  • Italy
4 - 12 weeks
Classroom Audience
Pre-School Elementary Middle School

Program Details

  • Mother tongue English Speaker, 18 years old+, love working with children
Job Type
Classroom Audience
Pre-School Elementary Middle School
Host Family
Age Min.


Salary / Benefits
Paid Study Grant
Starting Price
Price Details
All tutors accepted onto our program must attend one of our orientation courses. The summer 2023 orientations will be held in Sanremo. The orientation fee is 200 euros and covers five days' hotel accommodation, meals, didactic training and materials.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Feb 03, 2023
May 30, 2024
105 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

EDUCO is a social enterprise that provides Italian students and teachers with fun, enriching, and hands-on opportunities to learn the English language.

We are recruiting creative, passionate and responsible mother tongue English speakers to teach English to children in Camps throughout Italy - from the Alps to the islands of Sicily and Sardegna - on our accredited TEFL through Performance & Play program. This is a unique opportunity to enhance your CV and cultural horizons by learning how to teach through games, sports, drama & songs all taught at our orientation. Accommodation, food and transport during and between camps is all covered. Tutors also receive a generous study grant which is based on the number of weeks spent teaching.

If you dream of spending a summer in Bella Italia while doing rewarding work with children and meeting people from all over the world - then this is the experience for you.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Living with Italian host families, working in a culturally diverse team environment, free transport from camp to camp, company accommodation during weeks on hold, networking possibilities in Italy following program
  • Earn a TEFL through Performance & Play Certificate accredited by the International TEFL Accreditation Council
  • We are proud to provide our tutors with the highest compensation of any summer camps program within Italy, and among the highest within the EU.

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Program Reviews

4.75 Rating
based on 67 reviews
  • 5 rating 88.06%
  • 4 rating 4.48%
  • 3 rating 2.99%
  • 2 rating 2.99%
  • 1 rating 1.49%
  • Benefits 4.7
  • Support 4.7
  • Fun 4.9
  • Facilities 4.75
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 17 - 24 of 67 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Decision I’ve Made

EDUCO is without a doubt the best job I’ve ever had. I have just finished my second summer working for the company and I cannot say enough amazing things about it. I’ve met the most amazing people and traveled more places than I can count in Italy. The host families I have met and lived with have been incredible and the people I have worked with have become close friends that I continue to stay in touch with. If you are looking for a summer teaching abroad look no further than EDUCO.

I have recommended EDUCO to countless friends who have applied to and loved the job when they got it as much as I do so I figured it was time for me to write a review. While with EDUCO I experienced good communication, great camps, and stunning locations all across Italy. Once again if you want to work teaching in Italy EDUCO is the place to go!

  • Lifelong friends
  • Stunning locations
  • Unique experiences
61 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Program

I was not sure what to expect as I had never participated in a travel abroad program. Also, I had never even been to Italy before. Orientation was both stressful and awesome as we got to learn about how the camp would be run by being campers ourselves. I actually felt like a little kid during orientation and saw how fun it must be from their presepective. It was a bit stressful as we had to learn a million songs and games but it all was useful when camps started. We were provided books so that we would have references to use and prepare lesson plans as well as afternoon activities for the camp day. I got to meet and work with so many people from different places of the world and also got to live and experience Italian culture first hand. My host families were incredible and we got to stay in places that most people wouldn't even know existed. And don't even get me started on the food! Many of my fellow tutors taught me more and inspired me. It was amazing to be a part of such great teams. I was always just a message away from Sophia or orientation leaders if I needed support with anything. The only tough time I had was when I was working with tutors who did not seem to want to be there and I had to be more energetic. I definitely challenged myself this summer and feel accomplished. This program is a great way to travel throughout Italy and not just be a tourist but more involved. It is also a wonderful way to meet people who are likeminded and enjoy teaching and traveling. When I felt overwhelmed I requested a hold to travel through Italy as well. Overall a wonderful program with a dedicated staff and I hope to participate next summer if given the opportunity. This summer was truly an amazing one and I am so glad I got to be a part of EDUCO.

