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Why choose HYCF ?

Volunteer in Malawi with HYCF– an Local non governmental organisation with international volunteer abroad programs based in karonga & Mzuzu HYCF provides safe, trusted and affordable programs, with a range of volunteer projects in Malawi , including Childcare • English Teaching & Medical opportunities and also Law & Legal internships.
HYCF have projects located in the northern city of Malawi the gateway to many of the country’s spectacular national parks. Our projects in Malawi run across the year and participants can join us from 2-24 weeks. Volunteers in Malawi are provided with an extensive pre-departure support service, airport pick-up, orientation, breakfast and dinner, accommodation and local support.



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A Rewarding Law & Advocacy Internship in Malawi with Hycf!

I recently completed a law and advocacy internship with Helping Your Community Forum (Hycf) in Mzuzu, Malawi, and it was an incredible experience that exceeded my expectations. From the moment I arrived at Lilongwe Airport, I was warmly welcomed by David, who hosted me throughout my stay. The drive to Karonga was breathtaking, with stunning scenery that gave me a glimpse into the beauty of Malawi.

During my internship, I had the privilege of working at a local law firm in partnership with Hycf, where I was mentored by the professional and knowledgeable lawyer, Christon. He guided me through various topics, and I had the opportunity to attend court sessions with him, gaining hands-on experience in the legal field. The entire team at the law firm was supportive and encouraging, making me feel like part of the family.

On weekends, I experienced the rich Malawian culture, exploring Nkhatabay and surrounding areas. The warm hospitality of the people and the beauty of the country left a lasting impression on me.

David's hospitality and expertise made my experience truly unforgettable. His passion for the work and his commitment to the community are inspiring, and I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from him.

If you're considering a law and advocacy internship with Hycf in Malawi, I highly recommend it. You'll gain valuable experience in the field, be immersed in the beautiful culture, and make lifelong connections. Thank you, David, Christon, and the entire Hycf team, for an unforgettable experience!

What was your funniest moment?
During my internship, I was tasked with drafting a legal document in Chichewa, one of Malawi's local languages. I struggled to grasp the nuances of the language and ended up using Google Translate. Unfortunately, the translation was quite literal, and I inadvertently used a phrase that meant "the cow is eating the court documents" instead of "the defendant is liable for the damages."

My colleagues burst into laughter when they reviewed my draft, and we had a good chuckle about it. It was a lighthearted moment that taught me the importance of language accuracy and cultural understanding in legal work. We managed to correct the document, and it was eventually submitted to the court with a more appropriate phrase!
  • Great organization when it comes to work
  • They are very organized
  • Works on time.
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Construction of a Resource center.

I recently had the privilege of volunteering with Helping Your Community Forum (HYCF) in Karonga, Malawi, and it was an experience I will never forget. From the moment I arrived, I was warmly welcomed by David, my host, and the entire HYCF team.

The project involved constructing a resource center, which was an incredible opportunity to make a tangible impact on the local community. I was impressed by the organization's dedication to empowering the community and providing a safe space for learning and growth.

Throughout my time in Karonga, I was struck by the warmth and kindness of the people, the beauty of the landscape, and the resilience of the community. David's hospitality and guidance made me feel at home, and I appreciated his insight into the local culture and customs.

The volunteering experience itself was rewarding and challenging in equal measure. I worked alongside local builders, learning new skills and sharing my own expertise. Seeing the resource center take shape was a testament to the power of collaboration and community spirit.

I would highly recommend volunteering with HYCF to anyone looking to make a positive impact and experience the beauty of Malawi. Thank you, David, and the entire HYCF team, for an unforgettable experience!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
As a volunteer for the construction of a resource center in Karonga, Malawi with HYCF, I saw many surprising things, but one that stands out is the incredible resilience and resourcefulness of the local community.

Despite facing numerous challenges, including limited resources and infrastructure, the community came together to support the project with enthusiasm and dedication. I saw people of all ages and backgrounds working together, sharing their skills and expertise, and finding creative solutions to complex problems.

One particular moment that surprised me was when a group of local women, who had never been involved in construction before, took the initiative to learn bricklaying and started working on the project. Their determination and eagerness to learn and contribute was truly inspiring.

Seeing the community come together like this was a powerful reminder of the strength and potential that exists in every community, and it was a privilege to be a part of it.
  • Hard working people
  • Exeperience
  • Cultural Exchange
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Law & advocacy intern

I recently completed a law and advocacy internship in Malawi, and it was an incredible experience! I had the privilege of staying with David and his family, who were wonderful hosts and made me feel right at home. The local food was delicious and diverse, and I enjoyed trying new dishes every day.

The internship itself was fantastic. I had the opportunity to work alongside experienced lawyers and learn from them. They were knowledgeable, supportive, and passionate about their work, and I gained a lot of valuable insights and skills from them.

