Work and Travel Company

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Melbourne for the year

Being able to leave all the hard work up to WTC was awesome! They supplied me with everything I would need to start living in Australia. I even did the welcome week which I would say was super worth it. I got to have accommodation set up for me, so I would not have to worry about it as soon as I got there. All of the activities we ended up doing too were all things that I wanted to do, and got to cross them off my list of things to do here. I still get emails for pub crawls were it is great to meet fresh faces and have free drinks! As long as you tell them you want to work they will without a doubt find you a job, and if you do not want to wait they have so many options on there job board. They are so willing to help me with anything!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Have so much more money! My first meal was pizza and beer and cost $35... was not ready for that.
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Yes, I recommend this program

WTC... the best!!!!

I loved WTC as a program through which to work and travel in Australia. I was only 18 and it was my first time living on my own when I first moved to Sydney with WTC, and they made what should have been an extremely difficult transition much easier. Everything was super well-organised & they helped me with so many logistical aspects (a phone, a bank, etc); they had a great first week of super fun activities planned for travellers to enjoy, get to know Sydney, and make new friends; and every staff member is really helpful & friendly!! I'm getting ready to travel the rest of Australia but I wouldn't be able to do it without the help of WTC in regards to booking activities, accomodation, etc, and I certainly wouldn't be able to do it without the money I earned from the job WTC helped me get as well!!! Overall, it is an absolutely fantastic company that has really enriched my time in Sydney and I would recommend it to anyone.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
If I could do this all over again, the main change I would make is to be more open to new people and making friends. Even if it's overwhelming at first it's really beneficial in the end!!!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great support and so many friendly people!

The WTC Team supported me from day one and whenever I needed help I knew I could just ask one of the many friendly people at WTC. They always tried to make my experience abroad the best possible and helped me plan and book exactly the travels I wanted. If you want to work and live abroad, WTC is definitely a good choice if you're looking for support in finding jobs, a place to live and booking your travels.

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No, I don't recommend this program

Good for your first big overseas travel

I wanted to travel with an agency, because it was my first big overseas travel. And for my first travel experience it was nice to have somebody "in your back", but you definitely do not necessarily need it. I found a job through work and travel company a
very quickly, which was nice and comfortable, but a lot of hostels (especially in syndey) offer you something like a job desk or travel desk. Moreover it was nice to have like an australian adress, which you can quote whenever its required. And you can store your luggage as long as you like. But everytime i was in a work and travel office, and i was looking for travel advise, i always felt like they desperately wanted to sell some tour to me (doesnt matter if it was the best or cheapest option for me). I paid for the service of the work and travel company in advance and i felt like they still want to get more profit out of me (while i just wanted an honest advice about my opportunitys, even if thats means i am gonna buy a cheaper tour or whatever). So this was kinda disappointing. All in all i had a great time in australia with work and travel company and i am happy i chose them for my first travel experience, but the next time im gonna travel all on my own (good planning is the point)!

What would you improve about this program?
Stop to push programs (like the farm training program) on people. Its not that hard tp get a farm job, really, people dont need this overprized training stuff. And the surf camp is amazing, i went there too and i liked it too, but every time i was in the syndey office somebody was like "have you been to the surf camp?" - "surfcamp is amazing, have you been there?" etc., that was so annoying, im sorry
Response from Work and Travel Company

Thank you for the review. We're glad you had a great time in Australia, and that we were able to help you find a job quickly.

We offer a travel service to give our members options to book travel and tour packages with a trusted company who offer unbiased advice based on our experience in the travel industry. Most of our customers are undertaking a big trip for the first time and want to know they have a support system to help them. We pride ourselves on providing our customers travel options at all price points, and being able to cater for all types of budgets and experiences. We recommend options (when our customers ask) that will result in the best experience for the customer, and then leave it up to the individual to make the right decision for them.

We're happy you had an overall great time in Australia.

Work and Travel Company

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Yes, I recommend this program


I had a great time in Australia and the staff of Work & Travel Company were also a reason why. They're really nice and helpful. Hollie and Luba at the travel desk were a great help when I was looking for a Job and Mat at the travel desk had some special offers and helped to plan my trip or I just had a talk with him to get some ideas myself. You can also go to the office if you have some questions, need a computer/printer or just fast Wi-Fi. That's really good especially in the first week. Also it's always a place were you meet other nice backpackers and have a little chat. Overall it was a really great experience and I would recommend this program!

