A Wonderful Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Through the Atlantis Project, I was able to explore Spain and get to know its rich culture. I spent four weeks in Guadalajara, Spain and two in Albacete, Spain through the Atlantis Project. During my time there, I saw surgeries on people injured from bull runs and the doctor-patient interactions. By going to Spain through the Atlantis Project, I was able to shadow doctors from a variety of different fields and explore what the daily life of a surgeon or doctor in Spain.

The Atlantis Project gave me the ability to see and explore. From being a part of the Atlantis Project, as cliché'd as it sounds, it expanded my worldview and helped me grow in more ways that I could have ever imagined. I learned what it's like to be in a culture different from your own and the ins and outs of Spanish culture. I'm thoroughly grateful that I did the Atlantis Project.

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Year Completed