Staff Spotlight: Miki Chantawannop

TEFL Course Developer


Hello. My name is Miki, and I am one of the TEFL Course Developers here at the Text-And-Talk TEFL Academy in Bangkok, Thailand. I am pleased to be a part of this fantastic team. My expertise includes public speaking, image consultation and communication skills, which I am grateful to have opportunities to share my knowledge to our fellow TEFL trainees.

What is your favorite travel memory?

In 2013, I was offered a scholarship to study a Master's degree in Real Estate Development in Reading, U.K. During the stay, I had learned so much English and experienced the life and the culture of the people there, which paved me to be able to work with 'international' people, meaning people from various parts of the world.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

In my background, I have always been involved in the area of teaching or education. After having joined Text & Talk TEFL Academy, I have further developed many other skills that I would not have elsewhere, such as teaching skills, class control, soft skills and the mindset. Text & Talk Academy has made me feel like home because everybody treats each other as brother and sisters, and that is where I discovered the true meaning of "teamwork".

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One student from South Africa is a friend of mine on Facebook, and we always say "hi" or comment on each other's posts, and he always mentions about us - how we have transformed his life and how much he really appreciates our effort to make things work out for him. He usually says that teaching is so rewarding and that it is no longer difficult as long as you know how to prepare for lessons. And many of our TEFL graduates are saying similar things about us.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would definitely choose the Flexi-Time TEFL Course as it is more affordable as well as time-saving. Instead of spending 4 weeks at the TEFL school, you would stay for only 3 weeks because most of the theory part has been completed in the online-studies program, even before arriving in Bangkok. That makes our TEFL course quite unique, and it has received very positive feedback from our past trainees.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our TEFL company is super ethical and we are very caring about our trainees. We have our own "core values" that we follow and always remind ourselves of, and these are:

  • Doing the right thing.
  • Striving for excellence.
  • Creating value.

We can proudly say that we do take care of our TEFL trainees very, very well, from the visa to accommodation to the training and job placements.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe that being sincere - in other words, keeping our promises - is essential to the growth of our business. When we say that we will transform you into excellent English teachers, we ensure that that happens. That is why, in our TEFL course, the trainees do get a lot of personal one-on-one coaching, which we are certain that no other TEFL course providers would be willing to commit so much effort and time like us.