Do I need to be Jewish to apply?

Posted by Daniela Ramirez 6 years 9 months ago


No! You don't have to be Jewish to apply for any volunteering project with GoEco in Israel :)

No, you don't have to be Jewish to apply. I spent a wonderful month in
Jerusalem and I have no faith at all. And I was invited to dine on
Shabath, I was invited (and indeed I went to) to a synagogue, I felt
really welcome all over. It was a endearing welcome. I loved it.

Of course, 'once in Rome, do as Romans do.' So everything that's related
to others' faith I respect. Other than that, Jerusalem is magic, there
are people from all over.

One note, though. Although it's said that everybody speaks English, it's
not exactly so. Away from touristic routes, one might find some
difficulty. But there is no communication problem at all because of
language. Bus drivers are nice and they don't speak English, for
instance. And grocery attendants (not in old Jerusalem) are nice, too.

It's fantastic and I really encourage everyone to go.

I can confirm that one does not need to be Jewish to apply!