Staff Spotlight: Zoé Moreau

Marketing and sales assistant
Zoé is a french student working for Premier TEFL as a part of her course. She joined the company at the beginning of January.

What is your favorite travel memory?

When I was in Ireland, in middle school: we stopped in the middle of nowhere for a short break. There was a lot of fog but we could see a beautiful landscape. The ground was covered by a kind of red moss surrounded by hills. The atmosphere had a bit of "magic", we were completely separated from the rest of the world.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

As a french native speaker, I am feeling much more confident in oral English since I am working at Premier TEFL. Even though I make mistakes, I try again and gain self-confidence. Plus, this company gives me another way to see the "world of work"! It is not always a synonym for stress, it can also be a synonym for joy and achievements!

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

I heard about a girl in Vietnam. It is really simple, but touching: she woke up surrounded by beautiful landscapes after making new friends the day before and thought "Woah, this is my life!". I think that this kind of feeling, of thinking, is the best we can have! It is during these kinds of moments that we realize how lucky we are, and how life is beautiful.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would say the internship in Vietnam! I have been interested in Asia for a long time, and, for me, Vietnam has something that the other countries don't have. Apart from magnificent landscapes and culture, I really want to discover the people there. As a European, I think their way to see the world, to live, would open my scope and help me grow up! Teaching there would bring me as much as I will give to the other.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I can't say I am "proud" of my team, because I am a part of it for a short time, but I admire them! And I think that what makes my company unique is its team: they are a real team, not only a group of people who work in the same office. Each person has his skills, they collaborate and help others when it is needed, always with a smile! They are caring towards each other, their customers, and the newcomers! It is a pleasure to work in such a good company and trustworthy team.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Once again: the team! From my point of view, a good idea can only be properly developed if the staff is competent and work as a team.

Even with the best idea in the world, if your teammates work alone, don't communicate, or are lazy... it is useless. But if your team is built intelligently and everybody wants to make the project hit the top, everything is possible!