I didn't want to leave!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Volunteering through ILCS was everything I hoped it would be but completely different to anything I had imagined! I was a little apprehensive about teaching adults but they were the most incredible, motivated and amazing group of people I could have wished for. Lessons were filled with laughter, learning and exchanges of culture. The commitment and determination of the students saw them learn quickly which made it easy for us volunteers to feel like we were making a difference.
And the program wasn't just about the placement. I was blessed with a super star host family that despite some language barriers treated me like I was one of their own. They cooked incredible meals that they made sure I ate plenty of! I know it sounds cliche, but we formed a bond that has lasted beyond my visit and I hope will last forever.
Lastly, the social structure was a lot of fun. Samad, our wonderful field co-ordinator made sure all the volunteers met up weekly which was a great way to make friends and swap stories.
4 weeks wasn't nearly long enough and I'm already plotting my return :)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed