Staff Spotlight: Edward Pitcher


Edward is the UK Marketing and PR Coordinator for CRCC Asia. With a background in international business and an avid interest in China, he liaises with universities, government and corporations to promote CRCC Asia's Internship programs and further connect the UK and China.

Tell us more about your role at CRCC Asia. What's your most enjoyable aspect of the position?

Edward: I am the UK Marketing and PR Coordinator. I am responsible for engaging with individuals and organisations and marketing CRCC Asia's programs throughout the UK. I enjoy talking to individuals who are interested in China and realise its importance in the global community.

Have you ever interned or worked about? What was the most rewarding part of your experience?

Edward: I have worked in various countries including Australia, Ghana and Italy. I have enjoyed working abroad as although it can be challenging, it is a great way to immerse yourself in a different culture and develop both professionally and personally.

How do you see the international internship market changing over the next 5 years?

Edward: I think that the international internship market is going to expand. Having international work experience is becoming more sought after by employers and an international internship can really add value to a CV. Many of our alumni have told us that their internship in China was the decisive factor in getting a graduate level job.

What's the most memorable story/experience you've heard from a past intern?

Edward: One of my friends went on the program who had never left the UK! Going to China made her realize how little knowledge she had of the world. Because of her experience in Beijing, she has decided to do a Masters course at an international university and hopes to return to China in the near future.

What is one piece of advice you would offer someone considering interning in China?

Edward: Keep an open mind! China is such a unique and different environment that it can seem daunting at first but there is an abundance of opportunity and the potential to gain invaluable knowledge to develop your career. There are many cultural and networking events with our program and we would encourage individuals to attend as many as possible.