Alumni Spotlight: Hritik Tayade


Entrepreneur's mindset is what Hritik has always carried along his way. Helping people in need and keeping himself informed about recent trends around world is what makes him tick.

Why did you choose this program?

The world of Entrepreneurs has always intrigued me, and I always wanted to start my own business. There were a myriad of ideas that I had in mind but never knew where and how to start from. I was hoping this program would help me find that one idea that I could actually go forward with and help me implement as well. Not to mention the program exceeded my expectations.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The program had provided me with almost everything that was needed and I just had to show up to the courses. The fact that due to the COVID situation, the program was organized online, the way it was handled seemed very smooth. The platforms where we could engage with the organizers and the participants were so friendly that it seemed as if everyone was in the same place even though we were in different parts of the world.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I would ask them to show up at every event and absorb as much knowledge as possible that is being provided. A lot is covered in a weeks program which i could hardly find any organization capable of doing so , plus connect with everyone in the program as this is one of a kind chance to meet new brains from all around the world.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

It is pretty intense but very interesting and exciting as well. There are sessions that will help you build up on your ideas, guests from huge companies, talk on the recent trends and their experience working at those companies, social events, where you can connect with the participants, and finally, some time to work on your ideas with the help of mentors who are constantly available to help you. Personally, I loved every bit of it.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

The fact that the program was held online, I still feared on the fact that I will be engaging with people from all over the world and how am I going to connect with them. Well, this fear lasted just for a couple to minutes as soon as the course started because during the social events , I understood that every participant went through the same thing that I feared and lightened everyone's mood. Every participant was open minded and brilliant, infact we still keep in touch after the program, not to mention have made some amazing friends.

Write and answer your own question.

Is it worth doing this Global Innovation Sprint program considering it's only for a week?

Definitely! as the name suggests, it's a Sprint. The program will keep you engaged for almost half of your entire day and you would be excited to work on your idea. After this program, you will come out with life-changing experiences and ideas that you would wish that would have lasted long. This event will you deep into finding your business idea implementing it and finally pitch it in front of investors. This is one of a kind experience that you could use wherever you go. Not to mention again that you'll make some amazing friends during the process.