Multiple Locations +8
  • United States of America
    • Boston
    • Washington D.C.
    • San Francisco
    • San Diego
    • New York
    • Miami
    • Los Angeles
    • Chicago
  • Spain
    • Seville
    • Madrid
    • Barcelona
  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
  • Northern Ireland
    • Belfast
  • Mexico
    • Playa del Carmen
    • Mexico City
    • Guadalajara
  • Colombia
    • Medellin
    • Bogota
  • Canada
    • Vancouver
    • Toronto
  • Australia
    • Melbourne
120 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement
Apartment Host Family Hotel


Starting Price
Nov 07, 2019
Apr 28, 2023
35 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Globally recognized and accredited by the University of Cambridge, the CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is a highly regarded TEFL program among employers across the globe. Offered at several Teaching House locations worldwide, the CELTA course offers an intense and detailed curriculum which is taught and overseen by experienced teacher trainers who will help you learn the most effective teaching methods. You will learn by teaching real non-native speakers and implementing the skills taught to you into your lesson plans. Considered a rigorous yet highly rewarding program, the CELTA course will prepare you for a successful English language teaching career.

Program Reviews

4.80 Rating
based on 45 reviews
  • 5 rating 84.44%
  • 4 rating 13.33%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 2.22%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Instruction 4.9
  • Support 4.9
  • Value 4.65
  • Academic Rigor 4.35
  • Job Assistance 4.4
Showing 17 - 24 of 45 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

CELTA - Teaching House @ Oxfordhousecollege London

I did my CELTA in 2006 and I've been teaching ever since. The course was very intense but the hard work is fine when you can see the improvement and you feel you are getting a lot out of it. The tutors were amazing - very experienced and great examples to us. I particularly enjoyed the learner case study assignment and the unknown language immersion - very thought provoking. I have since done my DELTA at the same place and I would really recommend both courses to anyone thinking about going abroad to teach.

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Yes, I recommend this program


I had a great time during this course, although it was very challenging! To be honest, the teachers were fantastic and the course was very thorough, but my only concern was the constant printer malfunctions in the lobby. Many of us would rely on this printer for lesson plans, language analysis sheets, and other important papers. Many times I barely managed to print in time for a lesson due to the printer randomly going offline or other malfunctions and it was very stressful. Otherwise, everything else in the course was great.

What would you improve about this program?
New printers.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CELTA Boot Camp

I wish I would have had a strategy to grab this bull by his horn. It would have probably felt less overwhelming if I would've created a study itinerary to balance the amount of time and should spend on TPs and Assignments. And also, to not try to embellish and develop each stage until I had the structure and aims complete clear and written out, and only if I had extra time, try to make in more interesting and fun then.

I really learned many lessons in this class. I went through hell and heaven; moments of enlightenment and moments of darkness. I self-doubted my capabilities to teach, my motivations, my intentions, everything, but at the end I pulled through thanks to the support and the faith my trainers deposited in me. I feel I would've liked to have more TPs to get better and better at this. The awesome thing is that I have a TESOL job now where I'm starting to put all these methods in practice, and I continue to see and enjoy how effective they are.

So, thank you CELTA for being like a "boot camp" to me. I really feel I've grown a lot, and I'm ready to continue growing on this path you've set, and up the standards I've been expected to reach. The bar has been set hight, and I'm ready to keep jumping to grab it by the horns, and maybe just raise it some more for myself. I don't want to ever stop growing as a TESOL ;).

What would you improve about this program?
I feel that it was great that we didn't have that much technological devices to teach in class, but definitely we need to have more than one printer. The printer at the center was not very functional and kept giving us trouble. When we're so dependent on making photocopies and printing, we cannot afford to have a "ok" photocopier/printer.

Have a place for students to be able to sit quietly 24/7 and have resources available would help students to truly focus and not have to deal with paying su much in parking, having to go home where most likely they can't focus, and miss opportunities to collaborate more with other students.

Those two things would make a world of a difference. Thank you for reading.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CELTA course review

The CELTA course taught me a good deal of things that seem obvious in hindsight, but about which I really knew very little. I've even found myself using certain techniques (ICQ's and CCQ's, for example) with friends and family when we are doing an activity together. I also really appreciate that we were able to teach an actual class of English learners so that we could put into practice the methods we were learning as we went along; this also gave us a great opportunity to see where we needed work, what we were doing well in, etc.

