Staff Spotlight: Paul Green

Director of Study Abroad
Paul Green Co-Founded Panrimo to offer study abroad programs that allow students to experience the people and the culture of each location. Through his experiences studying abroad at the University of Copenhagen and the University of Paris - Sorbonne, he learned that you had to meet locals and learn the local culture to get the most out of the experience. That is what Panrimo is founded on, it's not taking the same route every other student has walked, but forging a path that enables you to meet locals and learn the culture.

paul green

Did YOU study abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

Paul: I studied abroad first in Copenhagen, Denmark, and then I studied in Paris, France. I had always wanted to travel abroad, and my first inspiration was the exchange students that stayed with my family in high school. It really gave us an inside look into other cultures and inspired me to travel abroad.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Paul: I think it's making sure that students have an amazing time. Every student is different, every student has different expectations, and they all want a unique experience. That's what we strive for. That's why we get to know each student, so that we can really make their experience as personalized as possible. That's really the only way to make sure that they have an unbelievable experience.

What country have you always wanted to visit?

Paul: I've always wanted to go to Mongolia. My biggest regret (and I rarely regret things) is that when I was traveling in China for three weeks I didn't go up to Mongolia. The flight was expensive etc. that's the reason I didn't get up there, but looking back on it I wish I would've just gone. Would have been a great experience. Though, I know I'll get there soon!

Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of the Panrimo team.

Paul: I think the proudest moments are when we get handwritten cards from students thanking us for their experience. That's really the best payoff. When they take the time to write a handwritten note, we know that we did a great job and that the experience really had an impact on them. And we have them saved and posted in our office!