Staff Spotlight: Adrian Rutkowski

Group Leader


Adrian moved out from Poland when he was 19 years old and ever since he has spent all of his free time travelling around the world, experiencing new cultures and seeking new adventures.
He has now settled with the best job in the world as a Group Leader in Vietnam.

What is your favorite travel memory?

It’s very hard to name one favourite travel memory, as no trip is ever the same, and even if you return to the country you’ve been before, you’ll always have a new favourite memory!

But if I have to name one, it’s going to be the volcano sunrise hike in Bali! Watching the sun come up on the horizon from the top of an active volcano is such a once in a lifetime experience!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I’ve realised that travelling with a group is the best way to travel!

Whenever I used to go travelling, I would go all by myself and try to meet new people along the way. But that isn’t always easy if you only have a week or two to spend in a country.

But if you come with a group of like minded people from day one until the end, it changes the whole experience completely!


What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

“Adrian! We’re planning a reunion with the whole group next month! You need to come!”

Hearing that people who were strangers to each other before coming on a tour, are now becoming best friends and planning reunions and next trips together, is just the best thing you can possibly hear from someone.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would definitely choose the 13-day Japan Adventure!

Japan is just this this country that blends in ultramodern cities, very rich history and culture with some of the most beautiful nature as well!

From the Bullet train ride, to a Samurai experience, Mount Fuji, Sushi making class and so much more!
This tour has all you need when you come to Japan!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?


It’s our initiative towards responsible travel. We not only encourage people to reduce single-use plastics, participate in beach cleanups, but also support local communities and engage in cultural exchange.

It’s great to see how people start using reusable water bottles, buy locally made products, or teach local people few English words.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

To be a successful company, you have to be passionate about what you do and make sure you keep your employees happy.

I believe that if you’ll keep these things in order, your employees are going to go that extra mile for you and your customers, no matter what problems you’ll face, you’ll always get through it.