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Program Details

Academic Year Fall Spring Spring Break Summer Winter Year Round
Apartment Hotel
Weekly Hours
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
- Customizable program details and lengths.
- Practical learning of everyday Korean language tailored to individual abilities.
- Immersion in various Korean traditions and cultural activities.
- Official visits to Hallyu-related companies and organizations.
- Lectures on Hallyu's history, trends, and impact.
- Actively participate in creative projects based on Korean culture and Hallyu content.
- Mentoring sessions with Korean cultural and industry experts.
- Refund possible before arrival in Korea (for any reason).
- Airport pick up/drop off upon arrival and departure.
- Prepaid payment card (up to 10,000 KRW) from Asia Lab
- Limited edition Asia Lab merchandise.
- Accommodations (optional).
What's Included
Activities Some Activities Some Meals SIM cards Wifi
What's Not Included
Accommodation Airfare Meals Travel Insurance Visa
Dec 22, 2023
Feb 04, 2024
14 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Korea is getting huge attention around the world as the hub of worldwide media, not only for K-pop, dramas, and movies, but also for fashion, food, and beauty.
This is the best opportunity to explore our beautiful country while building up your career! We are a Global Entertainment Company so if you want to expand your career in Korea while working globally, do not hesitate to apply for ASIA LAB's Global K-Internship Program.

The ASIA LAB Global Internship Program broadens the perspective of the Korean business and entertainment industry, allowing you to have unique and meaningful work and life experiences in Korea.

What We Do

1. Unforgettable Gala Awards
2. "One Asia" Projects
- Travel Interview Documentary
- Film "Asia"
- Book publishing
- One-Stop Services (B2B, B2C)
& More!

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Become an Official Intern | You can build your career at the heart of Hallyu by becoming an official intern at Asia Lab, Asia's top entertainment company.
  • Exclusive Experience | Airport pick-up, guidance with accommodation, merchandise, networking/special events and much more!
  • Customized Care | Asia Lab develops internship programs tailored to individual goals and collaborates with you to create personalized objectives.
  • Asia Lab Recommendation Letter | With a recommendation letter from Asia Lab, a world-renowned entertainment company, you can boost your career in the Korean and global entertainment industry, increasing your chances of successful job placements.
  • Official Certificate of Internship | An official certificate will be issued at the end of your internship, proving your participation and accomplishments as an official intern in the authoritative entertainment company.

Program Reviews

4.87 Rating
based on 31 reviews
  • 5 rating 90.32%
  • 4 rating 6.45%
  • 3 rating 3.23%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.8
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.95
  • Housing 4.7
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 25 - 31 of 31 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Completed one of my bucket lists items!

Completed one of my bucket lists items!
This is my second visit to Korea! I started this internship because I love Korean culture.
The Asia Lab internship offers a more authentic experience compared to other internships.
They even helped me select my own accommodations and choose one that suited me.
We have barbecue parties almost every week and I’m having such a great time. I’m learning a lot and it’s made me want to keep working in Korea! I'm having a really enjoyable time in Seoul!!!!!!!!!

39 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Life in Korea

Ever since I started liking K-pop and studying Korean, I wanted to work in Korea. However, it was not easy for me to find a job abroad because I had no experience just after graduating from college. But eventually, I found an internship at Asia Lab and they gave me a chance to work. Asia Lab not only works in media production here in Korea, but also hosts events in Hollywood, Japan, and India. It was a great opportunity for me to work in my native language as well as practice Korean. The people at Asia Lab always treated me like an important team member. It was a great experience where I was able to feel responsibility and joy in my work all at once.

45 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Level Up with Asia Lab!

I was looking for ways to boost my career while at the same time experiencing life in another country. I always wanted to come to Korea as I have been interested in Korean culture and music for years. So when I found this opportunity with Asia Lab I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to not only advance my career but also experience life in Korea.

I was definitely nervous at first as I wasn't sure if I could keep up with what the team was doing because of my limited Korean skills. But everyone at Asia Lab worked hard to make sure I understood things well and always felt included. Even though they had team members who could speak English, I used this chance to really upgrade my Korean speaking skills. Now I feel like my Korean has improved so much!

Working at Asia Lab not only let me upgrade my professional skills but also my Korean language and cultural knowledge. Now because I have relevant work experience, can communicate more efficiently in Korean and made some great connections through networking, I am able to apply and be a serious candidate for many entertainment based jobs both in and outside of Korea. I'm really so happy I found this opportunity.

Shout out to CEO Lee and the whole Asia Lab Global team for helping me "LEVEL UP" my career!

  • Large and extensive networking opportunities
  • Comfortable/fun working environment
  • Opportunities to use and practice Korean
44 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Really Cool Internship

A family friend of mine recommended I do an internship with this company as I have always had an interest in working in TV/film production. At first, I was kind of skeptical because I wasn't sure if they would be able to keep all the promises they made to me while I was applying. There aren't many companies that actually deliver on what they promise, especially when it comes to working at an internship. But I feel like I got really lucky finding Asia Lab. From the first day I arrived, they treated me like I was a part of the team and not just a lowly intern. There was no running random errands, or fetching coffee chores. I also wasn't made to just sit around and do nothing. I actually had a project to work on and tasks to complete every day and I think that really helped me learn a lot. I also got to experience so many things that I never thought I would. Going to meetings with different companies, visiting sets, networking with really, really important people. I never would have imagined I would have these opportunities while doing an internship.