  • Housing and food are provided
  • Travel everywhere
  • Make Connections
69 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best summer of my life!

I would highly recommend EDUCO. This was probably the best summer of my life. Orientation is so much fun, you meet people from all across the world (although mostly white, I will say, which I hope EDUCO works on in the future) and play games, learn songs, and learn very useful information about how to teach. I felt comfortable with the people I was around; my only regret was that I didn't get to know everyone sooner.
Educo is hard, and can be stressful sometimes. Especially for people who think it's just gonna be a cool trip around italy while you get paid. You are a teacher, and your first responsibility is the kids and making sure they are having a memorable experience while learning English. I had a great time because I took that seriously. I know there were some people who did not take that seriously, and they had a tougher time with Educo. Someone admitted to me that they don't even like kids or wanna be a teacher, they just came here to travel around Italy for cheap, and it broke my heart. If you truly love teaching and are willing to throw yourself headfirst into this experience, then you will have an unforgettable summer. If you are rude, negative, unwilling, making excuses, not showing improvement during orientation, or not taking your job seriously (or racist and transphobic, as I found some people to be), then you will probably not have the best time with Educo, which I think is fair. You do this for the kids and for the love of teaching, not for your own personal enjoyment of Italy, although that definitely is a plus :).
I stayed with host families (one of which I consider my own family now), lived on a horse ranch where I taught a bunch of Italian girls the Cotton Eyed Joe, stayed at an airbnb outside of Rome and went to see the Colosseum every day after camp, stayed at a beach resort for 2 weeks where I had the best 22nd birthday ever, explored Milan when I was on hold, and got to travel to Genova and Bologna when it was all done.
I met amazing, unforgettable kids. Even if they tested my patience for 4 days straight, I was crying on the 5th day when I had to say goodbye.
I made friends with (almost) every tutor I worked with. I say almost because there were some people I just did not vibe with outside of camp, which I think doesn't matter as long as you work well together professionally, and I did work well with all the tutors I was placed with.
The only negative thing I can think of is how gender identity, as a nonbinary person, was brushed aside. During orientation, a leader of a group I was in asked "are there any pronouns I should know about?" and the way that it was phrased made me feel like I would be in trouble if I spoke up about the fact that I go by they, she, and he. The person then said "You won't see that in Italy", which I knew going in - Italy is a very gender binary country - but in my first week of camp I met an amazing trans kid who did go by they/them. Just wanted to bring it up so it isn't swept under the rug again and so more nonbinary and trans people feel like they don't have to hide their identity. I know that person had no ill will, and I believe Educo can work on improving this.
Overall, EDUCO is an amazing program for those who actually have a passion for teaching and working with kids. You'll meet incredible people, teach hilarious kids, eat amazing food, see unforgettable places, and learn about a beautiful culture, if you're willing to jump in head first and push yourself. I can't wait to do this again next year.

  • People you meet
  • Places you go
  • Very accommodating staff
  • They did overstaff this year so a lot of people were placed on hold
72 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Adventure of a Lifetime: Work, Grow, Learn, and Immerse Yourself in Beautiful Italia

I have been working with Educo for two years now in their TEFL-PP programs, teaching and touring Italy during the summers. I don't even know where to begin to explain how much I have personally and professionally grown as an individual, a teacher, and a team player. As a half-Italian, half-Peruvian woman living in Canada, I am so grateful for the opportunity to explore one of my ancestral countries and to fully immerse myself in it during the magical summers, but the idea that you are just coming to travel and have fun is a big misconception that I noticed during my two years - especially with teachers who are just starting out. When you sign on to work with Educo, be clear that you are coming to work, grow, and learn for long days of work (usually 9-5PM from Monday to Friday) and that doesn't always look glamourous. So much of the experience depends on the mindset that you come with, where you are personally in your own life, setting your ego aside, and to prioritize the act of serving your community through the work that you are doing.

