Seville Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Semester Ever!

I studied in high school with Seville Abroad and truly had one of the greatest experiences of my life. Pepa, Chelo and Nicole are the kindest people and created the most welcoming place in a new environment. They were helpful and accommodating and made me feel very safe. Going to school was hard at first but became easier and eventually was fun. I made lifelong friends that I am already planning to go visit and I miss Seville so much! The excursions were a highlight and my host family was amazing! I can’t recommend this program enough!!

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Florencia Belen
Yes, I recommend this program

I learned so much about myself and had the best experience

Being part of Sevilla abroad you create long-lasting memories that you'll look back on forever. While there I discovered so much about myself and who I want to be. Like all experiences, I faced challenges, one being moving host families. This was a very hard time for me but having Pepa and Chelo there supporting me every step of the way was extremely helpful. During my time there I created long-lasting friendships with both Spaniards and the other study-abroad students. Before choosing Seville Abroad I did my research on all other study abroad programs but decided on this program because of how small it was. Pepa and Chelo make sure to know you well and support you. I couldn't have made a better decision. The relationships you make with the people there and Chelo and Pepa will be relationships that last forever.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If there is any advice I can give it is to be social. Talk to the kids in your classes and ask them what is going on that weekend, get to know them, and make as many friends as you can. Also, talk to the other kids in the program because they can give you advice about anything you need.
  • Build life long relationships
  • Traveling with the group and alone
  • Fully immerse in the Spanish culture
  • Depending on what school you go to it may not me easy
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Yes, I recommend this program

A year in Sevilla

My daughter spent a gap year in Sevilla during which she attended a public high school. Seville Abroad provided her with the opportunity to live abroad and experience a new culture with the security of having support nearby if she needed it. Her goal was to improve her Spanish and learn about a new culture. She did both of these and more. Sevilla Abroad offers tutoring, in country and out of country excursions, and opportunities to partake in local celebrations. The first two months were the hardest as she worked to improve her Spanish skills and make friends. She ended the year more confident, outgoing, with excellent Spanish skills and close friendships with Spanish and American friends. The decision to go abroad changed her life for the better and gave her experiences and new perspectives she would not have had without this opportunity. Given the option to do it again, we would most definitely do it all again.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Trimester Abroad in Spain

I had an unforgettable and amazing experience living and studying in Spain for my first trimester of my junior year of high school. Even though my level of Spanish was not high when I arrived in Spain, I was able to learn from the classes within my program and through my amazing host family. I feel that I was matched up to them and fit into their family very well. It was also very helpful at first because my host sister knew a lot of English and I was able to learn Spanish from her easily. I left with much more vocabulary and ability to understand the language than what I arrived with! In addition, I experienced personal growth in independence and maturity.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I tried ox tail in Cordoba, which I was unsure about at first, but it was delicious. Also, when our program took an excursion to pros, I tried escargot! The sauce was the most tasty part but the texture was interesting!
  • The learning of a new language.
  • Meeting lifelong friends who live all throughout America
  • Opening your eyes to different cultures and the diverse world.
  • The school system in Spain was difficult to get transcripts and records from.
  • It was difficult to choose classes and personalize a school schedule.
  • The restriction of curfew of midnight was difficult to abide by with the typical life in Spain.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Seville Abroad Summer Program 2023

I participated in the Seville Abroad Summer Program in the summer of 2023. This was my first time ever traveling abroad by myself. I really loved the Seville Abroad program and would highly recommend it. The program offered a well balanced mix of host family time, Spanish language classroom study, and fun travel excursions. I really enjoyed the opportunity to live with a local Spanish family and to experience all of travel in southern Spain. The staff at Seville Abroad were fantastic. I felt supported throughout my experience and they always took the time to check in with me to make sure that all of my needs were being met. Based on my positive experience, I am now looking to apply to Seville Abroad again and to participate in their High School Abroad program.