I was only at Asia Lab for a month but I wish I had been there longer. It felt like I was making real progress in upgrading my skills and making connections when already my time there was over. If I could give advice to anyone thinking of applying:
1) Do it.
2) Do it for as long as you are able to.
3) Trust me you won't regret it.

  • Given actual tasks/projects to work on
  • Flexible schedule/program
  • Networking opportunities
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The Best Intern Experience

I used to work in Korea as a teacher and hated it. Instead, I was looking to find a way to gain experience in the industry I am most passionate about (movies and entertainment) while living in Seoul. When I found this internship at Asia Lab I wasn't sure what to expect as it sounded too good to be true. But I was willing to try anything to chase my dreams.
Needless to say, I am so happy I decided to do this internship. I have had amazing experiences and learned A LOT about the Korean entertainment industry. I was directly involved in meetings and got to work on projects I never would have dreamed of working on before. I also got to practice using Korean which was something I always felt I never had the opportunity to do while teaching. This internship really helped me "level up" not only my career skills but my language skills as well.
The team at Asia Lab was also incredibly supportive. They helped me with food, housing, made sure I understood my visa situation and overall guided me through my time in Korea well. The biggest draw to me for this internship over others was that they guaranteed me a full refund, for any reason, if I decided I couldn't come to Korea and join them for the program. Most of the other internships I looked into stated that I could only get a refund if they couldn't "match me" with a good company before my program start date. This internship is done directly with Asia Lab so I didn't have to worry about "matching" with a company. I was working and communicating directly with the company to set up and customize my internship.
The only downside of this internship was leaving it. The team at Asia Lab became like my family while I was in Korea and I couldn't have imagined a better internship experience. Major shout out to CEO Lee for creating this opportunity for people interested in this business. This is a rare opportunity that I hope others are able to enjoy as much as I did.

  • Real life Korean language application
  • Networking/special events
  • Offered full refund/provided prepaid card for transportation
53 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My DREAM Internship Program

It might be the first internship program that is directly related to Hallyu culture in Asia and even the world. Since I was young, I have been interested in Hallyu Wave culture and dream of working in this industry. This project was my dream internship project. Compared to the internships I've been involved in before, the company fulfilled their role perfectly. This internship was different to other companies that just ask interns to print documents, serve tea, and deliver water without really accumulating work experience. I was really exposed here to how to deal with company projects and how they work. I would say this was the perfect place to work.

  • VISA support
49 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Being an Asia Lab Intern

Recently, I completed my internship here at Asia Lab in Seoul, South Korea.
First thoughts:
In the beginning, we were a bit unsure of what would be expected of us, there was another intern working with me, and thus we were shy upon the first meeting. But everybody welcomed us warmly into the team. As we were both not Korean, we were happy to have people that spoke English, and also our native language German to help us out when our Korean was not enough. The office space in Seoul could not be better; it is an open space with a lot of natural light, and it is very modern. We brainstormed some ideas that the company could use for the Instagram account and did some general research about Instagram and how the algorithm works. In meetings with the team and our supervisor, we talked about our results and ideas. It was very fun to be able to do research on topics I have never before considered relevant and thus grow my personal knowledge. Everybody was also very helpful and encouraged us to do our best.
Have you ever wondered what a workday at Asia Lab looks like? Then get ready to hear all about it!
We would get to the office at around 10, usually a little bit earlier to set everything up at our workspace, and get the day started. We either prepared for a meeting in the first half hour or got to work immediately. In the morning, we would do some research for a new project our supervisor was planning for the first half of 2022. Since I and the other intern could do the work together, the time went by fast, and we could discuss our results while we were working. For lunch, we would come together with the team to eat. We only ever ordered the food as eating out was complicated due to the pandemic. We would rather stay safe in the office than go out. While eating, we also talked about non-work-related things to relax our minds so we can work better after lunch. We either received new tasks to focus on them or continued the work from before. Unlike other internships I had before, everybody here trusts that we do our work and did not control our workflow. It was refreshing to feel that trust and actually gave us motivation to work harder during the day. We often communicated with our supervisor online through chat as we sat on different floors in the building, but it was not at all one-sided. Before we left at around 6, we would say goodbye to the team and quickly get an overview of the next day. Overall, the day was over fast and while it was exhausting to sit in front of the computer for so long, it was also very fun to do so.
I am glad I had the opportunity to learn as much as I did here in the company and helped the team out to the best of my abilities. I was able to expand my knowledge further while interning here.
To say it with the words of Asia Lab: We are here!

  • Easy communication with team members
  • Immersive Korean working experience
  • Open and comfortable workspace in Seoul
53 people found this review helpful.

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