Setting personal and professional goals for yourself would be my advice to those who are interested in this opportunity. Do you want to become a more confident teacher? Do you want to learn how to work in a team? Do you have some personal adversities as an individual that you want to overcome and you think this experience will teach provide you with those life lessons? Educo gives you all the tools that you need to feel confident going into summer camps with a week-long of intensive training led by a didactic team that has years of experience and, what has become one of my most prized possessions, a manual full of interactive and teaching material. Even outside of Italy - as a drama teacher working in Canada - I find myself going back to the manual and my experiences during the summer for inspiration, with a strong conviction in knowing that if I prepare myself ahead of time with the right materials, I have the confidence to lead any classroom. As someone who has also created lesson plans and manuals for schools, I know how much work went into that book, and I appreciate it wholeheartedly. That is a priceless gift that Educo has gifted me, one I will always be grateful for, and while I have always felt supported by the extremely hard-working, generous, and kind team that are Sophia, Giuseppe, Charlie, Kuba, James and the administration, you need to be the one making that active choice for yourself, and to realize that in this experience, much like in our whole lives, there will always be adversity and obstacles to overcome, that sometimes you won't be working with people that you connect with, that sometimes you'll miss a connection or a train, that there might be miscommunication, or maybe the town that you're in is not what you were dreaming of when you thought you were spending a summer in Italy, and that words (and the way you choose to use them) can make or break a situation and relationship, and that you can only control the way that you conduct yourself in these situations. Through all of this, of course, you have to make sure that you take care of yourself, your well being, and your energy throughout the summer.

I love the work that I do with Educo profoundly. I love the kids that we get to teach. I love seeing them become confident in themselves at the end of a class, a presentation, a game or a song. I love being able to be a little part of their journey through this company. I love meeting new people in different regions and understanding their stories. I love the life-long friendships I made with colleagues and school staff. The work that we do for this company goes beyond "a summer in Italy", you are given the opportunity to touch people's lives, to create an impact in different communities, and to be a vessel of light and safety for those kids who might be scared to learn something new.

As long as you are choosing all of this for yourself and your perspective is one of personal and professional growth, then you will also be investing in yourself through this opportunity and will never regret it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Grazie di cuore, Educo!

  • Personal/Professional Growth
  • Immersive Cultural Experience
66 people found this review helpful.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unexpected summer

This was the most unexpected yet most fun summer I have ever had. Aside from earning, you'll meet different people and visit different places in Italy you haven't imagined yourself being into.

The orientation was fun yet overwhelming but it is all you need to be ready in camps. (Take notes and sing the songs when taught)

The camps are very different from each other. So being flexible is a must. So far I didn't have any bad experiences. The camp directors and helpers were really ready to help and support whatever you need in the camp. One tip, always smile, carry on the challenges and always find a way. All camps will always have a problem.

My host families were the best! They showed me different places of Italy, I had never imagined existed. They fed me lots of food that I gained 6 kilos! I was so pampered, everything I needed was given. So even after a long, tiring camp, at least you'll go back to a plave you can call home and regain the energy you lost without thinking what to cook (except if you'll stay in a bed and bfast/hotels etc.).

Families usually invite you to a trip or lunch outside every Saturday and Sunday, which I see is a plus. You'll get to see Italy's gem, and get yourself a personal tour guide. So another tip, store lots of energy.

My experience let me live life to the fullest. I was able to forget my uni/work life set up and truly enjoyed every single moment in all fun way possible. I wasn't able to imagine myself being in the places I have been to, see the high, green mountains, drink fresh and cold water, swim in a lake, drink unlimited wine and beer, have long, breathtaking rides, meet lovely people, experience cultural and traditional celebrations, and be in remote places with no internet connection, just in contact with nature.

All in all this is the best and most authentic Italian journey I will miss.

Spontaneous, unforgettable and one of a kind. I will surely do it again.

  • Host families
  • FOOD
  • See different places
  • Transfer day and meeting day should be in one day. Sunday should be a rest day for tutors.
61 people found this review helpful.
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No, I don't recommend this program

EDUCO review

I confess to having not had a brilliant experience with EDUCO, overall.

