Sichuan Immersion Programs & Internships (SII)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Truly amazing experience! 👌

I have to admit that my internship in China was great! The whole process before my arrival was very clear and fast. Whenever I needed some additional information or documents, the SII agency provided. At first, I was sceptical, as there is a lot of information about internship scams going on in China, but the agency stuff reassured me and answered all of my questions.
Upon my arrival in China, I was greeted and taken care of. I wasn't left alone in a country where I didn't speak the language. My accommodation was however a big shock at the beginning. The condition of the apartment, and especially the bathroom, was not what I was expecting. But this was only one negative aspect of the whole experience. My host company, IObit, gave me a lot of memorable moments. I've learned a lot and I could put into practice my uni knowledge. Though, there was a lot more translation than I expected! The company culture was great, everyone was extremely nice and understanding. Every two months we would have a company dinner or some other activity like one day trip or a music contest. Lots of fun for sure!
Moreover, the girls from SII became more than just someone who helped me get my internship in Chengdu. They became friends with whom we would go for drinks on Friday evenings or go on a trip during national holiday! Always eager to help and give advice.
I truly believe this experience has helped me to open up towards new cultures, not only Chinese. Of course, I came here to gain experience at work, but what I've got is so much more than that!
Chengdu as a city is great. So many cool places to eat, drink, dance, chill and in general spend your free time. I fell in love with the regional dish called Hot Pot which is gonna be the thing I will miss most going back home!
I recommend SII agency for everyone who's looking for an amazing experience in China, both for career and cultural development. My stay in Chengdu was definitely one of the greatest life experiences so far!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
The most nerve-racking thing here was not one moment, but a daily reality. Spitting is definitely the one thing that shocked me the most and even after 5 months spent here, I couldn't possibly get used to it! People spit on the street, in the office, in restaurants... basically everywhere. They spit and they make an awful noise while doing so!
Every time I heard someone spit, my whole body shivers. Unfortunately, there is no way of overcoming this.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Discover a new culture

At the begin of my internship, it was very hard to be comfortable with the chinese culture. Chengdu is a new city for foreigners, and Chinese people are not accustomed to see us. For example, many times people take me in picture without asked me. An onther things is the bareer’s language (most of chinese people don’t speak english), but there is a big foreigner’s community in Chengdu. If you practice a sport, you can find a team in Chengdu (football, basketball, handball, rugby, etc….)

After the culture shock (average 1 month), I had a great time in Chengdu during 5 months, chinese people are very kind and helpful if you take the time to understand them. SII’s staff help me for the VISA, which is the major problem for an internship in China.

My internship was good. The company and my co-worker was nice, even if we had not the same way to work. My internship tought me many thing, and I’m sure to work in a different culture will be a plus for me in the further.

Like I said, after the fist month, my time in China was good. I’ve met a lot of people who are now my friend. I recomand at everybody this kind of experience.

What would you improve about this program?
More activities with all SII's interns
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Yes, I recommend this program

Chengdu Experience

My China experience was great, i didnt know what to expect since it was my first time. But SII internship provided me with the neccesary information as well as housing. The appartment was one that you share with multiple interns but it was a good chance to meet new people. The fact that is was located near work as well as the party area made it a ideal place to live.

The company which they arranged for me was good as well. It gave me the chance to work in international atmosphere and gain pratical knowlodege on how it goes in international firm based in china. I learned a lot during my internship period and have greet contacts all over the world thanks to my stay in china.

In conclusion i can say that my first time in China was a great experience, and i would like to Thank SII for everything they provided and helped me with during my stay.

What would you improve about this program?
More activities with the SII Group and Better information and transparancy regarding visa
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Yes, I recommend this program


I started my Chinese journey in Emei City which is on 150km from Chengdu. I had a Food and Beverage Management internship as Assistant F&B Outlet Manager at Anantara Resort. I was lucky that SII pick me up from the airport and escort me to the E mei mountain. If you don’t speak Chinese you will be lost :D During my internship I had great support from SII if were some problems they will assist you with everything. But most of the time I just had tones of fun. I was traveling around Sichuan province picking up my own tea, taking picture of Panda, tasting new and delicious food.
Now let’s talk a little bit about the program. My main responsibilities were to train the waiting staff how to serve in western way, English classes, how to handle with guest complains. Also, I had the chance to be fully in charge of the pre-opening of the Wine Cellar which teach me a lot about F&B operation. The biggest benefit of the internship is the knowledge which I gain from the Chines culture and from the people who I met. This experience is going to help me to manage multicultural teams in future in my career in hospitality.
Don’t think just go …… China is waiting for you :)
Margarita Baykova

What would you improve about this program?
I suggest to insist the host companies to provide internship schedule of the trainee. I mean to have strict information by weeks in which department you are going to work, what kind of projects the inter will have .
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Yes, I recommend this program

Internship led to full-time position with international company

I studied Chinese in university and had always planned to move to China for work. When the time came to look for opportunities, I was particularly interested in finding something in Chengdu (a city I had visited in 2010 and enjoyed very much). I was excited to find SII, a service that operates largely in Sichuan. There is not much more that I can say about my experience with SII other than how simple it was. I connected with one of their staff, discussed my background and what kinds of opportunities I was looking for, and within a couple weeks was contacted about a position with a Global Fortune 500 company. The process was all so seamless. After a couple rounds of interviews, organized by SII staff, I was offered the position. I was really eager to move, and with SII's services I was in Chengdu for my first day of work in no time. Also to note - traveling to/living in China can be logistically daunting for foreigners: visas, permits, renting apartments, etc. SII is equipped to make your transition living in China as smooth as possible. China is a fascinating country, and Sichuan in particular is a part of the country rich in history and unique culture (and spicy food!). If you have ANY interest in having an immersive experience in China, I encourage you to contact SII.

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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing experince in Chengdu

I had a great time in Chengdu, the internship was very intresting and exciting. I had sometimes problemes with the VISA and other things but SII and my colleges always found a solution. The life in China is quite different, the first two weeks I had I little culture shock, but the Chinese people are very kind and helpful. Through SII I got contact with the others trainees in the city very easy. There are so many highlights that it is difficult to point out one. When you go to China be aware that things are different and take things easier. I met many peoples and make many friends, I was also able to travel a lot which was very cool throughout it was a lifetime experience.

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An amazing experience with amazing people

I had a great stay in Chengdu thanks to the SII's staffs like Lily, Aline and Royi of course. Most of all, i had a blast within my internship, the mission was interesting and my mentor was very thoughtful.

What would you improve about this program?
SII could offer better and cheaper appartment rather than Hakka Homes.
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Yes, I recommend this program

professional and cultural breakthrough

Even though I thought coming to China will be a challenge and I set minimum expectations, it turned up to be one of the best decisions I have made.

The company that SII guided me towards is a fountain of learning and is fun.

Moreover, discovering the Chinese culture, the wonderful people and some breathtaking landscapes left me with only one thing to say. Go to China and you will see the world with different eyes.

What would you improve about this program?
Better website design.

Sharing more stories about the interns.

Facilitate an accommodation program where the
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Yes, I recommend this program

Internship in Chengdu-Law Firm

Hey Everyone!

I did my intern in a law firm at Chengdu, it was a unique experience!

It's a different law system out there in China and epically in Chengdu.

SII team were all the way with me and even took me to a few social events where I met a lot of contacts and friends.

I learn a lot of the Chinese culture as well, had a few calligraphy and kongfu lessons!

And what can I write more about the Sichuan food...

Great experience, highly recommended!
