Program Info
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The text entered here is the heart of your listing. It is extremely important to NOT copy and paste information from your website into this field. Duplicate content will hurt our ability to attract quality traffic to your listing, and will not be approved. Consider what makes your program unique and share that in 5-7 sentences.
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Highlights will appear as bullet points following your program description and photo/video sections. Many providers use this as a space to set themselves apart and showcase the unique, exciting parts of their program! You may add up to 5 highlights.


  • Diverse culture and a large population only adds to the illustrious atmosphere of the city
  • Travel freely around the city and visit locations like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and the House of Parliament and so much more
  • Earn transferrable US College Credit
  • Study for a semester or join multi-language year and study 2+ languages (like Korean/Japanese)!
  • Start dates in January, September, April, and June


Program Pricing Details
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Provide additional context to your starting price value.
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Program Media
Name Operations
Cover Photo
Name Operations
Blue Yellow Urban Modern Style Travel Vlogger LinkedIn Background Photo .jpg
Read our guidelines on Adding Pictures and Videos
Program Type

Program Type

Program Type: Teach
Recruiter, Teacher Exchange, Applicant must be enthusiastic about teaching English, Pre-School, Elementary, Middle School, High School, University Students
Job Type
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Classroom Audience
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What's Included
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What's Not Included
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