The orientation week was, however enjoyable, and fun, although the camp coordinations asked for payment in cash, which prompted some questions. The orientation is held in a hotel, and is quite full on, and pushes one out of ones comfort zone!

Following the orientation week, new tutors are required to do a minimum of three weeks working in camps, across Italy. Busy directly after the orientation week (at the beginning of June), I stated I was available in July, which was clearly stated to the camp coordinator. Leaving after the orientation week, all was well, and I was looking forward to returning for the month of July. Arrangements had been made for my return in July.

There the fun ended.

I was messaged five days before my return flight from Britain to Italy that I was no longer able to go to Italy and work in the camps. The reason given was that too many tutors had been taken on that year. I’d like to point out two issues here. Firstly, EDUCO appears to be an unorganised organisation which evidently took on too many people, a problem it surely knew it would have, as they know how many people are needed per camp etc. It is thus, an unreliable company. Secondly, having booked my flight, the situation made the problem of the fact that in many cases flights are not refundable. Mine was not. Thankfully, one positive of this debacle was that the company did refund my flight, however this was three weeks after it had all happened.

This is my experience of EDUCO. I’d like to point out that many people have had good and fun experiences with this company, however, it’s often not all fun and games. I have been told that other new tutors were sent home as they were oversubscribed in terms of tutor numbers, an issue the company needs to sort out if they are to flourish in future years

  • A good orientation week
  • Unorganised company
  • Disorganised chaos prevented me from working in Italy.
64 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Summer Experience

I had the best time working for Educo this summer I cannot recommend it enough! My only regret is not signing up for longer.
From orientation all the mentors were so welcoming and helpful they created a fun and supportive environment while we were learning. We also were given a manual that broke down everything you could possibly need to teach during your time with educo, so there is no need to be nervous about teaching you are taught everything you need to know
During camps we still had the support still of mentors but also camp directors. The camp directors are all so kind and supportive. They make sure everything runs smoothly and mine always checked in that I was happy and comfortable with both in camp and with host families.
Also Sophia will be an amazing help during your time in Italy. She somehow manages to organise moving the tutors all around Italy but always has time to answer questions if you’re unsure.

  • So many pros it’s hard to know where to start. The obvious one is you have an opportunity to travel around Italy. Often you do this with your host families which only enhances this experience as they can share places you would never find as a tourist
  • The training you are given has to be mentioned, even in one week everyone gained such confidence and you are given a manual which lays out so many ideas and lesson plans you will never run out
  • The people you meet are biggest highlight of the experience whether it’s tutors you became friends with, mentors who built confidence in everyone in just 1 week, the families, directors and Sophia all make the experience so special and memorable
  • The only thing I can think of is you find out Thursday where you’ll be next week, but while this seemed late at the start after a week it becomes routine and you don’t need to know earlier
51 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you EDUCO!! 😍

For anyone thinking about this programme, all I can say is GO FOR IT!! The EDUCO programme is the perfect way to introduce yourself to teaching English, whilst fully immersing yourself in Italian culture.

It is an experience like no other, and it has encouraged me to be confident and enthusiastic not just while teaching, but in all aspects of life! The other tutors I worked with were fantastic and it was a pleasure getting to know the children in my class, and to really see their English develop!

I stayed with the most welcoming host family, who made wonderful home-cooked meals for me, and I was lucky enough to travel to Lake Garda with them during my weekend free time.

  • Develop confidence and learn how to think on your feet
  • Explore a beautiful country while spending time with a host family who are so keen to share their culture with you
  • Have the opportunity to return to EDUCO again and again to relive the wonderful experience
  • Not really a con, but the programme is tiring so this is not for the faint-hearted. Be ready to give 110% every single day, and you will get so much more out of it!
53 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

You do not need to speak Italian in order to apply for our camps. While knowledge of the language can be an advantage, our camps are full English immersion and we discourage tutors from speaking Italian with the children. Every camp has local Italian staff (including the director and helpers) who may assist with any language barriers.