
Placement Year International

Why choose Placement Year International?

Paid placements and internships in 5 Star hotels in China, Thailand & UK. Roles include Hospitality, Business, Sports & Leisure. Gain experience in the world's best 5 Star hotels!

Why join us?
Boost your CV, travel and get paid. We take the stress out of arranging your placement or internship so you can focus your time on your studies. We guarantee worthwhile work with a big global brand.

Where will I work?
All our placements and internships are arranged in 5 Star hotels or tour operators. This means we can offer a range of hospitality, business, sports & leisure experiences which all include accommodation, food, work permits (where required) and salary.

What type of work can I do?
Hospitality, Sports and Leisure and Business roles available.

How much will it cost?
£195 registration fee (paid after offering you a place)
Placement fee - depends on destination.

Get in contact to find out more!


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