Evolve Abroad

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

A fulfilling and supportive experience!

While I was initially reluctant to complete a virtual internship experience, I am glad that I chose to do so via Evolve Abroad. From the start my mentor, Shayle, was incredibly supportive and it was an overall amazing experience.

As a global communications student with an interest in international development, Evolve Abroad’s “Era of Sustainable Development” program was a brilliant combination of learning about the challenges of sustainable development via coursework and working with an organization on the frontlines of sustainable development projects. Prior to the program you work with Evolve Abroad to determine your interests and goals regarding your internship and career and they place you with one of their partner organizations to complete work directly related to gaining experience and knowledge in your field and area of interests. They reviewed my internship placement match with me as soon as it was made to double check if it was what I was looking for, which was incredibly reassuring. Shayle and Natalie frequently checked back over the course of my internship to make sure I was getting on alright with my work and if I needed assistance. They also analyze your strengths and weaknesses at the start of the program and work with you on overcoming those weaknesses as part of your career development throughout the program. For instance, I worked to develop my network and networking skills with Shayle.

I interned with Action Change and while there was certainly a challenge to adapt to the virtual workspace, I was well supported by Evolve Abroad’s team and my coworkers at Action Change. The work you do is incredibly fulfilling, especially the more you learn via the online course in sustainable development with your intern cohorts. I learned a lot and ultimately feel as if I accomplished far more than I set out to do.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
An online internship may seem like it isn't worth it, but I guarantee you it is. You learn a lot and you should definitely take advantage of everything you learn and the connections you make with your cohort. Go to every cohort meeting if you can. The discussions are eye-opening; you get to see your coursework and internship work through the different perspectives of your cohort. Also, take advantage of the fantastic support provided by Evolve Abroad. Natalie and Shayle are always willing to help.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Online Turtle Data Research

I was able to work with the Two Oceans Aquarium and their turtle rehabilitation division. I was able to analyze the data they had collected over the years to help them better find, feed, and heal sea turtles. I was also able to attend their online classes about marine life and conservation. I also helped with graphic design to create some informative posters about sea turtles. I would also connect with the other students who had various other fields of study a few times a week to hang out online and play trivia games with. All the people I interacted with were so kind and friendly. I felt so welcome and valued. I was also enrolled in an online course about environmental sustainability. This was an amazing class where I learned so much about the world, people, and resources. Sadly, I was not able to go to South Africa due to COVID, but I would have had an amazing and safe accommodation just minutes from the beach. Evolve Abroad is an awesome program that truly wants to help people make connections, develop skills, and have fun.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Buy travel insurance. I wasn't able to go to South Africa because of COVID, but I'm glad I got insurance on my plane ticket. You never know what'll happen, and the insurance was sure nice to have in this case!
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Yes, I recommend this program

My own Experience in Evolve´s Abroad SDGs course

I think Evolve Abroad is an amazing organization and the course I took was truly life-changing. I had a great time learning with students from Canada, the USA, and South Africa and with my lovely teacher Natalie. The course was something that opened my eyes and made me realize that the clock is ticking. If you are hesitating about taking the course, well don't, there is simply no reason to. Taking the course will mean for you to meet new people and learn so much about the world and its issues. I believe everyone should have an opportunity to know about the SDGs and about everything else that I have learned in the course.

What would you improve about this program?

I think that what I would like to see improved in the program is the follow-up of activities or ways of involving participants after the course. I would have liked us to create something at the end of the course or plan a project together. I feel that we have been already informed and given the necessary knowledge, now we just need a little vision to be more involved.
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My online internship experience

I loved every moment of my online internship, it was a completely invaluable experience and I am so happy I had the opportunity to do it. My mentor and course facilitators were second to none, they provided me with incredible support and insight throughout my entire programme, which is what really made this experience so unique. Another amazing aspect of these internships is being able to connect and talk to people from all over the world, this was really great when it came to discussing our course material and doing our reflections as you get to hear other peoples opinions and how their lives differ to others in different countries.

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Evolve Aboard - Cape Town, South Africa

I had such an amazing time studying with Evolve Abroad in South Africa! The administrators were so encouraging when I expressed interest in getting me involved with schools in a another country. The traveling opportunities were so much fun, and I enjoyed our excursions a lot. The coursework was heavy, but not overwhelming. I was still able to get time to really get out and explore Cape Town and most of the learning occurred when I interacted with the schools faculty. The location of the campus is absolutely gorgeous - a wonderful place that I spent relaxing.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would probably try to go further out of Cape Town and get more experience in there rougher parts of Africa.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Incredibly Unique Experience