In addition to the internship, I also had the chance to explore Malawi on weekends. We took trips to Mzuzu and other nearby places, and I was struck by the beauty and friendliness of the country. Malawi is a safe and welcoming place, and I always felt comfortable and at ease.

Overall, I would highly recommend this internship to anyone interested in law and advocacy. It was a fantastic experience that broadened my horizons, challenged me, and helped me grow both personally and professionally. Thank you to David and his family for their hospitality, and to the lawyers and staff who mentored me during my time in Malawi!

What was your funniest moment?
I was trying to impress my host family with my attempts at cooking traditional Malawian dishes, but I ended up setting the kitchen towel on fire while trying to fry some mandazi (fried doughnuts)! David, my host, walked into the kitchen to find me frantically waving a burning towel in the air, and he couldn't help but laugh at my misfortune. We both ended up laughing so hard that we had to hold our sides! It was a funny moment that showed me that even in moments of chaos, laughter can bring people together.
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Medical internship First Experience in Africa with HYCF!

I had never been to Africa before, but my experience working at the hospital in Mzuzu through HYCF (Helping Your Community Forum) was truly a life-changing adventure! It all started when a friend recommended David's organization and the internship opportunities they offered. I decided to take the leap and apply, reserving my spot for a 3-month internship.

From the moment I arrived, I was impressed by the warm welcome and seamless transition into the hospital setting. David's organization provided comfortable accommodation for just 16 € per day, which covered three meals, electricity, and a shared or single room with other volunteers whom I met during my time- an incredible value!

During my internship, I had the opportunity to work in various departments, gaining invaluable hands-on experience in patient care and learning about the healthcare system in Malawi. The hospital staff were supportive and welcoming, and I was inspired by their dedication to providing quality care despite limited resources.

But it wasn't all work and no play! During weekends, we explored the beautiful Nyika National Park, going on safari and hiking adventures, and even relaxing by the lake. These experiences allowed us to unwind and appreciate the natural beauty of Malawi.

David and his team were exceptional hosts, ensuring that we felt comfortable and supported throughout our stay. Their organization provided a well-structured and immersive experience that exceeded my expectations in every way.

This internship has had a profound impact on my medical career and personal growth. I left Malawi with:

- Unforgettable memories
- New skills and knowledge
- A deeper understanding of global healthcare challenges
- A renewed passion for medicine
- Lifelong friendships with fellow interns and hospital staff

If you're considering an internship in Africa, I highly recommend HYCF and the hospital in Mzuzu. David's organization provides a supportive and immersive experience that will leave a lasting impact.

Thank you, David and HYCF, for an unforgettable experience! Your dedication to community development and supporting international interns is truly inspiring.

  • Cultural exchange
  • Experience
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A Rewarding Medical Internship in Malawi with HYCF

As a medical student from the USA, I had the opportunity to travel to Malawi through Helping Your Community Forum (HYCF), David's organization, to participate in a medical internship at Karonga District Hospital. This experience was truly eye-opening and rewarding.

From the moment I arrived, David and his team made me feel welcome and supported. They ensured a smooth transition into the hospital setting, where I worked alongside local healthcare professionals to gain hands-on experience in patient care.

The internship was well-organized, and I was impressed by the dedication of the hospital staff despite limited resources. I was exposed to various cases, including tropical diseases and emergency situations, which broadened my medical knowledge and skills.

What struck me most was the warm hospitality of the Malawian people and the resilience of the community. Despite facing numerous challenges, they maintain a positive spirit and strong sense of community.
This internship has had a profound impact on my medical career and personal growth. I left Malawi with unforgettable memories, new skills, and a deeper understanding of global healthcare challenges. If you're passionate about medicine and cultural exchange, I highly recommend this program.
Thank you, David and HYCF, for an unforgettable experience! Your dedication to community development and supporting international interns is truly inspiring.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
To future participants, I recommend:

- Being open-minded and flexible
- Embracing the cultural differences
- Being prepared for a hands-on, immersive experience
- Building meaningful relationships with the hospital staff and community
- Being respectful and humble
- Taking initiative and being proactive
- Enjoying the journey and appreciating the small moments
  • Great experience
  • Exploring the lake Malawi


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

David Ghambi

Job Title
Executive Director
David holds a degree in Social Work and is the founder of HYCF, a non-profit organization that collaborates with international volunteers to drive positive change and empower communities in Malawi. Through his work, he has made a significant impact in promoting social justice and supporting vulnerable populations. The organization offers volunteer opportunities and internships in various fields, including healthcare, where volunteers can gain hands-on experience in hospitals, legal internships with partner law firms, and education, where they can make a difference in the lives of young children by working with kindergarten schools.


What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory from Malawi is actually from my trip to Mulanje Mountain, where I had the opportunity to hike to the summit and experience the breathtaking views.

As I climbed higher, the misty clouds surrounded me, and the sound of birdsong filled the air. The scenery was breathtaking, with rolling hills, waterfalls, and tea plantations stretching as far as the eye could see. But what made this experience truly unforgettable was the warmth and hospitality of the local guides and porters who accompanied me on the hike.

We shared stories, laughed, and sang together, creating a sense of connection and community that I'll always treasure. And when we finally reached the summit, the sense of accomplishment and wonder was overwhelming. It was a truly magical experience that I'll always carry with me.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Since joining my current company, I have undergone significant personal and professional growth. Working with international volunteers has broadened my perspective and helped me become more culturally aware and empathetic. I have learned to appreciate diverse viewpoints and approaches, which has enhanced my ability to collaborate and communicate effectively.

Through our various projects, including internships in hospitals and law firms, community empowerment initiatives, and sports projects, I have developed a deeper understanding of the importance of community engagement and social responsibility. I have seen firsthand the impact that our projects have on individuals and communities, and this has instilled in me a sense of purpose and drive to continue making a positive difference.

Professionally, I have honed my skills in project management, leadership, and communication. I have learned to navigate complex situations, prioritize tasks, and delegate responsibilities effectively. I have also become more confident in my ability to mentor and guide others, which has been rewarding and fulfilling.

One of the most significant areas of growth for me has been in my ability to adapt and be flexible. Working with volunteers from diverse backgrounds and coordinating projects with various stakeholders has taught me to be resilient and think on my feet. I have learned to embrace challenges and view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Overall, my experience at this company has been transformative, and I feel grateful for the opportunities I have had to grow and develop as a professional and as a person. I am excited to continue learning and evolving in the years to come.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One of the most inspiring stories I've heard from a return student was from a volunteer who had interned at our hospital project. She shared how she had worked closely with a local doctor to treat a young patient with a rare medical condition. Despite the challenges they faced, they were able to successfully treat the patient and see them recover.

What struck me most was when she said that the experience had not only deepened her passion for medicine but also given her a new perspective on the importance of cultural competence in healthcare. She realized that what she had learned in her home country wasn't always applicable in a different cultural context and that she needed to be adaptable and open-minded to provide the best care.

What I found particularly moving was when she shared how the experience had inspired her to pursue a career in global health and make a difference in underserved communities. It was heartwarming to see how our project had not only impacted the lives of the people she had worked with but also had a profound impact on her own life and career goals.

Stories like these remind me of the profound impact that our projects can have on both the communities we serve and the volunteers themselves. It's a testament to the power of cross-cultural exchange and the potential for growth and transformation that comes from working together to make a difference.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

If I could go on any program that our company offers, I would choose the Community Development and Sports Coaching program in Malawi. This program stands out to me because of its unique blend of community engagement, sports coaching, and cultural immersion.

I'm drawn to the opportunity to work alongside local coaches and community members to develop sports programs that promote youth development, health, and education. The chance to share my passion for sports while making a positive impact on young lives is incredibly exciting to me.

Additionally, I appreciate the program's focus on sustainable development and community-led initiatives, which aligns with our company's values and mission. I'm impressed by the program's emphasis on cultural exchange and language training, which would allow me to fully engage with the community and build meaningful relationships.

Malawi's warm and welcoming culture, stunning natural beauty, and vibrant communities make it an ideal destination for this program. I believe that this experience would be a life-changing opportunity to grow both personally and professionally while making a lasting impact in a beautiful and vibrant country.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Our company stands out from others in several ways, but what truly makes us unique is our commitment to cultural immersion and community-led initiatives. We believe in empowering local communities to drive positive change, rather than imposing external solutions. This approach not only yields more sustainable results but also fosters meaningful connections between our volunteers and the communities they serve.

One moment that stands out to me was when our team successfully implemented a water sanitation project in a rural Malawian village. What made this project exceptional was the collaborative effort between our volunteers, local leaders, and community members. Together, they designed and built a sustainable water system that has since improved the health and wellbeing of hundreds of villagers.

I was especially proud of my team for their dedication, adaptability, and cultural sensitivity throughout the project. They embraced the challenges of working in a resource-constrained environment and leveraged their diverse skills to find creative solutions. Seeing the impact of their hard work and witnessing the community's gratitude was truly humbling and inspiring. It was a testament to the power of collaboration and our team's unwavering commitment to making a positive difference.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe the biggest factor in being a successful company is having a clear purpose and values that drive every aspect of the organization. When a company has a strong sense of purpose, it creates a shared vision and direction that inspires and motivates employees, customers, and stakeholders alike.

Our company's purpose is to empower communities and make a positive impact on people's lives. This purpose is embedded in our DNA and guides our decision-making, from the programs we develop to the partnerships we form. It's what drives us to innovate, take risks, and continuously improve.

Additionally, I believe that a successful company must prioritize its people and culture. By fostering a positive, inclusive, and supportive work environment, we empower our team members to grow, learn, and thrive. This, in turn, enables us to deliver exceptional experiences for our customers and stakeholders.

Ultimately, a successful company is one that stays true to its purpose, values its people, and continuously adapts and innovates to make a meaningful difference in the world.