Alumni Spotlight: Rachel Twedt

Rachel feeding a kangaroo

Why did you decide to study abroad with CAPA in Sydney?

Rachel: All throughout my life, I dreamed of studying abroad. When I got to college, this dream seemed unattainable due to the requirements and rigorous coursework of my major. I had pretty much given up on studying abroad until one of my friends encouraged me to go talk to the International Programs Director at our school. Throughout CAPA’s academic and internship program, I realized that studying abroad would be possible for me. I had never heard of CAPA before but was continually impressed by the things that I had been reading on brochures and their website. I was especially thrilled with the idea of having an internship!

After completing the program, I can only speak highly of CAPA International because of their desire for their students to get the most out of their experience academically, personally, and culturally. The staff members treated us like we were family, which is what we desperately needed being miles and miles away from our own families. Through CAPA’s classes, resources, and My Education program, I was able to learn so much about Australian culture and history. CAPA provided the foundation of information, support, and knowledge that I needed during my study abroad experience.

What made this study abroad experience unique and special?

Rachel: A wide variety of factors contributed to the many unique experiences that I had in Sydney. However, the opportunity to participate in CAPA’s internship program truly marked my Australian experience. I was placed in an Australian school designated for special needs students, which directly correlates with my major. I spent the majority of my week in this school learning about how they teach, working with the students, and eventually gaining responsibility in the classrooms. Not only was it incredible to have this exposure in such a great school, but to experience all of this in a foreign country! I was able to learn so much about the education system in Australia, develop close relationships with faculty, and further learn about the culture through various activities. I have talked to several people that have studied abroad through different programs, but none of them had the wonderful opportunity to devote so much time and energy into an internship. This aspect of the CAPA program stands out above the rest because I felt as though I had learned the most through it.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Standing on top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge

Rachel: Life is made up of our experiences and what we take from them. Experiences are tremendously powerful and can further enrich our lives. Studying abroad in Sydney, Australia completely impacted my future in personal, professional, and academic ways.

Not only did going to Australia mark the longest that I had ever been away from home, but it marked the farthest away I have ever been from my friends and family. Being over 15,000 miles from home with a 16-hour time difference stretched me to become a more independent person. Learning how to navigate the various modes of transportation boosted my confidence because I became competent at being able to travel to places around the huge city of Sydney. Throughout all of this, I developed valuable friends and made memories that I will never forget.

Having an internship in a school designated for special needs students definitely affected me professionally because that is what I am planning on doing when I get out of school. I spent a profound amount of time weekly in the schools where I extensively got to know the students, take on classroom and school responsibilities, and create an international connection with teachers and the principal. I feel so much more comfortable and knowledgeable about working with students that have severe physical and intellectual disabilities, which will be so helpful towards my future plans.

Before leaving for Australia, I knew very little about it's history and culture and had enormous misconceptions about its lifestyle and language. Throughout CAPA’s classes, My Education events, and my internship, I gained so much knowledge. The CAPA classes that I took focused on Australia but directly correlated with the requirements of my coursework back at my home university. I intend on using everything that I have learned and applying it to the elementary school classroom that I will have someday.

Words cannot express the full amount of impact that this experience has had on my life. This experience has changed me so much!

What is one piece of advice you would offer something considering studying abroad in Sydney?

Rachel: The amount of opportunities in Sydney is overwhelming. With the iconic Opera House, breathtaking hikes along the coast, the Harbour Bridge climb, countless museums and restaurants, and so much more, Sydney offers experiences that would interest every type of person. Even though the program is three months long, it still flies by! Because of this, it is really important to make the most of every moment and truly figure out your Australian “bucket list.”

One piece of advice I would offer someone considering studying abroad in Sydney would be to start researching what you want to do while you are there. In doing this, you will be able to make the most out of your time while you are there and it will give you an idea of how to budget your money. Prices are significantly higher in Australia so it’s important to use your money in the best way possible. I began a list before I went but continued adding to it while I was there. It allowed me to put aside money for big things, decide the best time to do certain activities, and make sure that I would leave with no regrets that I didn’t get to do something that I wanted to. I would highly recommend taking a surfing lesson, going to a show in the Opera House, doing as many coastal walks, climbing the Harbour Bridge, going to Luna Park, and spending time wandering around the city and surrounding area!

Hiking Manly Spit Walk