
Abertay University

Why choose Abertay University?

At Abertay University, we like to keep things...


We can offer you everything you might look for from a university – industry-relevant degrees in a diverse range of subjects, with accreditations from professional bodies, and great career prospects. But what sets us apart is that we're not afraid to choose our own path.

Abertay is the best in Europe for computer games degrees. It offered the world’s first games and ethical hacking degrees and continues to be an international leader in research in these fields. Aside from this, the university also offers degrees in fields as diverse as business, sciences, engineering and sports.

We think it's important to think outside the textbook, giving you the opportunity to combine theory with practice, learning from industry professionals as well as brilliant academics.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Doug Watters

Job Title
International Manager
Doug grew up all over the world, living in South Africa, Zambia, Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea before returning to Scotland to finish school. The early exposure to travel had a big effect, and since graduation, he's spent his career in international education - and still loves to travel.
Doug Watters

What is your favorite travel memory?

That's a really tough one; so many, but I think I'd have to go with the first time I visited Croatia. From the moment my wife and I landed in Dubrovnik, everything just felt really comfortable, and the Adriatic coast is astonishingly beautiful - extremely underrated. It's a country that has had such a bloody and troubled history, but that has emerged emboldened and confident, and the people are just so friendly and welcoming. We go back every year, and even chose to have our wedding there.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I certainly know a lot more about tech! But joking aside, that is definitely the case with promoting the specialist programs we offer - the first college in the world to offer degrees in both Computer Games and Ethical Hacking. Abertay has shown me how digitization and gamification can permeate all academic and professional disciplines, and our world is only headed one way in that regard. And we're only scratching the surface at present - who knows what technology will enable us to achieve together in the future.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

An engineering student who joined a group of other students helping to rebuild a village in Nepal which had been decimated by the tragic earthquake in 2015 had a great story, which highlights what a connected world we live in. A machine which was being used to make bricks to rebuild the village stopped working, and repeated attempts to fix the problem failed. A 6 hour trek from the nearest town in remote, WIFI-less Nepal, he walked an hour to the top of the nearest peak, got a mobile data signal, translated the user manual from Mandarin, walked back down and fixed the machine, and secured himself hero status!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I'd have to vote for our Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security program. In fact, were I to do school all over again, it might well be what I'd want to major in. The program teaches students an offensive, attacking approach to hacking - in essence, in order to defend systems from nefarious hackers, you're taught to think like a hacker, and to break into systems, stripping them down and then rebuilding them stronger. It's an area with a world-wide skills and employment gap, that our program is seeking to address. And it's only going to get more important!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I've been at Abertay for just over a year, but it already feels much longer - and in a good way! Reason being is how much we've achieved in that time; the small and personalized culture we have here makes the college feel like a start-up - totally stripped of bureaucracy. Whether you're staff or a student, you're encouraged to get on and do. Try things, if they work - fantastic; if they don't, you know what to change next time. My team embody this ethos, and their creativity in meeting challenges is truly inspiring.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

That's easy. It's your people. Companies can plan strategy, goals and values which are perfectly well-intentioned, but it's their people who have to embody and execute them. I feel incredibly lucky to have landed at Abertay, where - cliched as it sounds - we all know what we're about. Small, specialist and supportive.