Staff Spotlight: Susan L. Crust, PhD

Site Director - GEO - Angers, France
Sue has been the Site Director in Angers since 2001. Prior to coming to France, she worked for Oregon State University as an International Student Advisor and as the Director of the Oregon University System's programs in France (Lyon and Poitiers). Sue has an MA in French and a PhD in College Student Services Administration.

Sue from Global Education Oregon

What is your favorite travel memory?

This is difficult because I have so many good travel memories. If I have to choose just one, however, I would say that it was my first trip to Lucca, Italy.

My grandmother was born there in the late 1800s and it had always been my dream to visit this town. I was not disappointed. In fact, I fell in love with Lucca and have returned there many times since that first trip in 2004 (most recently for a month in 2016).

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Even though I have always worked in Student Services or International Education, I find that as a Site Director, I have a closer relationship with the students.

I learn so much from students and their enthusiasm for studying abroad constantly renews my own enthusiasm.

Every student who studies in Angers, whether it be for a month or a year, changes me and my way of thinking. Because of this Generation Study Abroad, I approach the way I do my work in 2016 much differently than I did in 2001. And, of course, after living in France for 15 years, my French is better.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

If I did not already live in Angers, I would, of course choose my program. Among GEO's other programs (all excellent!), I would choose Siena because, I love Italy and am trying very hard to learn Italian.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

GEO offers a good variety of programs both short and long term; traditional and cutting edge. There is really something available for every student!

I am especially proud of GEO's Site Director team. Every GEO SD is passionate about the work they do and they go above and beyond to make sure that every student in their program has the best possible overseas experience.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Good communication!