Alumni Spotlight: Ashley Erkoc

Why did you decide to study abroad with AIFS at Richmond in Florence?

Ashley: I studied abroad with AIFS at Richmond in Florence because out of all the programs I looked into, AIFS had the most to offer. I wanted a program that would allow me to fulfill degree requirements while offering me classes I wouldn't be able to get through my own college. I also wanted a program with a meal plan since I wanted to save money where I could. When I saw that AIFS had weekend trips included in their tuition and that they accepted any scholarships you receive through your college, I was sold that this would not only be the best program for me to experience another culture, but AIFS also made it more than manageable financially.

Ashley enjoying her time abroad with AIFS in Florence

What made your study abroad experience unique and special?

Ashley: This experience unqiue and special because of the people I was able to create friendships with and get to know. Also, the teachers in the program, both in Florence and during orientation. I was so lucky to meet people from all over the country and learn more about about myself and the world as a result of these connections. To this day, there is a group that I stay in close contact with and we travel often to get together. The teachers in the program were amazing. Their patience with the language barrier was helpful as was their tips on what to try, not try, etc.

Ashley with other AIFS girls going out in Florence

How has this experience impacted your future?

Ashley: Personally, traveling abroad has changed me completely. The way I view the world and others has deepened. I learned more about myself and what I can handle being away from everything that is familiar to me. My relationships at home strengthened as a result of a different form of communication since we now had to take time and make an effort to stay in contact. Academically and professionally, I have more to contribute because of what I have been able to see and experience. I didn't know how I would handle living in another country while everyone back home just continued on with their lives. Upon returning I realized, while everyone I knew did the same old things, I got to see places I never thought I would see. I came home more culture shocked than when I went to Italy. I have a strong desire to continue to travel and continue to explore and challenge myself.