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Yes, I recommend this program

It was excellent

We are three guys from Germany and we had a beautiful time here in Melbourne. Josh and Laura from the work and travel company supported us not just while searching jobs and appartements. They also supported us while planing a travel route and with all other questions that we had. I can just recommend the work and travel company. They're all very smart and nice people who do their best to help you having the best time of your life here in Australia.


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Yes, I recommend this program

My start in Melbourne

When I arrived in Melbourne and was starting my work and travel experience there I was actually really sceptic. Melbourne is such a big and diverse city so that one might get the feeling to get lost in it. How am I supposed to find a job here and be able to save up some money? Therefore I was so glad to be supported by the WTC office in Melbourne. Not only did they arrange some casual jobs for me but also helped me to find something on a more long term base. And of course they made it clear and very easy for me to come over whenever I need an advice wether according to working, traveling or living in Australia. With that help and support I was able to start my gap year very optimistic and motivated. Thanks for that!

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Yes, I recommend this program

From Australia with love

I arrived in Sydney in Australia on the 1st of December 2016 ready to start my adventure. With me I had a big backpack. After travelling for almost 2 days I felt relived to have arrived even though I knew I still had to find the hostel. At the hostel I shared a room with 5 other girls. Little did I know that one of them would become one of my best friends here in oz.

After 1 week in the hostel I attended the information meeting at The Work and Travel office. Here I met a girl from the Netherlands and we decided to attend the 1 week Surf Camp tougether. She is also now one of my friends.

The Work and Travel agency has been there for me since day one and I am very grateful for that. Knowing that I could come and talk to them no matter what I needed to talk about. They would e-mail or call me to check up on how I am doing.

They get a lot of jobs through the agency and I was lucky enough to work with the Captain Cook Cruises for the Vivid festival. It was a great experience that will stay with me forever.

After 6 months in Australia my journey have now changed from being a backpacker to wanting to stay here and build my life here.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Ups and down with the best support

I was in Sydney for over then 10 month. i was traveling around cairns, goldcoast, south and west coast and it was beautiful. The travel desk in the office helped me a lot with the panning the trip and it made it really uncomplicated and we was able to enjoy the hole time from our holiday! I had a great trip and saw amazing things.
I was living the hole time in sydeny and I often needed a job. Especially at the beginning, because my English was not really good. The girls done really the best to help me and found me mutiple jobs witch was just fun and good money! Over work and travel I got jobs at a bar in Lunapark, on a party boat, in different wear houses and much more! They also support you with essential tips and tricks for work or just for the life general speaking. Especially Aimee helped me a lot with my life there, because of family problems back at my home country, she was just like a big sister to me. I needed someone to help me from some situation were you normaly just want to be at home. But work and travel make u feel they are there for you in every situation, it's not just a community - it's a big family! They are doing so much more for you then they have to do. Thanks a lot for the great support and for so much fun - I will never forget this amazing time and you guys!

What would you improve about this program?
The office gives you a lot of opputiunity. You can make friends and find work together at the desk. Or you can start planning your journey and the friendly stuff is always helpful with news, tips and discounts. They help you from the start till the end and with everything between as well
Yes, I recommend this program

Safe and Easy Program

When I graduated college in 2012 I knew I wanted to travel, but committed to teaching for three years first. As my three years of teaching came to an end I began looking for programs that were trustworthy and helpful. This program is exactly that. I first emailed the company and found a quick response. Then, was able to Skype and ask further questions, while getting to interact face to face, which put me a little more at easy. After deciding to move forward with this program, the whole process was extremely easy and very exciting. Within two months of my first contact, I was leaving for Australia with a job and a place to live. The transition was so easy, they really helped me get everything set up the first week I was here and provided me with opportunities to meet new people.

The family that I have been placed with has been absolutely wonderful! There was no surprises when I came here, everything was exactly what the program said it would be and what the host family said it would be. I wouldn't change anything about this experience.

I highly recommend this program.

Follow my Australian adventures at #2AppsDownUnder