Alumni Spotlight: Lindsay Law

Why did you decide to intern abroad with CAPA in Australia?

Lindsay interned in Australia with CAPA

Lindsay: I knew from the beginning that I wanted to go to Australia. Perfect weather and happy people, how could I not? I spent weeks researching a variety of programs but when I heard that an internship was included in the CAPA program, I was sold. Not only would I have the chance to study abroad and explore a foreign city, but I would also have the chance to work in and experience that city in a completely different way. As a second semester junior I knew that an internship experience was a must, so doing it while abroad seemed like the perfect setup. Not only was my internship in Sydney a resume booster, but it helped me grow as a person. I had to step outside of my comfort zone and adapt to a professional work environment in a completely different country. Choosing CAPA was the best decision that I have ever made, and I will continue to "sell" it for as long as I can!

What made this internship experience so unique and special?

Lindsay: Aside from the obvious that my internship was in a foreign city, the thing that made my experience so unique was that it wasn't your average, everyday internship. It wasn't in an office, I didn't have to wear nice clothes, and I didn't have to do the "dirty work" for anyone. My internship was at a homeless community center named Streetlevel in the heart of Sydney, and it truly changed my life. As a psychology major, I had no idea what to expect as far as an internship. When I found out that I would be working through the Salvation Army, though, I was thrilled.

It was a familiar organization that I knew would be recognized back here in the U.S. I had the opportunity to interact with a community within Sydney that I would have never otherwise had the chance to interact with. I got to learn about the welfare system in Australia, which made me curious about the welfare system in America. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone and proved to myself that I could adapt to any situation. On my first day, I wasn't quite sure that I could handle the challenge. The clients at Streetlevel were different than anyone who I had ever worked with, and I was scared to find out if I could rise to the occasion.

Luckily I surprised myself and after three months at Streetlevel, I never wanted to leave. The clients and staff really took me under their wings, and taught me that I can truly do anything. I built relationships that I will never forget, and met people that impacted my life forever. My internship was unique alright, and I wouldn't have substituted it for anything.

Lindsay and her co-workers at her internship in Australia

How has this experience impacted your future?

Lindsay: My experience at Salvation Army Streetlevel has impacted my future in a million different ways. It not only gave me the confidence to jump into a completely unknown situation, but it gave me the skills to work with the underprivileged community and with people who need assistance in general. I thought that I wanted to use my psychology degree to work with adolescents, possibly as a guidance counselor, but my internship in Sydney made me realize that I would love to work with a variety of populations. It also made me realize that I am able to separate myself from my work, which was always a concern that I had. Working in stressful or depressing situations can certainly bring a person down, but I used my positive attitude and resiliency to push through that and leave work at work. Streetlevel helped me grow as a person, and made me reevaluate what I really want to do in life.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone considering interning abroad in Australia?

Lindsay interned at a community center in Australia

Lindsay:One piece of advice that I would offer to a potential CAPA intern is to take a chance. When I first received my internship placement at Streetlevel Homeless Community Center in Sydney I was scared because I didn't know what to expect. I was in a new city with new people and had never had an internship before. I went through my first day still unsure that I would be able to handle my placement, and immediately wanted to quit. Sticking with it, though, was the best thing that I could have done. I proved to myself that I could conquer anything, especially my fears. New things are scary, but as long as you approach them with a positive and excited attitude, they will impact your life in some way. Taking chances isn't easy, but sure is worth it in the end.