Alumni Spotlight: Kate Kunkel

Kate Kunkel lives in Phoenix and attends Arizona State University, where she is pursuing a major in journalism and a minor in exercise & wellness. She enjoys a wide range of hobbies, including writing, running, playing guitar, singing, blogging, reading, hiking and—her favorite—eating. Learn more about Kate's experiences abroad by visiting her travel blog, where she documented memories in Australia through photos and stories written in her own words.

Why did you decide to study abroad with CAPA in Australia?

Sydney Opera House

Kate: I chose to study abroad because I knew the experience would allow me to see the world in a new way and open my eyes to cultures that differed from my own. Originally, I had completed all of the paperwork to study abroad in Spain, when suddenly and unexpectedly, my intuition told me Australia was the place I needed to visit. As soon as I found the CAPA Sydney program, I knew it was a perfect fit. The internship experience offered through CAPA would give me a chance to gain work-related skills and help me build my career in journalism when I returned home, which is exactly what I wanted.

When I contacted a representative from CAPA, she offered to speak with me on the phone and answer any and all questions I had about the program. During the application process and all the way through my stay in Australia, everyone from the CAPA offices treated me with the utmost respect and care, and they were always quick to help me with absolutely anything. I could not have picked a better program to suit my needs, or a better location to broaden my horizons.

What made this study abroad experience unique and special?

Kate: My experience abroad seemed to be extremely different than that of the other students in my CAPA Sydney group. I was one of three students who chose to stay with a host family in Australia, and I found it extremely surprising that most students selected apartments for their living arrangements. However, my decision to live with Aussies was probably the best decision I made in regards to my experience abroad. The three Australians I lived with treated me like family from the start, and the memories I made with them are the most unforgettable of my entire trip.

My host family taught me aspects of Australian culture I never would have fully understood otherwise, such as the Aussie passion for cricket and rugby, preparation methods for the best Australian cuisine, and of course, how to develop an appreciation for Vegemite. Living with people of another culture allowed me to learn more about myself, while also understanding and respecting my new environment.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Kate: Interning while in Australia was another decision I definitely do not regret. Not only did I grow as a writer and as a journalist, but I also made connections with professionals in the industry and obtained published magazine clips for my portfolio. I never saw my writing published in print until my internship with OUTthere magazine, and now I am thrilled to have glossy, eye-catching articles to show prospective employers in future job interviews.

While studying at the Australian Catholic University, I decided to take culture-oriented classes to help me better understand how to fully appreciate peoples' cultural differences. Through these classes, along with my own personal experiences in Australia, I gained insights I never would have developed at my home university. I became more open-minded and understanding by studying abroad, and while I would never admit it before, I found out that I was pretty narrow-minded about people and cultures in foreign countries. Overall, traveling to Australia got me out of my comfort zone and pushed me to meet new people, have adventures and learn new things about myself and others, giving me the confidence I needed to pursue my future with open arms and an open mind.

What is one piece of advice you would offer someone considering studying abroad in Australia?

A kangaroo and Kate

Kate: My best advice comes from what made my trip unique and special: live with a host family to get the most out of any experience abroad. Living with locals will immerse you in the country's culture and give you the chance to receive valuable advice on what to see, do and visit throughout the trip. Not only that, but I loved how I was able to give a positive impression of my home country while living with my host family. Sharing my personal beliefs and values as an American with my Australian family allowed me to teach them about my culture while also learning about theirs.

In addition, my host family constantly provided me with opportunities to meet their friends and other family members, connecting me to a variety of Australians to speak with and ask questions about the Aussie lifestyle. Do not pass up the opportunity to develop deep, meaningful relationships with a family in another country—it makes the entire experience that much better. Plus, it is great to know that if you return to your abroad destination someday in the future, you will have a whole family there to greet you.