Learning Enterprises

Learning Enterprises

Why choose Learning Enterprises?

Learning Enterprises is an entirely student-run, Not-For-Profit organization that began as a way of connecting people who had the expertise to share and time to spare. Volunteers, most of whom were college students, had their summers free and wanted to spend it in a meaningful way. The students in underserved communities -- many of them rural villages in developing countries -- also had their summers free, and these communities had a felt need for extra English language classes. To create a mutually beneficial program, someone just needed to connect the two parties, and that is what Learning Enterprises does every summer. The volunteers travel to the underserved community, and the local communities take them into their families, providing meals, room, and board for an average of six weeks. In exchange, the volunteers teach English in local schools for an average of 20 hours/week. The program operates on the goodwill and trust between the volunteers and the people they teach.


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