Staff Spotlight: Gráinne Conroy

Programme Manager


Gráinne Conroy is Program Manager at Uversity. With degrees in Business and Psychology, she was drawn to work in education with a view to enhancing student experience and outcomes. International experience is an important part of Gráinne’s life. She has studied in Japan, lived in New York and is always planning her next trip overseas.

Did YOU study abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

During my undergraduate degree in business I planned to study abroad in France. When the time came to apply to study abroad I saw an option to go to Tokyo. I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and go somewhere completely different.

I participated in a Business, Culture and Language programme at Senshu University. The programme more than delivered on these three aspects of Japan. It contained a unique blend of classroom learning and local immersion. Some of the highlights of the business curriculum were company visits to Kirin and Panasonic. The culture immersion included sessions with a calligraphy master and traditional tea ceremony.

One of my best memories of this time is a week spent traveling with other students during a break in the semester. Armed with a rail pass we explored Kyoto, Osaka and Nara.

The whole experience had a profound influence on my life. Years later I retain a strong connection to Japan which I believe will be life-long. It’s interesting to think about the impact of this last minute change of mind!

Which study abroad destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?

I don’t think that destinations can be ranked. I passionately believe in the transformative nature of studying abroad. No matter where you choose to study you’ll gain new perspectives on the world that aren’t possible unless you go abroad.

It’s a very personal choice and different destinations will appeal at various points in your life for different reasons. My advice is to follow your curiosity and focus on the places the pique your interest.

I’d never considered studying in Japan but when the opportunity arose I was instantly drawn to the idea. Following my curiosity led to one of the most formative experiences of my life.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

At the end of the last academic year one of our US students told me about an aspect of Irish folklore she was incorporating into her creative project. The specific aspect of folklore was previously unknown to me.

This emphasizes the two-way interaction which emerges through international education. As international students immerse themselves in their host country, they often reflect back aspects of the culture taken for granted locally.

Just as international students learn from their host country, host countries also stand to learn a lot from their international students.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

All of our students take a common core module, Creative Process and Immersive Practice, taught by Dr. Helen Phelan of University of Limerick. This class captures the essence of the Uversity’s model of education as it blends artistic immersion, scholarly research, personal reflection and mentor engagement.

Approximately once a month our students come together for intensive sessions of this module. These sessions allow the students to reflect on their creative process. As our cohort contains students from diverse backgrounds, there is a significant level of peer learning as students share perspectives and feedback on each other’s work.

Attending these sessions and witnessing the engagement of our students, with their own creative work and that of their peers, always makes me proud to be part of Uversity’s team.