Grow to the better you while doing something important

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I know there are special programs and studies for personal development. But nothing can compare with experience personal development- that is true knowledge. This is what happens to you when you join a program at RVA. You learn so much about the world, the earth and what we are doing with it. We really are parasites on Mother earth in today's society. You learn a lot of things that makes you sad and angry, but you also learn that there is hope! There is a way, and you are going that way in this program where you are actually out in the communities making actions on what you believe in! You also learn how to teach others in a simple way so that they also can start doing something to save our world.

You live like you learn, along with your morals and in a nature that you thought only existed in books with photshoped pics. All people who comes to RVA are good hearted people, so prepare to make lifelong new friendships along with the challenges that comes with working in a team.

There is no way you are the same person when you first enter Richmond Vale Academy as when you leave.
You are the better you.

Do it for the world. Do it for you!!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed