Staff Spotlight: Erick Batres

Academic Coordinator
Erick was born in Houston, TX and raised by his Salvadoran family. He studied at Texas A&M University and graduated in 2015 with a degree in International Studies with an emphasis in Commerce. During his time at A&M, Erick was encouraged to travel to Central America, and he ended up traveling with Sol Education Abroad to Costa Rica in the Fall of 2014. His first time in Latin America was eye-opening and life-changing, allowing him to gain more experience with the culture and fully appreciate the differences in the world. After returning from his study abroad experience, Erick graduated and shortly thereafter, started working for Sol Education in Austin. Erick has also traveled to England and France. He is an avid sports fan, his favorite being fútbol and college football, but he also watches all other sports. He also enjoys biking, running and trying different foods.

Erick from SOL Education Abroad

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory would have to be when I made my first international trip to England. Even though they spoke the same language, I still experienced culture shock and it was a wonderfully eye-opening. It gave me the confidence to continue on to Paris and explore not just another country, but another language.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I've grown by being able to experience how study abroad changes students lives on a daily basis. Along with that I've been able to see how study abroad works not just from a students perspective, but from someone that worked in the home office & being on-site with the directors. I know, now, what it takes to run a successful study abroad company and all that it involves.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One of my favorite student stories was from a student that participated in our Argentina. They were exploring Buenos Aires after class one day, and they ran into our Argentine director, Raul. He was out at a local shop and without hesitation, invited the students to have dinner with his family that evening. It just shows how much our directors love our students and how welcoming they are.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would jump at the chance to experience Buenos Aires, Argentina. As someone who grew up in a city, I'd love to get to see the large metropolitan capital and it's unique culture, art & people. I always hear from people that have been to Buenos Aires, that there is a certain type of energy there. I'd love to go one day!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our company is unique with the way we approach everyone that we work with, be it students, or universities. We want to build relationships with the students, not just add them to a list of names. Our students & university affiliates know that they can give us a call anytime if they have a question that needs to be answered.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Support. Support from our headquarters, support from our directors, support from our affiliate universities. All of that culminates into a wonderful system that allows the students to have an enjoyable experience, not only while they are abroad, but also before, when the stress of preparing can be overwhelming at times.