Staff Spotlight: Victoria Kuhlman

Country Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator


Victoria comes to Global Dental Relief after earning her Master's of Social Work and traveling around the world. She enjoys camping, hiking, and playing volleyball in her free time.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Two years ago, I had the opportunity to go skydiving in Greece. That experience, by far, is what comes to mind when I think of my favorite travel memory. Tandem jumping out of a plane over that beautiful blue water will be a memory I treasure for many years to come.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Prior to my work with Global Dental Relief, I was very unaware of the need for dental care around the world. I had no idea there were so many people worldwide who did not have access to proper dental treatment. My awareness of global health has grown and I also feel more invested in advocating for people who do not have access to proper healthcare.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Nepal with the Everest Trek, hands down. I love the structure of our project in Nepal because I feel invested in the community while I am there. We walk to the clinic every morning, eat lunch at a local cafe every day and stay near the famous Boudhanath Stupa. This makes for a simple yet meaningful experience.

The people of Nepal are warm and welcoming, making you feel at home from the moment you land in Kathmandu.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I believe there are two aspects that make GDR unique. One, our emphasis on oral health education, and two, our model of “adopted populations.”

Each child who comes into our clinic get three points of oral health education. They are taught proper brushing and educated on nutritional choices that help keep their teeth cavity free. GDR also commits to the children they serve by treating to the same schools every 18-24 months.