Staff Spotlight: Matteo Stettler

Assistant Director & Program Coordinator


Italian of Swiss descendants, Matteo got his BA and MSc in Economic & Social Sciences at Bocconi University (Italy). Former Instructor of History of Economics & Finance at the Istituto Europeo of Florence (Italy), he's now Assitant Director and Program Coordinator at the same institute.

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite – and certainly most vivid – travel memories I have are from my first curricular internship at a humanitarian NGO in New Delhi, India, back in 2012, when I was attending to my Master studies. Upon arrival, I had the rather rare blessing of having immediately all of my expectations – as built-in years of fantasizing over Salgari’s novels – confirmed by my personal experience.

India is a vast, often self-contradictory and mysterious country!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Working at the Istituto Europeo has positively contributed to my overall professional and human development, allowing me to consolidate past competencies (in my activity as an instructor) and exercise new ones (in the quality of Assistant Director and Coordinator of the institute’s newly introduced academic programs).

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I still rejoice in recollecting that one of my first and most brilliant students at the ‘International Business & World Financial Markets’ course I gave last year grew so passionate about the subject and its complexities that he ended up picking Economics & Finance as his major in his first year in College.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Some may say that my perspective on this, as one of IE's Program Coordinator, may be biased. However, I cannot really help but signaling students to the completeness and contemporary relevance of the academic curriculum of our new Diploma and Dual Diplomas in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management (TTHM).

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

The Istituto Europeo of Florence can boast a solid reputation and a 30-years’ experience in offering academic courses and internship programs to students from all around the world. What makes IE unique? Its international orientation, its accessibility, and its teaching tradition!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

My attention here must be focused on the ‘offer side’. What makes a successful company successful? Simple, I say: Developing and promoting good, valuable, and sustainable products – or should I say, as in the case of our institution, programs?