
Temple University Study Abroad

Why choose Temple University Study Abroad?

Temple University welcomes students to come participate in a study abroad program! Temple assists students with scholarships and preparation of their program abroad, including application procedures, obtaining visas, and securing accommodations. In addition, Temple also holds information sessions and pre-departure orientations to help prepare students for their travels. Temple is a supporter of the benefits that students obtain through studying abroad. So don't hesitate! Take a look at some great options below, or consult the Temple University website for all of the details!


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Yes, I recommend this program

Learning to Love Rome

As an Italian and Art History double major at Temple University, it was a no-brainer I would go to Italy for a study abroad program. However, the first time I had visited Rome, I found it dirty, full of tourists, and overwhelming. After spending a semester abroad in the eternal city, I actually really fell in love. It's a wonderful place with so many secret lovely spaces to explore and enjoy. It's easy to escape the tourists since the city is so big. The people there are Roman; proud and loving. As an Italian and Art History major, my classes were interesting, yet since so many students at the time were not Italian majors, there were not that many challenging classes that had us dive deeper into the Italian of the program. The art history professors are spectacular and so are the Italian teachers - it is just a shame they can't teach more difficult classes. I definitely suggest that you take one of the art classes on campus even if you are not a studio major. It was a fun way to see the city and work on something interesting. The campus is only one building but it's in a very convenient location in the center of the city, making it easy to get around.

After studying abroad, I ended up moving back to Italy to teach English for a year. I also am very advanced in my Italian and it's something that helps me in preparing for jobs.

Definitely learn some Italian before your program! It'll help not only with your understanding, but people there take it as a sign of respect. Reach out to the staff to help you plan weekend trips if you want to get away, and just enjoy the leisurely time in Rome.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Fun Way to Spend a Summer

I worked as an intern with the Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies at Temple University. The program matches you with one of their professors based on your interests, and you have the chance to work with them on their projects over the summer. That means the nature of the internship will depend on which professor you are matched to, and the availability of the professors that summer.

The program provides housing, but the internship itself is unpaid. The housing was in central Tokyo, which was good for getting around.

In terms of support, the office was incredibly friendly! The coordinator did her best to help us out, going as far as to go with the interns to get cell phones when we had trouble getting them on our own. There were also many chances to attend talks with interesting speakers, and other networking opportunities in the area.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Useful tips

Don't live in the housing. Instead find your own apartment. Take the European Politics class as well as any other classes which provide a weekend getaway as part of the class description. Definitely take Italian, as even if you took it in college it's helpful to have an Italian teacher on hand.


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