  • Spanish language study and immersion
  • Cultural experience living with local host family
  • Supportive Seville Abroad staff and opportunities to travel in southern Spain
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Yes, I recommend this program

Seville Abroad Review

Prior to this summer, I was skeptical about travelling abroad for an entire month away from everyone I knew. I was persuaded by my mother to join the abroad program. I was keen to practice and learn more Spanish and hopefully make new friends. When I first arrived at the airport and met with all the kids from the program I could tell that the different backgrounds and traditions were unique but I figured we would all get along pretty well. Not many kids get this opportunity and the fact that almost all of us were pretty outgoing only contributed to the experience. Throughout the month I learned more about Spanish culture, the lives of my new friends, and what it was like to live in different parts of the United States. I made great memories and saw the beauty of another country firsthand. I made strong relationships with some of the other kids in the program who I plan on meeting up with in the future. All in all, it was a pretty ideal experience that helped me not only academically but also develop more as a person. It provided me with a new outlook on life and independence that I couldn't have found anywhere at home. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and would highly recommend it.

  • Meet new people and make new friends
  • Experience the culture of a different country
  • Explore historical sights
  • Language barrier
  • Lack of rigid structure
  • Presence of harmful temptations with the high amounts of independence
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Yes, I recommend this program

Seville Abroad

Our 17 year old son just participated in Seville Abroad's Summer Program, and we do not have enough words to describe how grateful we are for the wonderful, educational and safe experience he had in his first time away from home. Seville Abroad is a top notch language and cultural immersion program and it has our highest recommendations. The staff is professional, responsive, organized and above all caring with their students. We are beyond impressed with this group. Seville Abroad exeeded our expectations in every possible way. Their professionalism and organization was palpable from the very beginning. Our initial contact with them eased any fear we had to let our son go so far away. We were especially impressed by the personalized care they gave my son in our absence. Our son loved this life changing experience, forged a beautiful friendship with his host family, and fellow students and looks forward to returning. We are definitely going through Seville Abroad when we send our second son to Spain in two years. We love everything about Seville Abroad, and its staff!

  • Organized and professional staff
  • Caring and attentive to the needs of the students
  • Safe and strong communication
  • Nothing
  • Nothing
  • Nothing
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Experience!

My daughter spent the 2020-2021 school year in the Seville Abroad program. She really matured as a person in so many ways. Her Spanish improved immensely. She learned how to be independent in a safe environment. The staff of Seville Abroad was always available when we needed them. My daughter was also fortunate to be placed with a wonderful caring host family. They treated her with respect and kindness. I would highly recommend this program to students who want to see the world from a different point of view.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
This is for the parents: If your child will be spending their 12th grade year abroad, it might be best for them to try to finish the high school graduation requirements at their home school before entering the program to alleviate any confusion when applying for colleges afterwards.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great program!!

I was in Seville for the 2020/2021 school year. I had an amazing experience. All the support staff were generous with their time, and were there when I needed them. I am especially grateful for my host family, who made me feel at home in another country. Despite the covid restrictions, we were lucky enough to go on various trips throughout the spring and summer. I felt that I grew so much in my year with Seville abroad, and I would not trade that experience for anything. I would highly recommend this program.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
-Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.
-Taking yourself out of your comfort zone may be difficult, but it will help you grow.
-Use your Spanish as much as possible.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing experience for a teenager

It is with great pleasure that I write this review about Seville Abroad. Our son spent his junior year with this program and it was an amazing experience for him. He matured, he learned so much about his host family, the local culture, and was given a great deal of room to figure it out on his terms. His host family and the program director always had a watchful eye on him, but let him learn his own way. He gained confidence, created a social circle, had a great deal of fun and really got a jump start of his spanish. He returned a happy and more confident teen. The program supports the students, the families and the communication was terrific. I high recommend this program. Seville is a beautiful city and the people are warm and welcoming. Its safe and allows for freedoms for teens on thier own.