What Evolve Abroad has made possible, what I have learned and experienced, the people I have met and the friendships I was able to make in just 3 weeks, I could have never found anywhere else. The Marine Science Research Program allowed me to fully immerse myself into anything related to marine biology and marine conservation by being a program fully individualized based on my interest, experience and willingness to challenge myself. I got a chance to work with many people from many different local NGOs such as Anchor Environmental, Cape RADD or Sea The Bigger Picture, learn from them and take advice from them being it related to free-diving, community work, scientific sampling and evaluation, citizen science or life in general. I got a chance to teach pre-school kids about the ocean and plastic pollution and sampled beaches for microplastic. This program did not just allow me to get a glimpse of the complexity of marine biology and conservation but has allowed me to be part of every single aspect of it. Simultaneously exploring the Cape Peninsula, hiking up Table Mountain, visiting the Penguins of Simons Town or simply drinking Rooibos Tea while watching the sunset, had left me with an unforgettable experience that was way beyond anything I could have imagined.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be open-minded and soak it all in, every smile, every taste, every view and every moment. You won't ever find another experience like it, so you better just try it all and I tell you, you will be rewarded with more than you ever could have expected.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An incredible experience

Travelling to Cape Town to complete this programme with Evolve Abroad was my first internship and my first trip abroad on my own. The founders and staff of Evolve Abroad made me feel nothing but welcomed. They planned an amazing programme according to my field of interest and connected me with relevant mentors with years of priceless experience. Through Evolve Abroad, I got the opportunity to learn from these mentors and the students I had the chance of meeting. I got to experience life in Cape Town for a full month, and not just what you'd get to see and do as a tourist. I thoroughly enjoyed myself at my placements and activities throughout Cape Town that Shayle (co-founder) went above an beyond to research and recommend me to do. Through this experience, I've learnt so much, from the food culture, traditions, politics and the people. I'm not sure if I would've gotten this experience anywhere else.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
I believe that there's so much to learn if you stayed eager and open-minded. South Africa is so rich in its history and the people have you meet have so much to share.
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Yes, I recommend this program


My 6 month internship in Cape Town turned into 2 and half years of life-changing experiences. This program fuelled my passion for social change with a beautiful combination of positive and challenging experiences that taught me invaluable lessons about my resilience and capability. I was able to identify my passion for teaching, and return home to do a teaching degree safe in the knowledge that it was truly what I wanted to do.
Being so far away from friends and family was a real challenge, but the support from the team was beyond what I could have imagined, and I truly felt like I was held and part of a team looking out for each other.
The experience of working in the location was eye opening and heart warming all at the same time. The sense of community is beautiful to behold, and they envelop you in culture and laughter like nowhere else I have ever been.
Treading the fine line between volunteering sustainably and being the ‘saviour’ is something that many volunteer organisations struggle with. I believe that my experience in Cape Town showed me what true sustainable aid and impact can look like.

I am forever grateful for the work this internship enables me to do, both in the community and in myself.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Go with an open mind. If you have already decided on the type of experience you want or are going to have, you are limiting yourself. Be open to change, challenge and experiences you cannot plan for!
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Yes, I recommend this program

My time in Cape Town

I first arrived in Cape Town in 2011, and it forever changed me. I was meant to go to Cape Town for three months, and ended up working there for over two years. These were years which formed me, and I will be forever grateful for that experience.

South Africa has a unique history and culture which makes it intriguing, dynamic and collaborative and gives you a feeling that you do not want to leave. South Africa has its fair share of problems which you will not only learn about during your program, but you will also get the opportunity to contribute to the solution by giving back to a community which is openly excited to work together with you for sustainable impact.

In addition to being years of personal growth and endless days and nights of laughter and joy, doing an internship is essential for your career. It provides you with chance to stand out from the crowd and learn transferrable skills such as cross-cultural skills, flexibility, resourcefulness and social skills, skills which are needed in ALL jobs. During my time, I kept a journal with all the experiences and challenges I faced during my time working in the townships, this later became my key document when applying for jobs as I could always provide clear examples of when I demonstrated and applied the diverse skills.

Remember that you only live once - make the most of it!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
When I first arrived I believed that Cape Town would be scary and that everyone was struggling. That is not the case. Cape Town is filled with talented, outgoing and driven people who wants to change their lives. Little did I know that they would be the once who would change mine.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Jennie Rasmussen

A 12 week volunteer experience, turned into so much more. I fell in love with South Africa as a country and all its beauty, the people and their resilience. I loved meeting volunteers from all over the world with the same motivation to help others. I ended up living and working in South Africa for six years. It became home and was a journey self discovery, cultural understanding and filled with amazing experiences. Unintentionally, I gained far more than I gave.

I learnt what Community really meant. I’ll never forget the first time I visited a South African Township or “Location” as the residents call it. I’m still not sure exactly what I expected, but instantly I felt an overwhelming sense of community. Children playing happily, no electronics in hand, shops on the side of the street opening up for the days business, people making their way to work, the smell of fresh meat being braaied on the streets. Community members that are proud, positive and work with what they have. Creative and resourceful. People work hard, often supporting multiple family members. Conditions are not the best, education isn’t great, and there aren’t the opportunities, but still this sense of pride shines through every day.

Volunteering is a mutual learning experience and every person that you meet is your teacher. There are a lot of organisations out there doing great work, made up of passionate people with a desire to make a difference. It is important to do your own research, to make sure you gain everything you can.

For me, it felt like more a cultural shock moving back to the UK. My travel/volunteer experience helped me to grow as a person, I have a wider understanding of the world and more of an appreciation of the opportunities I have had growing up. I am a parent myself now, and as soon as my daughter is old enough, we will be volunteering again together.