What would you improve about this program?
The one improvement that I would suggest would be to space out the writing assignments differently, so that a teacher doesn't have to turn in a written assignment on the same day that he/she has to teach.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CELTA Course in Boston Jul/Aug 2016

It was a very rigorous course but I learned more and, more importantly, remembered more from the CELTA classes than from any teacher training classes I've taken in the past. It's amazing that you can be so confused by the amount of information that's being directed at you and yet come away remembering so much of it. From my own experiences being a student on the course and from classes that dealt with the topic, I'm now much more sensitive to the feelings and struggles of English learners, and more aware of gender, ethnic, and religious issues that can consciously or unconsciously play a part in teaching English. No funny stories come to mind, I'm afraid, but certainly one of the best aspects of the course was the collegiate atmosphere among the participants.

What would you improve about this program?
Probably not likely given the time constraints, but It would be nice to have more time in which to write the papers. I would have liked to have done a better job on them but had too many other things to juggle. Also, I think there should be more acknowledgment of different ways of teaching. Given that different styles of teaching have had their day and been replaced by other styles, I couldn't always accept the implication that there was only one right way to teach. Statements like "This is what we think is the best approach," or "here's how we like to do things nowadays," would have alleviated the sometimes messianic tone of the teaching.
54 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program


Besides the knowledge and highly professional performance of the trainers, the team work encouragement and support at CELTA program were simply amazing! It was a really difficult course for me as I have been out of school for almost 15 years but I really enjoyed every single moment of both the trainers' lessons and also the team work. Trainers' lessons were both fun and extremely productive.
I also would like to take a minute to thank my trainers, especially Micky Lammond who is an amazing teacher and wonderful person. Besides his great command of the job, his encouragements along the way helped me a lot.

What would you improve about this program?
I think resource and materials at TeachingHouse CELTA program have some room for improvement. The library had only few options to offer and the logistics, i.e, computers and printers, could be a little more accommodating. For instance, the printers were not connected to the computers. Apparently they each belonged to different providers. Also, just as a comment, that particular area on Market St. was not necessarily the most suitable place for the class location. Sometimes it was hard to feel safe going to and from school. I have heard that San Francisco has safer places.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Do not fear, CELTA Teaching House Boston is here.

The 4 Week CELTA course at Teaching House Boston is intensive and at times you will have to remind yourself that it is only 4 weeks. After it is over, you would have to remind yourself it is over and to stop thinking about your lesson plans! It was an amazing experience at Teaching House Boston. You will receive the most qualified tutors and friendliest staff. I am a teacher with very little experience teaching in a classroom. I am leaving with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to begin my teaching career. Job opportunities will be presented through the course and some trainees including myself have gotten jobs through them. The tutors are very concerned with your success. When the course felt like it is was falling apart for me, I got the support and encouragement I greatly needed from my CELTA tutor.
In addition, your tutors encourage you to support your peers and work together!
By the end of your journey, your peers will be your family.
If you already have a lot of experience in teaching. I guarantee the tutors at THBoston will benefit you.
In all, I highly recommend the CELTA course at Teaching House Boston whether you are new to teaching or already have tons of experience.
You will be making one of the best decisions in your teaching career.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Teaching House Boston

I did my CELTA course at Teaching House Boston and was overall extremely satisfied with my experience. We had three different tutors on the course, all of whom were so helpful and knowledgeable. It was so useful to have their different perspectives and experiences to draw from. The course was very fast-paced and intense, but in no way unmanageable. I thought the feedback from the instructors on my assignments and teaching practices was very helpful and they always gave me concrete things to work on for the future. I felt as though the tutors were invested in my learning and truly wanted me to do well, and although at times the feedback was critical, it was never harsh. Overall, I loved doing my CELTA at Teaching House Boston and would unequivocally recommend it to anyone who is interested.

57 people found this review helpful.

Questions & Answers

Teaching House is not a placement organization, so the organization does not find placements for their students/graduates, but they offer excellent job listings and have an extensive network of former CELTA students who are willing and able to offer advice or suggestions. During the course, the trainers help hone your resume and interview skills, and they are happy to answer job-related questions...

There are so many positions out there to teach English to businesses/ business professionals. I have taught several classes myself- in fact they were always the best classes to teach! One thing to keep in mind is that most companies will hire an ESL teacher for their employees through a language school. The reason for this is that companies want to make sure they are getting the best quality of...