoming atmosphere! We learned so many valuable teaching methods from experienced teachers and then applied these ourselves when teaching locals from Samara.
As well as teaching in the TEFL school, we also experienced everything Samara and Costa Rica has to offer. From the beautiful beaches to zip-lining to amazing restaurants , we experienced the trip of a lifetime all while making friends for life from all over the world in the process!
Once we completed the TEFL course, Barb provided so many opportunities to teach all across Costa Rica and even further as her TEFL school is renowned and so many people seek her assistance in finding new TEFL teacher graduates!
I loved the whole experience and couldn't recommended Barb and the Samara school enough!

  • Brilliant Support
  • Practical Teacher Training
  • Job Assistance
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable experience

An amazing experience from start to finish. The teaching was excellent, informative and they were all so supportive throughout. Lots of laughter, fun and the opportunity to meet not only fellow travellers but also build friendships amongst the local community. A great jumping off point to start teaching either in Costa Rica or further afield in a breathtaking setting. Currently continuing my travels in Costa Rica and loving every minute of it. It's not an easy course but so worth it by the end of the month!

  • Gain all the skills to teach English
  • Beautiful place
  • Meet friend for life
  • Hardwork but worth it!
  • Intense
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Dream

The Dream!

Arrived to a hostel right by the beach. After the long flight from the UK and the taxi ride from Liberia I was knackered. It was 2am by the time the jet lag wore off. I spent the time between then and the arsenal game wondering what this new adventure had in store for me. Little did I know at the start of the game it would be 3 matching suitcases in descending order of size. My first course mate had arrived at the Blue iguana hostel. As I sipped my 7.30am beer from the mini fridge I reminded myself it was a lunchtime beer back in the UK before helping carry these suitcases upstairs. The second course mate I meet would join me for the second after of the game against Liverpool soon after. The first return after what I imagine was a lengthy unpacking ritual. The 3 of us we're first down. The stunning arsenal victory was lost in the meeting and greeting of Tefl students old and new at the Blue Iguana breakfast area as more of the residence started to wake. After tearing ourselves away from an old Tefl portfolio, thinking of how we we're all about to build one ourselves, we hit the local beach bar, Las Ola's, and we hit it hard. The joyous new team feeling flowed all the way past dinner time when we meet two other members of the course and enjoyed a glorious Mojito at local bar Limeys. They sure know they're way around limes, still the best mojito in Samara by my learned opinion! A return to the pool for some late night Margaritas, the last of which I could stomach for the rest of my time there and it was all of a sudden time for bed once more. And so as quickly as it started the first weekend in Samara was over. Now the real work began! The first day seemed like a mad dream! Teaching on Wednesday! Impossible! But with the support and guidance of the team at Tefl, Barb, Eleanor and Chantel, we soon found our feet. Lessons soon became something to relish rather than fear and bonds with tutors, fellow teachers and student alike were easy. Progress was being made by all for all. We made dinners for all in the evenings, ate out for birthdays and on night when we just really needed it! Teaching online and to kids was an experience that set my path in a different direction! It reminded me of why I got into teaching and what I wanted from it. What I wanted from being an educator! Then just when you've finished your last lesson on a topic you love. It all clicks! The elation from getting your tefl graduates certificate, the euphoria of celebrating with your fellow graduates. The hard graft has paid dividends and your free to work, travel or find a job in this beautiful country. I took the later option and with alot of help from Barb I made it to a new town to teach the next generation from the jungles of Costa Rica! The Dream is here!

  • The People
  • The Lifestyle
  • The Beach
  • Rainy Season
  • Ants in Chocolate
  • 4 weeks of late Dinners
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Yes, I recommend this program


I thoroughly enjoyed this program, the course content, and the useful knowledge I received from getting TEFL certified. All of the teacher trainers and staff were incredibly helpful and positive all of the time, and I always knew who I could ask for help when I needed it. Whenever I made classroom errors, my feedback was always positive and genuine, and I felt like my observers really wanted me to do well. I would recommend CRTEFL to anyone who is looking to travel and work and live abroad. The location is terrific, the beach is around the corner and everyone in Playa Samara is so kind. The restaurants around the school are 100% worth it and reasonably priced, and there are stores, clothing shops, fruit and organic stores nearby. I truly enjoyed my time in and outside of the TEFL course.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
My most nerve-racking moment was teaching a class my very first time. I was so nervous because I had little experience with public speaking, but throughout the course I was really able to come out of my shell and get comfortable with sharing knowledge and confident that I was doing it the right way.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Experience!

Costa Rica TEFL was everything and more that I wanted from a TEFL certification program. I am so grateful to this course and my teacher trainers for making me feel comfortable and confident as an EFL teacher. The course information was super comprehensive, I had tons of practice teaching, and I got valuable feedback from teachers. After taking this course, I know that I am prepared for any teaching situation that I am placed in whether it is online, teaching kids, business English, or something else. More than just the course information, I also got to live in Sámara, a beach paradise, and meet new and wonderful people. My mornings and weekends were spent on the beach or visiting new parts of Costa Rica with my fellow TEFL students. I made friends and learned skills that will last me a lifetime. Thank you, Costa Rica TEFL.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking moment was teaching for the first time. However, having the support of the teachers as well as my fellow students, helped tremendously. Everyone lent a hand with lesson planning by sharing ideas and helping with activity prep. It's a great community.


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Anna Ruth

Anna Ruth is from South Carolina in the United States. She was in Costa Rica participating in the TEFL program in August 2013 and loved it. She loves the Central American culture and has been growing ever since the experience. She learned a lot from the teachers at TEFL and enjoyed being by the beach for the course. After graduating, she went to Nicaragua to teach elementary school and then found herself back in Costa Rica teaching first and second grade and high school ESL. She loves the beach and is hoping to get back to Guanacaste.

Why did you decide to take a TEFL course with Costa Rica TEFL?

I decided to take the TEFL course because my College degree is Early Childhood Education. I have also been interested in Spanish and using my minor and major combined in teaching ESL or Spanish. The certification also helps me bolster my resume for future job opportunities. I chose Costa Rica because I wanted to be in Central America after my intern year was finished in Arizona and Costa Rica is the safest country in CA. It is also in a very desirable area by the beach.

What made this teach abroad experience unique and special?

I think there were many different aspects but for sure the location made it attractive and special because we could go to the beach during breaks if desired. The atmosphere and fact that we were in class and teaching with the same group of people for a month also was important because we were able to build friendships and a bond.

This was helpful not only for the social aspect but helping each other with plans. I also appreciated that we had to teach the different levels because although beginners were my favorite, it was a good experience to have to come up with activities at higher levels and be able to have enough knowledge and skill set in order to adapt to the different levels and ages that we had in the classes.

How has this experience impacted your future? (Personally, professionally, academically, etc.)

This experience has impacted me a lot because now I have the knowledge in order to teach ESL. I am currently teaching first and second grade in a school in Heredia. However, I am also teaching two ESL classes to two groups of high schoolers and in each of these classes there are different levels of English that I'm working with. I am also able to use some of the resources that I got from the course in my elementary classroom.

This experience also has wanted me to maybe explore teaching adults rather than kids sometime. In addition, the location has made me want to return to the beach where the course was because it was beautiful and the atmosphere of the town was like no other beach town that I have been to.

What is one piece of advice you would offer someone considering teaching abroad in Costa Rica?

I would say do it for sure. The country is nice with different climates and environmental areas to enjoy traveling when there are chances. The people are very helpful and nice. I would definitely seek some sort of community environment especially when adjusting to the culture at first in order to seek advice and guidance as well as having social outings together.