Staff Spotlight: Liz Bender

Director of Programming and Curriculum


I began working with HCA in 2009 as a volunteer and just couldn't get enough! I came back 3 more times as a volunteer where I fell in love with the kids, the community, and the beautiful jungles and ocean. In 2015, I returned yet again but as the In-Country Program Manager. After that year, I was asked to join the Board of Directors in the capacity of Director of Programming and Curriculum. In this role, I am able to combine my background in education and health to create programming for all of the different classes that we offer.

What is your favorite travel memory?

I have thousands of favorite memories, but what came to mind first was from one of the times I traveled down to Honduras this year (2019).

I had traveled from the San Pedro Sula Airport to the city of La Ceiba and decided to hop on our local chicken bus rather than taking a taxi. Tired and with my bags, I walked to where the bus to El Porvenir was parked, and on my way there, a woman who works at my favorite produce stand waved to me and said, "back again?!". Feeling pretty happy, I hopped on the bus and got comfortable. Not too long later the bus started the 30-minute drive into El Porvenir.

While I was staring out the window in a kind of content daze I heard honking and looked at the car next to us, which happened to be a pickup truck with one of our local firefighters sitting in the back with the cargo. He was waving at me while the driver (also a local firefighter) honked and waved!

I am constantly reminded and humbled at how warm, kind, and amazing the people in Honduras are! Having these friends and this sense of community fills my heart and I feel incredibly lucky to continue to be a part of it all!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Well, since I started at the age of 19, I would hope that I have changed and grown in that time!

Coming to Honduras at that age really helped me create a foundation of critical thinking, problem solving, and self-sufficiency! Traveling, in general, can give you the chance to learn how to adapt to new situations and gain a new perspective from what you see and who you meet. You just have to be willing to take it! I am happy to say that I have taken those chances and am much more aware, accepting, and have the utmost respect and gratitude for the community where we work.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

When I came back as the Program Manager in 2015, I was walking near the high school in my first month. I saw a youth (about 13 years old) and we made eye contact and he said, "hey, I know you!".

We chatted a little and discovered that he had been in HCA programs when he was in primary school and he recognized me from being a volunteer. He was in secondary school at that point and said to me "well, what about us now?". At that time, we didn't have programming for students after the age of 11 until they were old enough to go to our Adult Classes. I answered, "well, that's a good question". So we started Teen Class!

That same youth continued through school and reached a point where he was considering dropping out of school due not having the resources to continue with his studies, as well as not having the classes offered at the local secondary school. So we got this youth started as one of our first scholarship recipients!

He is now in his final year studying to be a mechanic and will graduate in November! And here's the real heart warmer...we found a video of him when he was about 8 years old taken by a previous volunteer in the class where they asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. And do you know what he said? "When I grow up, I want to be a mechanic!"

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would choose to jump right into teaching PEP+ classes!! I love teaching and there is no better way to learn Spanish, practice leadership skills, and have a ton of fun!! Whether you are interested in teaching or youth work as a career or not, there are so many transferable skills that you can learn working with kids! Plus, they are super cute and fun!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

There are so many things that I am proud of about HCA! I can say since I have been with the program since close to the beginning that we constantly strive to grow and adapt to meet the needs and wants of the community! I think what makes us unique is that we are a low-cost volunteer opportunity that offers a very organized and clear program.

We also see our program as mutually beneficial for our volunteers and our students and the community. In fact, I feel like volunteers end up learning more from the experience than anyone else! We are very dedicated to being a community-driven program and have a strengths-based and respectful approach to our presence.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

As I said above, I feel that we are successful because we are always looking to improve and better serve the community! We seek out regular feedback from students, parents, teachers, and other community stakeholders. We are a collaborative program who supports and accepts all volunteers, students, and interns to create a dynamic of equality and respect.